Best Songs from the Mars Volta's Frances the Mute
The Mars Volta is a progressive rock band formed by Cedric Bixler-Zavala and Omar Rodríguez-López in 2001.Frances the Mute is their second album and was released on February 21st, 2005, in Europe and on March 1st in America. I think it's a pretty great album overall.
This 32-minute masterpiece is absolutely insane, moving from one place to another in the blink of an eye without ever dropping its quality. The first 20 minutes absolutely rock, with many memorable riffs and great vocals. The last part is quieter but still fantastic.
I love the majority of this song due to its energetic, slightly spastic nature. As always, it's a very dynamic song with a high level of musicianship. Once again, my issue lies with the pointless noise at the end, which doesn't add much to the song.
This is a beautiful song in many ways. The atmosphere is absolutely amazing, and the outro is extremely good as well. I'd rank this higher if it were cut by about 4 minutes, as both the intro and outro drag on to some extent.
It's just such a fun, energetic song all around. The Spanish lyrics add to this. I love the constant changes between slow and fast sections and find the entire song extremely enjoyable. The guitar work is also outstanding.
While the main portion of the song is very good, the 3 minutes at the end with constant noise are quite grating and take away from what could have been a much greater song.
Nice catch to whoever added this. I completely forgot about it, and it does deserve to be on the list despite not officially being part of the album.