Best Songs from Queen's Debut Self-Titled Album
Choose what you think is Queen's best song from their debut.One of the best Queen songs of all time, along with The March Of The Black Queen, Don't Stop Me Now, White Queen (As It Began), Father To Son, Bohemian Rhapsody, Somebody To Love, Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy, Killer Queen, etc.
Almost like Led Zeppelin, only (surprisingly) heavier.
I wish this song got the love it deserved.
A great way to start a discography.
This song is awesome, and Darlings need to stop ignoring it!
By the way, I gave the Queen fanbase a name: Darlings. I chose it because Freddie calls his fans "darlings."
One of the best tracks ever by the best band ever.
"Doing All Right" was Brian's piano playing. Freddie played piano for "Doing All Right" during BBC sessions. "My Fairy King" was the first Queen song with Freddie's piano playing. This was also the song that inspired Freddie to change his last name to Mercury, because of the line "Oh Mother Mercury, look what they've done to me."
I loved the falsetto in this song! This song had one of Roger's best falsettos.
Oh Mother Mercury, look what they've done to me. I cannot run, I cannot hide.
This song is seriously, criminally underrated. To the Queen fans, "I want you!"
Rough and powerful, more metal than metal.
I love how powerful this song is.
This song is incredible for its length.
I wish this song was longer. It's a tiny gem.
I love this song. My dad once said it was terrible! I have no idea why. I don't know why people don't like this song. Freddie worked really hard on it! My dad hurt his feelings! The people who hate this song hurt his feelings!
I'd rather get run over by a million trains than have a single sad tear run down Freddie's face because of what people were saying about Jesus and Delilah.
This rocker really kills you with its astonishing guitar riff and amazing solo! Fantastic early Queen lyrics!
So underrated. It needs more attention.
My favorite song on the album. Criminally underrated. Everything about it is endearing. This song had me at the intro, especially with the Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds reference. I wish it could have been longer.
For the intro and outro alone, this song stands out from the rest of the album.
Nice Beatles reference, Harold.
But the instrumental version was on this album.
So underrated!