Best Jimmy Eat World Songs
This song has helped out so many people with their own problems. It's catchy, the vocals are amazing, the guitar and solo are epic, and it's upbeat and will surely leave you listening for the entire song. One of the greatest pop-punk songs of all time.
There was a time in the early part of the 2000s (2001) where so many good rock songs came out. And this song is one of them.
The most amazing song I've ever heard from them and the first song I heard from this group. Amazing.
The first time I heard this song, I made peace with guaranteed eventual death. It's not just the best Jimmy Eat World song. It's the most beautiful song of all time. There are others that are more fun, more catchy, more danceable, more experimental, but there are none this perfect in an indescribable way. This song can teach anyone to reflect on their life. Not many others can do that!
The Middle gets far too much credit as it is the band's most popular work. 23 is the finest song that Jimmy Eat World has created in all aspects. The songwriting is utter perfection, and it is executed beautifully. There are very few songs in this world that are this caliber of song. Vote for it!
Brilliant song and even better album. One of the only albums I can listen to all the way through without skipping a track.
This song is what got me into Jimmy Eat World. If only all of their songs were like this.
I dare you to listen to this song without electricity in your veins.
This beats The Middle! Pain always gets me in a good mood just because it is so upbeat. Not to mention the cool second verse. It takes my pain away!
This song hooks anyone up. It rocks and takes my pain away!
The best hard rock ever, man! Also, this song in Smallville boils my nerves!
I don't listen to Jimmy Eat World much anymore, but this song still plays in my head every now and then. One of the most memorable songs of my childhood too.
Awesome song, very different from their usual songs, and just great drums, guitar, and lush vocals!
Not the first Jimmy Eat World song I heard, but it is definitely the best!
Great melody and awesome lyrics. For me, "You kill me, you build me up but just to watch me break" is one of the best song lines I've ever heard. In my opinion, their best song!
Easily my favorite song of all time, let alone JEW song. Lyrically and melodically phenomenal.
One of their first songs I ever heard, and I have to admit: I fell in love with their music.
A seemingly simple song packing a fitting sentiment about the power of music. An all-time favorite. Seeing JEW play it at a festival, squeezed right up the front, sun setting peach and purple, looking up at the sky shouting I wanna always feel like part of this was mine was one of the most perfect moments of my life. Still gives me chills. Praise chorus indeed!
The first song I ever listened to by them. Absolutely amazing, and the best song I've heard by them. Sweetness comes in a close second, but this song really is just absolutely fantastic. 10 out of 10 recommend.
A beautiful, beautiful song. Really touches my heart every time I hear it. Jimmy Eat World has sung such an emotional and breathtaking song. I am very young, but I am very fortunate I got to hear it.
Hear You Me is far better than any other song by Jimmy Eat World. No other song they made can hold a candle to this one. Perhaps one of the most beautiful songs ever created.
Amazing song. I first heard it in the movie "The Butterfly Effect" and was instantly addicted to it. If you haven't heard it yet, then go and listen!
This is a very, very nice song. I really love it! These guys really rock. They are one of the best emo bands in the world. And for me, this song proves it.
This and "Kill" are two of the most well-formed pop songs I've ever heard, and they're back-to-back on the album. Talk about a double-header.
I think it's about a workplace.
Get It Faster is my favorite song by the band. However, I'm a little sad that nothing from Clarity made the top ten.
The Newcomers
Amazing new Jimmy Eat World single.
Beautiful song from the deluxe edition of Bleed American. It rocks just as heavily as some of the singles from Bleed American, but it also adds a touch more heartbreak and beauty. The bells help make this song almost as perfect as some of your other favorite songs.
This is such an underrated song. It's got so much energy and emotion.
Easily their best song along with Bleed American. The lyrics of this song are about sex.
The raw energy of this song makes it the third in a row for perfect energetic openers of a JEW album (after Bleed American and Futures).
Amazing song, good sound by the band, and amazing vocals. Jimmy Eat World never fail to impress.
"For Me This is Heaven" sets Jimmy Eat World's most common tone throughout their entire existence since the '99 Clarity album. Lyrically, the band is immaculate, with this song serving as a prime and pioneering example with lines like "The first star I see may not be a star" (see "Konstantine" by Something Corporate), and "Do you still feel the butterflies? Can you still hear the last goodbyes?"
This song should definitely be at least in the top ten! It's such an amazing song. "I feel that when I'm old, I'll look at you and know: The world was beautiful." Please listen to this song. You won't regret it, I swear!
One of their beautiful ones. It deserves to be at least in the top ten. It has that magic sound that envelops other Futures' themes like Kill or 23. Trust me, Polaris deserves your time for those almost five minutes that it lasts.
Amazing song, but it's even more amazing how it isn't in the countdown.
I for sure thought this would be first on the list. This song was the second song I heard by Jimmy Eat World, the first being The Middle. This is the one that got me into the band! It's absolutely incredible.
Great song. Their first song that I heard, and I fell in love as soon as I heard it. And it's one of their best too. I think it deserves to be in the top three.
The layers of sound in the song are so amazing. The depressing tone of the song makes it reminiscent of Static Prevails, almost even sounding like something Trent Reznor produced.
Unfortunately, this song never got the attention or recognition it deserved. Dark, deeply melodic, haunting, and epic, this song should easily be in the top ten.
How is this not in the top five? The music is great, the chorus is great, and of course, the lyrics are the best part.
The only option from Clarity on this list! That's truly shameful. Jimmy Eat World's best album and easily one of the most inspirational albums of all time!
How is this so low? This is a top 5 song for sure!
This should be top 2, between it and 23.
This may be my favorite song of all time. It may be lesser known, but it is incredible and deserves a listen from everyone!
This should be in the top ten. Very catchy and one of the best songs by them. I listen to it 24/7.