Top Ten Dumbest People In History

Donald Trump is uniquely unintelligent. He was one of the worst presidents in U.S. history. He suggested that ingesting bleach could kill the COVID-19 virus, which ultimately led to the deaths of over one million Americans. He also claimed that Mexico would pay for a border wall, yet it remains incomplete, and Mexico did not contribute a single cent. Instead, U.S. donors were misled into contributing $250 million.
Out of desperation to cover his mounting legal fees, Trump began selling Bibles and poorly designed tennis shoes. Despite having a newborn son, Barron, he had an affair with a porn star. A truly exemplary father and husband, right? Ultimately, he likely won't serve jail time for his numerous crimes because our justice system (if you can even call it that) will likely bow down to him, just like so many others.
He seems to have the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) under his influence, which could grant him immunity for his involvement in the January 6th insurrection. He constantly rambles during his rallies and remains a pathological liar. With serious mental health issues, he is one of the most self-serving, pompous figures in human history. Trump is racist, sexist, homophobic, immature, irresponsible, and corrupt. If he returns to office, it will be one of the darkest periods in U.S. history. Consider that carefully.

He writes in a fourth grade level. Now that I got that set, I understand that each celebrity has to speak out in world topics, and that is ridiculous. Many celebrities spoke out on world events and either confuses information, or does not have any. A Kardashian spoke about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in 2014, and gave luck to the side that killed the hundreds of civilians. And in the Miss USA events, they ask political questions about the US or the world, and they struggle to answer the question even if it is a fourth grade question. Leave the political talk to the military, political, or the intelligent people.

Kim K may very well be the dumbest woman in history. She basically gained notoriety by starring in a porn movie with Ray J. Then she had her own little reality show which made her look even more stupid. Overall, she has lowered the bar way too low for celebrities
Kim Kardashian needs some help because if you know that she is wasting her money on stupid things like: plastic surgery, posting pictures of her butt, & being very stupid. That is why she so dumb.
Stupid bimbo can't even date, act, dress well and babysitting children. Plus, why is Megan Fox on this list? She ain't that dumb!

Anyone who thinks this guy is great must love living in a dictatorship. After all, we are now told we have to have health insurance, our kids are told what they can eat, we are told what we can eat, he took our troops out then put them back, let's in illegals from anywhere, tells us we should give up our guns but forgets bad guys have the black market and if they want a gun they will get one, and the list just goes on. He is the worst president and the first lady will never stack up as a real first lady. Can't wait to see this one out of office finally. I thought he would be a good president before he took office and I was wrong because now all we have is dictatorship.

I feel that she has had such a bad breakup that she wants all the attention she can get so people will keep being her fan. I liked her better when she had long hair, everything went bad with her after she cut her hair! I feel bad for her parents, they must feel ashamed of how she has been acting.
Why the hell is Obama on this list? What has he done wrong? Miley on the other hand, isn't a very good role model for anybody, including KIDS. Considering she has a ready-made audience from Hannah Montana that still watches her? It's repulsive.
A word of advice to you, potential celebrities: PICK AN AGE GROUP AND STICK WITH IT! As there will always be those hardcore fans that stay with what you are doing... even if you go from a kid-friendly Disney barbie (Not saying she was ever good) to a repulsive adult object...

Kim Jong-Un thinks he can destroy the USA, but that is completely false. His WMND's are scary but only a threat to maybe South Korea. And even then, his nuclear missiles will be about as fast as a speeding turtle, and has a range barely spanning the country. Even if a missile does escape unlike North Korea's civilians can, it would probably splash in the sea and drown in uselessness.
I can't tell if he's faking or if he's really THAT stupid. I mean, nobody can be THAT stupid, right? Well, at least that's what I want to believe. If there are more people with the IQ of Kim Jong Un out there and if any of them get into any position of power, god help us all.

