Greatest Blue Oyster Cult Songs

Simply the best song by BOC. Combine the haunting lyrics, which tell us not to fear death, with the beautiful music produced by one of the best bands of the '70s, and this song is the result: a masterpiece.
I actually really like this song. The one real suggestion I guess I would have to the band to improve the song is that it could probably use a little more cowbell.
Insane and packed with meaning. What more could one ask for? The greatest songs are those that cause a person to stop and think... and this song is one of the greatest.

Number One! At least five Secret Treaties songs should be in the top 15! If I was banned for life to a deserted island and could only pick one album, it would be Secret Treaties!
For you later BOC fans who grew up with Reaper, Godzilla, Burnin', etc., all great songs and albums too, get the Secret Treaties remastered version and listen to the original eight songs in order three times. First at regular volume, second at medium-high volume, and third time crank it up! I guarantee you WILL BE HOOKED! Thanks!
P.S. My first BOC concert: Feb. 1973. My most recent (never my last!): June 2015! 68 total!

This song makes me happy. I just don't know why. This song is very catchy, with awesome vocals and great guitar and drum work.
This song has to be considered one of the group's best. It rocks! Musically and lyrically. And it's one of the songs from Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock. I just wonder why this type of music can't be made today.
Sick guitar solos throughout! But that ending is just phenomenal! I am guaranteed to break the speed limit if I am listening to this song. And my rock goes all the way to 11 with this song!
Still, much respect to Don't Fear The Reaper!

Blue Oyster Cult is awesome to me because they sound slightly like The Beatles and are extremely catchy.
Top 3:
1. Godzilla
2. Burnin' for You
3. (Don't Fear) the Reaper
Blue Oyster Cult = myth
Godzilla = myth
It's simply obvious that this song would be such a masterpiece!
Blue Oyster Cult rocks! Nothing more to say.
My first Blue Oyster Cult song, and this also introduced me to Godzilla when I was about 5 years old.

Haunting... so good! Buck's vocals are so smooth and his guitar work is second to none. One of the best tunes off Spectres.
I love this song. Melodic and haunting guitar hooks are so good.

This is the epitome of BOC. Amazing musicianship, creepy vibe, erudite lyrics involving alchemy and transformation. Great vocals, amazing synth lead, and piano work.
Buck is amazing on guitar, but what differentiates BOC from other hard rock bands is the role of the keyboards, particularly Allen Lanier's piano and organ work. This is a great song that leads right into Astronomy.
It's so hard to pick any one song to be a favorite, but if I had to at this point in time, Flaming Telepaths would be it.

So heavy for its time, timeless riffing, and the drums fit perfectly along with Albert Bouchard's vocals. Huge live staple and the musicianship is flawless.
Agreed, this was pretty much America's first native heavy metal song. Never get tired of this one! Crank it up!
Is there a more well-known guitar lick? I can sing it word for word, and that is a rarity.

This song is like wings that will make you fly higher than clouds so you can look down at all the human race and feel something special. More than psychedelic. A perfect song. Maybe this should be in the top three? Or maybe that's just me...
Oh, please don't let these shakes go on...
Amazing song. The live version found on the Extraterrestrial Live album is absolutely superb. The middle section is something to behold in awe.
I listened to this song so much last summer. I wouldn't say it's better than Reaper, but it really deserves to be in the top five at least.

This song is wonderful. Based on the Elric saga, a classic series of books.
Should be in the top 10 list. Best song. Love the variations.
In my opinion, Black Blade belongs in the top 10. But then, all songs are based on someone's likes, so even if you don't think so, it does not make it so. A number one to some could be a 50 to another. Thank you.

Great song - and they DO play it live now (I personally saw them perform it in Ohio early '14, and most recent YouTube clips of them live have this. Thank God)! Already have my tickets to see them in Atlanta on Oct 4th - gotta play it BOC!
Also, please play ETI (Extraterrestrial Intelligence)! Thanks!
Buck says this song is based on a true story. Maybe this is what makes this ballad so enthralling. Just wish it was a longer story. But as long as Buck extends it with his amazing guitar work, I'm okay. Best of underrated BOC!
I remember when they played this song at a concert in the late 70s in Jacksonville, FL. I want to say in '78. Great song. I can't understand why it never got much air time.
The Newcomers

This song just doesn't deserve to be overshadowed by other BÖC hits. It's enthralling and chilling to the core.
From the underrated Heaven Forbid. A truly amazing piece of work!

Another underrated song. The lyrics are so amazing.
Song's amazing. Really, really good song.
Excellent song so often overlooked.
Almost unknown late offering. It's from the underappreciated Heaven Forbid album, which just rocks - probably their heaviest album ever! Harvest Moon harkens back to that Reaper feel - an awesome Buck offering. If this song was released in the late '70s, it would have been a huge hit!
Awesome. Right up there with Burnin' For You and Don't Fear The Reaper. Underrated.
Can't put my finger on it, but this song has the it factor.

If you like hard rock and great guitar riffs and kickass bass lines, this is a must-hear. One of my all-time favorite rock songs.

It's jazzy and rocks to the top. It's their best in my opinion. Love this song.
I want BOC to open a show with this. I think it is that good. One of their boogie rock songs.

Epic song. "No no no, no no noo," amazing singing quality. Blue Oyster Cult is honestly the best band that gave pure American psychedelic rock.
"Joan Crawford has risen from the grave." Epic lyrics and the smoothness make this song really special.

The original version of this song (which can be found on YouTube) isn't on any of the original albums, but is a bonus track on the CD of Agents of Fortune. It is so much better than the more well-known version. It is really dark, and he sounds sick and crazy.
Heard this song in Supernatural Season 01 Episode 17 - Hell House. This is an awesome song.
Best of B.O.C. I have no idea why it is behind. You have to listen to this song!

One of the best songs to start off an album, in my opinion.
Sneaky underrated song which has aged like fine wine.
Wasn't one of my favs in my mid-teens, but wow, it sure is now. Just a great album.

I remember this tune having limited airplay on album rock radio over 30 years ago, then it was never played afterward. MSG in the 1980s had the tune What We Need, but I thought that it sounded like a tune that I'd heard before. It sounds very much like Take Me Away. I think B.O.C. should get more credit for this minor hit of theirs.
Great song - a driving tune off The Revolution by Night. Has Randy Jackson (American Idol) guesting on bass. Check out the slap work there!
Great vocal hook, and that breakdown bridge after the solo is brilliant!

I love you like sin, but I won't be your pigeon. Crazy as it sounds, it works.

The original studio version is okay, a pretty good tune. But the SEE live version really asks the question: RU Ready 2 Rock? 'Cause it does! Awesome set opener!

Just love this song. A different type of vibe for BOC, and this adds depth to any performance.

Energy is this song. You can't just listen to it. You HAVE to move. Great balance in vocals, bass, drums, and awesome guitar.
Such an epic song. I will always remember the time I used to listen to this on my brand new Sony Walkman when I was eleven years old. Rock on!
Guitar, bass, and drums work perfectly together with well-placed vocal breaks.

The best horror song along with Tattoo Vampire and some others! One thing though, Allen reaped the piano with grace. Joe's writing and singing yet created another masterpiece.
Horror movie lovers should love this song. Amazing music.
Haunting song about the famous vampire. Creepy!