Top 10 Best Songs for a Fight
Fight songs that are perfect for an adrenaline rush! You know, this list could be considered the best for inspiration or workout songs.
Bad Blood 2003 song. It's a blood-pumping song. Outstanding, awesome fight song. Everyone likes and loves it.
Absolutely epic fight song. 10/10, beats everyone out without question. You can take on anyone with this song.
Best song, gets the blood flowing and ready to fight or workout!

This song has a nice feeling of hatred and really pumps you up. Each time the chorus kicks in, it's like you're pumped and ready to kick some ass and tear someone's ligaments apart. It could also work perfectly with fight scenes.
I'd enter a ring to this song. It's like a kick to your teeth and then a laugh. Make Marines listen to this before a patrol. The job will get done, and then see what else happens.
This song is literally one giant kick-ass compilation of "let's mess up the other guy." Why this isn't in first place is beyond me.

Cut the intro, and it's great fight music. Fight music would've been a better selection than any of the top three.
It fits so many critical moments in life. We have struggle in the present if we are going to win!
If this song doesn't make you go ape, there's something wrong with you.

Breaking Benjamin haters need to shut up! Listen to this song to see why.
This is one of my favorite songs!
Great song! I can really picture an epic battle to it. Laugh out loud.

True emotion showed in this song! Brings me back to Anderson Silva's UFC days.

Let's start a riot - this song brings the dark side of me to the surface.
Love it. It's great going against an army.

Not only does the title say it all, but it will make you want to punch random strangers.

What can I say? Let the bodies hit the floor.
I'm beating people for no reason whenever I hear this song! It will make you a war freak.
The Newcomers

Get yourself angry enough to see red, then go beat the tar out of somebody.

This song just gets me into a violent mood.

Best song ever! This would definitely get your blood pumped before a fight.
Amazing, fully adrenaline pumping. I love this song!
I'm taking back control with my white knuckles!

What! This song is number 1! This song breaks every other song on this list!
You know this song started violence at one of Limp Bizkit's live performances. Awesome song with awesome vocals, lyrics, guitars, drums, bass, and all. L.B. forever!