Top 10 Best Songs On Black Veil Brides's Black Veil Brides IV
Though the album is good, it's far from standout in my opinion. It didn't really wow me, except for Last Rites and Walk Away. Those two are among the band's best songs, each excelling in different ways, so both get my vote.
This song reminds me of "Lost It All." It's calm, and at almost 6 minutes long, it really stands out. The piano part at the end of the song also reminds me of the ending of "In the End" by Linkin Park.
This song is very powerful emotionally. The music is amazing, and the song feels genuine.
This song is so kick-ass! I can feel the rebelliousness in it so much.
This song should be in the top three, at least. The first scream reminds me of Perfect Weapon.
I adore everything on this album, but this song is brilliant. It should be ranked higher.
Definitely the best on the album. The others are good too, but this one is really awesome.
I think this is one of their best songs, and there SHOULD BE A SAMPLE, FFS!