Best Songs by John Frusciante

This is right up there with the likes of Stairway to Heaven and Bohemian Rhapsody. It's just that we live in a period dominated by the ever so crappy pop music. This is pure art, pure class, pure music.
It's a haunting buildup and is one of the most atmospheric and guitar- and drum-heavy masterpieces of all his work.
So incredibly powerful in the way it builds up, it's like you're floating through the clouds.

One of the most beautiful and meaningful songs ever. Thumbs up for this one. Really deserves it!
This song is so peaceful, the lyrics are deep. John's voice is also beautiful.
No words can describe the impact John has had on my soul. This song resonates with me so much.

This song just captures my soul. The whole album is awesome.

This particular song really takes you to the point where you feel yourself in heaven.
Beautiful vocals, great lyrics, and I particularly love the mellow, silky outro.
Beautiful song. Epic instrumental at the end.

Love this whole album as well. Probably one of my top 5 albums of all time.
I think this whole album could actually fall into my top favorites.

This is some quality music. The way John makes me feel is only imaginable and cannot be expressed by words. He puts so much feeling into what he does, he really sends a message. And did I mention the solo? Unforgettable.
The chords are so simple and so powerful, it makes you wonder how beautiful music can be in its purest form.
Sounds like a Bob Dylan song, and that is a compliment. An excellent, beautiful song.

I relate to the lyrics in this song along with most of his lyrics. I always find a meaning in his lyrics that take me to some part of my life. We had a lot of similar experiences.

Apart from the fact that this is a great song musically, it finally clicked for me lyrically. At first, I thought, "What the hell is this guy singing about?" But after having it on repeat for an hour or two, a darker episode of my life popped up, and it fit perfectly. It hits me like a brick every time I hear it, yet somehow I keep coming back for more.
Perfect. I love this song. It makes me feel so easily the pain John felt years ago. It's so pure, so clear. Can't stop listening to it.
Absolutely beautiful. This is one of the most emotionally impactful songs I've ever heard. #3, please.

The raw version of this is great. Love his voice. It's not his most emotional song, but it's close. Definitely worth a listen.
The Newcomers
I get this (along with the superior Low Birds below) was just added, but it's a top 20 song. So amazing - the way John uses his voice as an instrument.
As soon as people take notice of this, I'll be happy. (Someone add my two favorites from FTSI, Leave All the Days Behind and I Will Always Be Beat Down, please!)

The best Frusciante song. No one quite perfects the beautiful atmosphere created by John and Josh. It's even more delicate and atmospheric acoustic.
John seems to be most in touch with his pop sensibilities here. Two Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarists on the same song? How could it not be great!
Josh Klinghoffer perfectly complements John's style, creating a euphoric sound. This song supports Frusciante's quote, "Playing guitar is like being in touch with the universe," which is what this song shouts out to me.

Simply amazing. The chord changes are fantastic and really blend well together. I've recut this song and looped it for like ten minutes. That was an awesome jam session.
This song is absolutely fabulously catchy and awesome. I could listen to Murderers forever. It is a terrific song by John and deserves to be Number 1 by far.
Easily one of the best he wrote, maybe not top 5 but definitely top 10. The electro drumbeat is kinda off-putting, but the rest is great.

Top 10 John song, no question. One of his most beautiful songs and one of the best ones on Shadows.
The title says it all. Play this, and you'll feel good. Very nice song.
I absolutely love this one. So beautiful. It should be at least in the top 10.

How is this not far above Central, which is the top song? This song is the best ever penned. I love it so much and I hope someday it's recognized for its greatness.
I don't understand how the best song of all time isn't above Omission, but hey, no one else really gets it anyway.
Awesome guitar playing and deep lyrics, emotionally beautiful. Much respect for his work.

Smoke pot and listen to this song. If you love guitar solos, just listen carefully, and you'll feel as if the veins in your body are the strings of the guitar. You'll know what a heavenly feeling actually is.
19TH? WHAT? Inside of Emptiness as a whole is absolutely fantastic. It manages to convey so much emotion while still rocking out. This and Scratches are easily some of John's best songs, at least to me.
I am struggling to find words that do this song justice. Heartbreakingly beautiful in its purity and ability to evoke all kinds of emotions simultaneously.

Can't stop listening to it constantly! Strong expression and deep melody mixed with a fantastic solo, which fits so nicely into the whole song. Great vocals and lyrics both. One of the best for sure!
Just unbelievable that this beautiful song wasn't in the top 10. The solo is wonderful, the lyrics are perfect, John is just a god. Thank you so much for that, Mr. Frusciante.
This music is just amazing! Can't get tired of it! And it's not just the song itself, also the pause in the beginning. It's just incredible!

It's not the best recording quality and neither was John's voice so clear and harmonious, but it shows us all he would do.
Simply an amazing song with outstanding lyrics.

I love this one. Best song on To Record Water. #2 for me.
Why has no one commented on this one yet? Great song. Love the beginning.
So underrated. Definitely must be higher.

It touches me in a way that words can't really describe. The most beautiful sounds and vibrations I've felt in my life.
Unbelievably beautiful song. This should be in the top five.
How this isn't higher up, I don't know. It's beautiful!
Something that you will never get bored of listening to.
Listen to this while high. It puts you in another place.

I can't believe this isn't top ten. Absolutely phenomenal song. I'm at least glad that there are so many Smiles songs higher up!