Best Songs On Maroon 5's Songs About Jane
This was the song that made me a fan of Maroon 5, and I've loved them ever since.
This is just real, great music from a fantastic pop/rock band.
Very beautiful lyrics, and Adam Levine has a great voice.
This was the first Maroon 5 song I ever liked, and it still holds up today. In a way, this song pioneered their modern sound.
Such a beloved classic. One of my favorite songs as well. I'm also listening to it at this moment!
It is an absolutely amazing song. Love Adam's voice.
A good song and deserves to be in the top 5.
Best song on Songs About Jane to me.
Just a perfect rock song.
This should be ranked higher than Harder to Breathe, but I still enjoy that song. I also listen to Sunday Morning every Sunday morning.
Great song! It always makes me feel better listening to Adam Levine's amazing voice.
It makes everything feel better.
By far the most heartfelt song of the bunch. Must Get Out is deep in both lyrics and melody.
Most heartfelt Maroon 5 song of all time!
Pretty good song with a catchy melody.
As Adam said, "This is an I-Still-Love-You song." My all-time favorite.
Even Daisy Ridley loves this song.
This is one of their best songs.
One of their most uniquely distinctive songs! I love the atmosphere this song creates.
The lyrics to this song were overlooked.
This song is so good.
This song doesn't deserve to be number 11! It is a great song.
I love this song! But... 3 minutes is not enough.
The Newcomers
This should be in the top 5.
Listen to this and tell me it doesn't stand out from the pack.