Best Songs on Charlie Clouser's Saw Anthology Vol. 1

Charlie Clouser is a instrumental composer, best known for his work on the horror franchise Saw. Saw Anthology Vol. 1 consists of songs he made for the first four Saw Films.
The Top Ten
Hello Zepp + Overture

This is the iconic closing theme that played at the end of the first movie. It's a recognizable and well-known piece. It has been remixed for later installments as well.


This track plays during a flashback sequence in Saw III. I would say this composition is among Clouser's best. It's eerie and fits well with the tone of the film.

Just Begun Your Test

This is the closing theme of Saw IV. It does a decent enough job for what it is. The tone is great and has a good payoff.

Fix Me

This is the ending theme of Saw III. It's solid and serves as a good closing theme overall. It's definitely among his best compositions.

Hello Eric

This is a remixed version of the theme from Saw 1, and I might add it's on par with the original. It's chilling and captures the film perfectly. Overall, it's a solid composition by Clouser.

Hello Xavier
School Daze
F*** This S***
Wilson Steel
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