Top 10 Haken Songs
Haken is a very diverse band with styles going from Metal to Jazz, cool and celestial choruses that deeps you in their music, and groove and heavy riffs. The band started with their demo in 2007 and made their first official studio album release in 2010.
Really an amazing song. I love the bridge with that 10/8 9/8 killer riff and the part where Ross sounds like an evil character. Additionally, the chorus and the outro section are very moving.
One of the most beautifully crafted songs ever in existence. All the parts piece together masterfully. There is never a dull moment. It's simply breathtaking.
A song that'll probably satisfy almost every prog fan's desires. I absolutely love it.

Love the heaviness of this song! The slower section in the middle of the song breaks up the song perfectly. Excellent song!
A lot of heavy riffs and jazzy verses. Excellent and powerful progressive bridge. The outro section is wonderful. It hits me every time.

Just got into Haken, and this song was the one to make me a fan. I think it deserves to be in the top ten at least.
This is definitely the best Haken song. Maybe even the best progressive metal song, period.
What an epic crescendo. Pity those with no patience for prog - Haken really invents new colors on this one.

Incredible epic of a song! This song is so melodic. It always seems to end too quickly, which is saying something since it is 17 minutes long!
I just can't skip this song. This is perfect all the way.
So diverse throughout! Amazing all the way through.

This song is hard to beat. I love the '80s throwback! The heavy '80s synthesizer works so well. I love this song!
It has an 80s progressive rock feel. Great tune!

This song got me into Haken. Definitely one of the best songs off of Visions.
Was into Dream Theater at the beginning. Discovered this. This is like Octavarium.

This song is weird, and I mean that in the best way possible. I get a huge King Crimson influence from this song. Excellent work!
The intro to the song gives me chills. I love it. The whole song in general is amazing!
This was the song that got me to listen a lot more to Haken. Definitely their best song!

The Newcomers

Very good! I love the triplet bit that leads back into the last chorus. Fun song!

There's a constant sense of urgency laid out in this track. I love it a lot.
This song's final chorus is the most epic thing in any song ever.

This is the first song from this band I've ever heard. Still one of my favorites. This is just great.

This song has all the goods of Prog. An epic chorus as always, tasteful solos, nice backing vocals, and good unisons.
Very melodic song. The chorus hits me so hard! This is a top five Haken song for me.

Beautiful song! The middle section with the growling vocals works very well to break up the song. Overall, this song is in my top five Haken songs.

Such beautiful bass and vocal lines. Really a progressive song as well.

This song is their newest release and the first song to be released from the new Vector album, but it's also my favorite Haken song.
I love Pareidolia and Falling Back to Earth as much as the next guy (my high school's marching band based its show off of The Mountain last year. I played bass guitar), but this song is fantastic.