Top 10 Most Important Instruments to a Band
Most of the people that vote for instruments like the electric guitar and bass, in my opinion (with no offense intended), are heavy metal and rock listeners who probably have never cared to actually listen to a wind ensemble or marching band, or even rock itself. This vote isn't about the nicest sounding instrument. There's another poll for that, metal and rock listeners. I read a comment saying, "Take away a guitar and it doesn't have a genre." Guitars didn't even exist for a long time.
Drums, however, are seen in almost every single song with more than two or three different types of instruments. Take away drums? You no longer have a steady beat, you no longer have a solid cadence to listen to, and the bass of your songs is removed. Drums are by far the most important instrument in a band, and they can sound pretty amazing in solos too.
People say drums are the most important. Try a song without the guitar, and it fits no genre. Take out the drums, and at least you will know what you're listening to.
I listen to metal, thrash to be exact, and for those who say an acoustic fits all genres, listen to Slayer, Destruction, Exodus, or Dark Angel and tell me you could replace an electric guitar with an acoustic!
In music, the most recognizable part of the song is the melody. Drums are vital to having a song sound like it's supposed to, but since they don't play the main part/recognizable part, people won't understand what the song is. Many songs can share similar drum parts.
However, I personally enjoy classic rock and some rock/jazz, and I can say that it does depend on what type of band. In any rock band, both bass, guitar, and drums are very important, but the part that stands out is generally played by the electric guitar. In jazz, though, drums sometimes provide part of the main song, not just the beat of it.
All instruments are important. A band is not a band without a combination of instruments, but the bass is the one instrument that every good band needs. The bass lays down rhythm and establishes the chord progressions that the whole song is built on. The bass is the foundation the band is built on, and although you can't have a house without walls and a roof, you can't have walls and a roof without a solid foundation.
A great bass player can then expand from the two main roles of rhythm and chord progression and become a counter melody (to the singer, lead guitar, piano, or whatever instrument has the melody at the time). Without a bass player, the melody is not part of a "band." It's just a solo with some accompaniment. If the bass line changes, even without changing the chord progression, the whole song can change in tonality, rhythm, and feeling.
The bass is no doubt a supporting instrument, but it's the support that makes the band a band and not just a soloist. Electric guitar is not the most important instrument because you can have a great band with no guitar player. Drums are not the most important instrument because the drums can drop out during a breakdown, and the bass can take over the rhythmic role of the drums. If you talk to great rhythm sections, you'll find that the drummer follows the rhythm of the bass player just as often as the bass follows the rhythm of the drummer.
Bands without bass players are few and far between and always have something filling in the bass part to make a foundation.
Note: The bass is also the most underappreciated instrument in the band because it is not a solo instrument.
I think that keyboard sets the mood for most band performances.
Absolutely amazing instrument! It's much more portable than a piano and mostly always has the melody of a song.
I play piano, and I must say, to be honest, all instruments of the band are equally important! After all, you can't have a band without all the instruments!
The reason I voted for piano, though, is because most songs can be played solely by a piano, and you see piano covers of songs all the time. However, I still believe all instruments are equally important! It's the musical accents, not just the vocals and melody, that can make all the difference in a song.
I think piano is the best because you can play any song you like on the piano. The only thing is that it's a bit too big. Being a pianist has also taught me to have more control over my fingers, moving fast or slow and hitting the correct key at the correct time.
I'm surprised piano didn't come out as the top instrument. I also think the violin is good, maybe second on the list.
Clarinets should always and forever be part of the jazz band. Schools are excluding the clarinets from jazz band ensembles because they are considered a non-original jazz band instrument. It's okay if clarinets don't have written music. They can just play the trumpet parts like they do now.
There are many famous clarinet players that were in jazz bands and became very successful in their time. We are good at playing the nice harmonies, and we have very beautiful solos that we can take on. We also have a very high scale level, so we can hit the high notes better than other instruments.
~By The Petition Masters~
The trumpet usually always has the main and most important part of the song. If you listen to famous songs, such as the main theme of Star Wars, the trumpet stands out over all instruments (while it's playing). The trumpet is a good instrument for almost any song, and it's easy to carry around, so you don't have to worry about things like that.
The notes are relatively easy to play, especially compared to other instruments, once you get the hang of it. Although drums can keep the beat, any instrument can do that as well. It may not be as efficient as a drum, but it still does the job. Overall, the trumpet is the most important instrument in a band.
Much more important than many of these other instruments, especially the drums!
The violins are the main! Without them, the music is going to sound motionless.
The best bands have at least one violin player.
Although all instruments are important, the saxophone is the most important woodwind. The clarinets can be heard faintly, but the flutes are not heard at all! (No offense, flautists.) The saxophone can play many types of music, and it comes in many different sizes. Depending on the size, it can play the melody, harmony, and bass all at once! Once again, every instrument is important, but the saxophone is the best!
