Top Ten Things that First Come to Mind When You Mention Certain Countries
This is a list draft I've had for a long time but never really had time to make but now I have. The top things that first come to your mind when a certain country is mentioned. Enjoy!
Without a doubt. Pyramids are the icon of the nation of Egypt. Among the oldest civilizations on Earth, who lived around the Nile, surrounded by the Sahara Desert. So much iconic stuff about Egypt. But the graves of the pharaohs, the pyramids, are surely the most iconic thing, at least for me. They are so impressive even today.

Paris. Arguably the most famous capital city in the world considering it is the city that earns the most visitors per year. So much famous stuff from here such as the Eiffel Tower, Le Louvre, Notre Dame, La Seine, etc.

And here we have tacos, the most famous food tied with pizza arguably. And my favorite personally as well. I love the spicy taste and the tortillas, the meat, the sauce (I love the sauce especially). Truly a legendary food. If you have not tried it yet, do it.

Even if my country isn't that big, we surely have icons as well. The most notable thing from here has got to be the furniture company of IKEA, founded by Ingvar Kamprad. It's the store every woman loves, and every man hates. Well, I like IKEA so I'm an exception though.

Pizza is arguably the most famous food in the world tied with tacos. Not my favorite, but still awesome. There are many different types of pizzas and some are good and some less so. But fresh is best. An icon for the Italian nation of southern Europe.

I'm a Palestinian but every time I hear "Syria" I think of war. Please Allah let them stop the war.

Greece has probably among the most famous history, mythology, and culture of them all. Most of the European culture today originated from Greece. Tons of famous philosophers were Greek. Democracy was even founded here. How can history not be the first thing that comes to mind when one mentions Greece?

This image left the strongest icon for me whenever the UK comes to mind for me. Just the idea of just calmly drinking some afternoon tea and eating some delicious scones with jam is so soothing and delicious. Even if I am only slightly British, I love having myself some afternoon tea.
VE Day 2020: Countries such as France - fly the flag, to video-street parties, have fun.
England: Have a 1940s style tea party (actual government advice).

The Newcomers

The Nordics are perhaps the most famous heavy metal countries of them all. I put all three metal countries (Finland, Sweden, and Norway) in the same item because let's be real, they are all equally famous for heavy metal.

Well, sorry US, but you have to admit that the cheeseburger has become an icon for the United States as a whole. Some may argue they think of other stuff than cheeseburgers when someone says US, such as the flag, New York, cowboys, Native Americans, etc. But in all honesty, cheeseburgers have, in my opinion, made the strongest icon for me.

It is true that there are a lot of spiders in Australia.

Lithuania is an unknown country to most, but not to basketball fans. Like seriously. Lithuanians love basketball and it surely has become the national sport of the Lithuanian nation.