Best Songs From the Beatles' Please Please Me
Best songs from the "Beatles" album "Please Please Me"What a way to start your first 'official' album. The song has it all. It rocks. It's about love, and you can dance to it.
You're right! The best song from this album.
This song has a great beat.
Best song on the album, clearly. "Twist and Shout" is a close second.
This should be number one, with Anna second.
While Please Please Me wasn't a success in America, it surely was a perfect song to start it all!
This song hit number 3 in the U.S. It would have hit number 1, but the songs above it were Beatles songs.
Underrated. Top 5, in my opinion.
Why is "Anna (Go to Him)" at #7?
There is no way people actually believe that "Do You Want to Know a Secret" and "There's a Place" are superior.
Great harmony.
The Newcomers
Very underrated. Reminds me of spaghetti westerns. Far from being the worst track on the album.
My favorite song on the album. So dark and atmospheric.