Top 10 Best Hall & Oates Songs

Daryl Hall sketched out the basic song one evening at a music studio in New York City in 1981, after a recording session for the Private Eyes album. Hall started the Rock 1 setting on a Roland CompuRhythm then began playing a bass line on a Korg organ. Sound engineer Neil Kernon recorded the result. Hall then came up with a guitar riff, which he and Oates worked on together. The next day, Hall, Oates, and Sara Allen worked on the lyrics.
Warden Lock called this song the best of all time. It's relaxing!
The best song I ever heard. I would love to listen to it over again!

How is this song not at the top of all these listings?

In a 1985 interview with the New York City Tribune, John Oates, who came up with the original idea for the song and wrote the chorus, explained the importance of the line in the song, "We're soul alone and soul really matters to me": "'Don't lose your soul' is one of our central themes. Soul matters. Roots matter. They're the source of your power, your core, the energy that sets you apart from the molecules in the wallpaper."
This was the last of Hall & Oates' six American #1s. It remained at the top for two weeks (#48 in the UK). The rising sound at the beginning of the Big Bam Boom album is a metal gong struck with a hammer then played back in reverse with a keyboard sound layered under it.

With pure, fast instrumental options, this song has everything to become the number one song on the list.
Should be in the top five. If you have never heard this song, then listen to it!

Are you serious? Private Eyes, Say It Isn't So, and especially She's Gone above this one?
No offense, but this song beats those three tracks so easily. This song needs to be numbered number three at least.
Daryl Hall's vocals in this song are so great. This song is also very catchy, but all of their songs are.
This song has the perfect lyrics to describe any Hall & Oates song.

This is the best Hall & Oates song of all time in my opinion. It has everything: great lyrics, a rare story, a catchy bass, good vocals, and yes, it is iconic.
My third favorite H&O hit. A great pop song!
Maybe my favorite Hall and Oates song!

This is Hall and Oates' best song. As great as their other songs were, including six number one hits, this song is so amazing. It instantly makes you happy and want to sing it loud. It is so timeless you can't believe it's not a remake of some great old standard. It is Daryl's finest vocal performance, and that is saying a lot given his unbelievable talent.
This song makes me so happy. It's just so upbeat! The only one that might be even happier is Did It in a Minute, but this one is a much better song.
Great song by Daryl Hall. It sounds pretty passionate. Definitely one of the most memorable vocals in rock music.

One of the best tracks ever. You Make My Dreams and this one are the most iconic Daryl & John tracks they had in their favorite time!
Oh my god! This is the most classic song from the '80s! I fell in love with this song the first time I heard it! I listen to heavy metal all the time, but I love this song forever.
Even I Can't Go for That isn't as great as Maneater. This song is number one for real.

Should be No. 1... and by a wide margin.

This is the one that put Hall and Oates on the map. A great funk rant against the uppity girl relying on Daddy's cash.
Not even a rock song, but still a cool one from Daryl Hall and John Oates at their live performances!
Rich Girl has to be one of their catchiest songs ever.
The Newcomers

Better than at least the whole top 15 songs. It should be included in the top 10. It is a great song.
I honestly think every John Oates lead song gets overlooked. They deserve more love.
Great memorable video, and the song is great in general too.

This is one of their clearest best.

Amazing song. So upbeat and catchy!
Underrated classic. Such a groove.

"Adult Education" is in a virtual tie with "Out of Touch" for my favorite single.
Fourteenth is a joke. They have quite a few good songs, but this one should rank higher.

What a tune! It's one of the most memorable Hall & Oates songs to me.
Awesome song, very underrated.

How is this song not in the top place? It takes much more effort than I Can't Go for That.