The saxophone is the melody and personality of the band! It's basically the only woodwind you can hear, and it has a personality of its own. It's better than all brass instruments because it can be high and low, so it could be woodwind parts and also brass. So, why even need brass? It's much better than percussion also.
It adds a melody and pizzazz to the song when all you need to know to play a snare, timpani, bass drum, cowbell, triangle, etc., is how to count to at least four and roll.
The Newcomers
The flute is important to a concert band, definitely. Why else would it be the flautists that sit in the front? We play the melody often, which is a whole half of the song. Flutes can be soft and melodic, almost like a clarinet, or they can be loud, staccato, and high. There's a pretty large range the flute can play.
Also, it's quite difficult. Other instrument players don't realize how much air it takes to blow into a flute. Only half of the air you blow goes into it. The other half goes right over the top. Good posture is another hard thing with the flute. With the oboe or clarinet, you just hold your instrument and play. With the saxophone, you almost get permission to be a little slouchy since they are pretty heavy instruments.
With the flute, however, you have to sit up straight, not rest your elbow on the back of your chair, and hold your flute straight up the whole time you play. Your left wrist will constantly be sore. Finally, you may be whacked by other flutes nearby.
In our band, the trombones make up most of the low brass section. If the band lost most of the low brass, most of the songs wouldn't really sound very good.
Low brass is very important, probably the most important part of a band. And which low brass instrument is the best? The trombone, thus making it the most important.
It keeps the bass line and makes sure that the melody has something to go along with it.
Even though most people think the electric guitar is better, in my opinion, the acoustic guitar is more relaxing, quiet, and natural. Overall, I definitely think the acoustic guitar is very important to bands of any kind.
Every band needs a tuba player. I mean, seriously, it's practically the beat of the music! Also, the tuba goes lower than most or all instruments, so if you need to hit a low note, just point to the tuba! It is also the most fun instrument to play. You get to do that awesome lip thing you did all the time when you were five.
Plus, not many people can get a sound out of the tuba, so if you can, you should try it. Not many people play the tuba, so you'd get a lot of attention from peers.
As a tuba player, I feel unappreciated a lot. We don't really get the good parts, and we mainly get a bunch of drum lines if we're lucky. Otherwise, it's just a bunch of whole notes, depending on the song.
So seeing these comments has really made me happy. Also, I like hearing the band without the tuba and then bringing the tubas in so you can really hear those low notes.
The French horn is a confusing instrument that very few people play. My friend plays the saxophone, so what I think is personally harder is the French horn because you just have to get the notes right, or your teacher is going to be like, "Girl, if you don't get that note right, I reckon you do it again!"
To me, the French horn is what I like to play.
The French horn is a hard instrument. You need to have good ears to tell if you're hitting the right note. The French horn is a beautiful-looking instrument. Also, while having to tell if you're hitting the right note, you have to be good with melody and be able to hit all your notes. It has a very nice sound.
Literally, if you don't play in low brass, your first words are going to be, "What is a Euphonium?" and make the section angry at you. All instruments are important, but this one should certainly be higher on the list. It has an expansive range (Cb1, which is lower than most tubas go, all the way up to F5, four and a half octaves, which is why it is flexible) and it plays anywhere from contrabass to alto voicing, but normally stays within its tenor voice.
Due to its 2/3 conical bore, it makes a dark and mellow sound compared to the inverted Baritone Horn, which is much brighter. It rarely carries the melody because most composers simply have no knowledge of the instrument. It's misidentified as a Baritone because it is rarely taught about, not even at the professional level. Its tone is very colorful, and when played correctly, you can make it out and will be satisfied with its performance.
Listen to Don't Fear the Reaper. It needs more cowbell!
The oboe is a very hard instrument to play. I've tried it before, and I'll admit it's hard. You need a kind of personality where you persevere if you have a tough time, the kind of person who will only go for an A. Although it is a tough instrument, it creates a powerful band.
Oboe is one of the hardest instruments to play. Some people take the oboe for granted, but I have noticed it is a grand instrument.
The oboe is the instrument that you can pick out from the crowd in the band. It's the one that gives the band its humanity.
The harmonica adds sound effects to specific songs.
The synth allows you to get a very nice futuristic and pop timbre. It suits a lot of bands.
Synth riffs can add a great deal of vibe and depth to a band and their songs.
Every band has used it at least once, the most revolutionary instrument besides the guitar.
Obviously the most important and hardest instrument to play in any decent rock band.
The bassoon is a hard but nice instrument. It has a low sound needed for a good band.
It's like a mini guitar and has a slightly higher pitch. Very beautiful sound.
We all agree that the percussion instruments keep the tempo flowing.
The percussion keeps the tempo together.