Top Ten Songs That Most Perfectly Describe the Year 2021
Okay, this is not my most original idea for a list, but it seems to be trending to do things in 2021 early on, so we have the social issues of the January 6th "riot," North Korea putting America as their #1 enemy and the transition of powers. LET ME BE CLEAR: I don't want either man glorified or disgraced. Former President Donald J Trump became the President, and so did Joe Biden. Both deserve our respect (and one is not getting it from most of us.) If you have a song you want to add that you think is within reason for either man, run it by me first. Like last year, if there are other social issues, feel free to point them out.(Did you read the description? If not, please do so.) I'm sorry, but last year Screaming Goats was way too low. NOKO is putting America as their #1 enemy. I am terrified of what the rest of this year will bring. We're barely two months in, and I am scared.
This was actually my top song on Spotify. It's fitting, but how does it qualify as a song?
This song is funny, even though it's just screaming goats.
This one may seem kind of random, but here I go again, complaining about the year by using the music industry. I hate to admit it, but Alana was right about the people complaining about 2020 complaining about 2021 too.
This little winter wonderland we're all getting...It's getting better, but for the past three days, I hate to admit it 'cause I'm a guy who has been in subzero weather, but I was freezing my butt off on the 14th, 15th, and 16th. This has sucked.
Us and Them is kind of how I feel about the whole issue with North Korea threatening to build more nukes and making the United States their biggest enemy. I have a good idea of how we could have prevented this, but it's best I keep that to myself. Anyway, I'm kind of fearful of this.
I know this was recycled from my "Songs that Perfectly Describe the Year 2020" list, but when you combine the meaning - that it's okay to grieve the loss of a loved one - with SamanthaRosie's list "Top 10 Most Shocking Deaths of 2021," I am sorry, but while this is not the most creative submission by my standards, it's too fitting to exclude.
This one may be a bit confusing. Sorry if this seems like I'm backpedaling on what I say in the description, but while I'm just a bystander, and frankly a politically exhausted one, I am looking at the political climate of the United States, and it seems "two worlds collide/rival nations" describes our nation pretty well.
This song isn't beautiful. It's better than average for the album, but I think we can all agree that it's a big relief to have a vaccine for coronavirus. The guy who was the harbinger of this event does not get his due credit and probably will not get it any time soon, but hey, at least we got the vaccine, right?
American Idiot is a political song for those who didn't know that.
Technically, this one is a Trump song. I am not getting partisan at all. The lyrics are fitting for his departure. So much so that it was the song he played on his last ride on Air Force One. I can't say I'd be surprised if I were to find out My Way is Former President Trump's favorite song. This is also pretty close to being a placeholder.
Just letting you know there is a list of music artists Donald Trump has claimed to like, and Frank Sinatra is pretty high on it, so yeah, it wouldn't be that surprising.
The Newcomers
We know exactly who this song is about.
I could leave this as "self-explanatory" if I wanted to, but just to clarify its inclusion: whether you supported President Biden or Former President Trump does not matter. President Biden won. This is directed to both parties.
If you supported Biden and hate Former President Trump, let go of the hate. He's in your rearview mirror. If you supported Trump, accept the results, as there is nothing you can do about the results and the inauguration of President Biden. I feel everyone needs to just let it be.
Hey God, why did you have to take Rush Limbaugh?