Top 10 Songs with Secret Meanings
When we listen to songs, our brains often remember the tune and lyrics, and soon, if we liked the song, we may become obsessed with it. We might sing along to many songs without actually knowing their true meanings. For instance, we may assume a song is about something straightforward, like love, but it could actually be about something entirely different.Take Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen as an example. When singing it, do we ever wonder, "Is this song about AIDS?" or "Am I singing a song about murder?" The actual meanings behind songs like Bohemian Rhapsody and Stairway to Heaven may never be fully known. However, this list is here to explore the many possible meanings hidden within songs.
Feel free to leave comments and even suggest a new song by adding it to the list. Just make sure to give a full explanation of your suggestion. Enjoy the list!

I think that it is all about how a young man takes a trip through hell and all the things he experiences there, including the feelings he is having and the things that are happening. Who really cares, though? It's a great song and will always be one of the classics.
A classic song. My favorite part is, "Mama, I just killed a man, put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he's dead."
I always thought it was about a young man who has to fight in the war.

I always interpreted it as Henley and/or Glenn (the two writers) having a dream about dying and seemingly going to heaven. Then, as time passes, it turns out that Henley/Glenn are in hell. The experience helps Henley/Glenn make better decisions to escape this fate (no pun intended).
It's a song about the dark underbelly of the American Dream and about excess in America.
It's an amazing song, I love it. I have always thought it was about ghosts. Laugh out loud.

Another one from
This song is about a woman who accumulates money but finds out the hard way her life had no meaning and will not get her into heaven.
I did not write that. It was from
However, my belief:
Some believe it's about Satanism, and when reversed, a highly disturbing message shows up.

The song was about Chester's past life, including being sexually abused, his drug addiction as a teen, and his parents divorcing when he was a kid. It also talks about how he broke the habit of those destructive behaviors. The song speaks to me in so many ways, which is why it's my favorite song. I love Linkin Park forever.
The song also has to do with committing suicide. "Breaking the Habit" means he's going to kill himself, and the rest of the lyrics talk about the reasons why.
I love this song, but a secret meaning? I think this song is pretty open about being about him struggling with drug addiction.

Personally, I think that this song is about letting go of childhood and growing up.
This is awesome! It completely changed my outlook on the song!

It's about heroin addiction and how it affects everyone you know.
Originally by Nine Inch Nails, but Cash did it better!
This is an awesome song that has a chorus riddle: "Four letters in two words. Words that mean the same. Funny how, funny how, one's in love and one is your name."
I believe this refers to the words "Lust" and "Slut" because you lust in "love," and "slut" is a reference to a person - "one's your name."

The Newcomers

Many loved this piece of brilliant music, but no one really knew the TRUE meaning. Taken from
The song is about love that has soured and gone stale. Cohen used a lot of religious imagery, including references to some of the more notorious women in the Bible. Here's some lyrical analysis:
"You saw her bathing on the roof, her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you" - This refers to Bathsheba, who tempted King David to kill her husband so he could have her.
"She tied you to her kitchen chair, she broke your throne, and she cut your hair" - This refers to Delilah, who cut off Samson's locks, which held his superhuman strength.
"But remember when I moved in you, and the holy dove was moving too" - This could be a reference to the divine conception and Mary. The lines referring to the immaculate conception can also be interpreted as having a sexual connotation: "And every breath we drew was hallelujah."

The song is about Cassandra (also known as Alexandra) and the destruction of Troy, from Greek mythology.

Stairway to Heaven, Hotel California, and In the Air Tonight definitely have no secret meanings whatsoever, but this one does. It's about drugs.
Some say it's about the St. Valentine's Massacre, while others believe it's about drugs.
I personally thought it had something to do with AIDS and all the AIDS-related deaths.

Taken from
I don't understand why the lyrics puzzle people - it's an obvious song about pure jealousy. The singer is the deceived husband, and the person addressed in the verses is the other man. They know each other, but the other man hasn't admitted he's having an affair with the singer's wife. The singer has just found out.
The chorus is a bit incongruous because it sounds like he's relishing the confrontation that is about to come. Perhaps he feels it will relieve his suffering. With this interpretation, there is a nasty, vengeful edge to the lyrics, which also comes through in Phil's song "Mama," although this time it's addressed to the unfaithful wife.
Personally, I find it a bit much to make a dramatic pop statement out of being a cuckold. It doesn't express the true degradation and dejection of such a situation and pretends to turn it into an egotistical triumph. Both "In the Air Tonight" and "Mama" chillingly remind me of the justifications given by men who murder either or both of the guilty parties in such situations - a cold enthusiasm for revenge having taken over their feelings rather than admitting to being beaten.

It sounds like an ode to church, but Take Me to Church is actually a slap in the face to churches.
Pretty much any TØP song, actually. They mean something different to everybody who hears them, but only Tyler Joseph knows the true meaning.

Basically, Kanye is saying that life is great. He kept trying hard, and now he's one of the most successful rappers of all time. He regrets the wrong things he did, but he's determined to clean up his act.
The moral? No matter who tries to keep you down, who hates on you, or whoever says you can't make it, YOU ARE A CHAMPION.