Honestly, this guy is a disgrace to rap music in general. He is not only a real criminal who did awful things, but his music is also a huge joke. The titles don't even make sense, the lyrics are vulgar, and the beat is terrible. Not to mention, he's had feuds with other celebrities, like Future for example. He makes Limp Bizkit look (and sound) like MICHAEL JACKSON. Chad Kroeger's voice sounds better than this guy!
People say Justin Bieber or Rebecca Black are the worst singers, but to me, it's this horrible excuse of a rapper. He has absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever. He is a terrible influence among youths today, and so is his music. The only reason he's really that famous is because of SoundCloud. If you want real rap, listen to Eminem. That is an example of a rapper who dominated the music industries.
Then there's his appearance, which is supposed to cover up what the list is about. For beginners, he has rainbow dentures. Looks about as ugly as you'd picture it. If his actual teeth were rotting, I wouldn't actually be surprised. I also hate the fact that he has the number 69 tattooed on his forehead. Like many other rappers, he goes overboard with the tattoos. His physical appearance just looks gross to me.
I wish this guy was still in jail. He should have never been released because of COVID. He definitely deserves a life sentence and belongs in hell. If you're a fan of this monster's rap music, you're an illiterate ape who makes me sick. No human being should ever have the misfortune of becoming his friend. And to make a long story short, he's awful.

Okay, let's get a couple things straight. For one, the media is not liberal. A recent study showed that since they announced their campaigns, Donald Trump has received 81 minutes of air time on ABC news, while Bernie Sanders has received 30 seconds, even while Sanders beats Trump in many polls. Second, Obama isn't "always blaming Bush", in fact he hardly ever mentions him. Bush's main problem is that the facts are against him. We had double-digit unemployment and we're losing jobs under Bush, while unemployment is around 5percent under Obama and we just added over a quarter-million jobs last month. It was Bush that decided to go after Saddam Hussein, who wasn't a good man but had nothing to do with 9/11. It was Bush who decided to start military action in the Middle East even though there were no weapons of mass destruction. Theses aren't opinions, these are facts.

She is sooo cute I love her! At least she is a child and acting like a child! Not like Justin B. A teen actin like a small little girl! He was good his voice is ok! But now he takes drugs. He promised to oprah that he would never ever take drugs! He is niall horan's favorite singer... I guess both of them are of the same kind! All I can say is Justin is a good singer but not a good person anymore and honey boo boo is one of my favorite show.
This stupid little girl is horrible. Show summary: "An obese family makes thousand of dollars off of show that documents their lives as obnoxious and dumb rednecks: screaming at random moments, farting on camera, and more stupid things that shouldn't turn into a television show.

I'm not even sure why Joe Biden is on this list, he has achieved so much in his life not just politically but also rising against adversity, being that in childhood it was almost impossible for him to talk without stammering, and later in life both his wife and son's early deaths from a car crash. He still went on to be a senator for 36 years, this means he had to be re elected 6 times, which could only be achieved by his numerous accomplishments in the senate, such as modifying and passing crime bills to help the police and take assault weapons ad drugs off the street, as well as later voting to use force in Iraq in a military campaign to stop their use of weapons of mass destruction. As vice president, Joe Biden went on to help pass climate change bills, played a huge part in a stimulus check to try and stabilize the middle class, and reviving an reduction of nuclear weapons treaty with Russia to make the U.S.A safer of which he accomplished throughout his life. I can understand why a lot f people are here like 6ix9ine, Logan Paul, and Donald Trump among others , but Joe Biden along with some others like George Lucas, or Obama shouldn't be on this list. Biden has a 149 IQ all trump has is one person guessing that if he got into the school he would have 156 which is not true as he transferred from a year other than freshman and as the requirements only apply to freshmen Donald Trump technically has no legitimately released IQ.
The Newcomers

I'm genuinely scared that I'm from the same country as him as he literally thinks England is a city. Now all the Brits are laughing at us!
Dumb, white, egoist, high school dropout. Please stop it with the horrible rapping, and know more about the world outside USA.
This kid would literally kill his entire family for views.

Some of these people are cartoon characters people... Come on... Anyway, you guys are actually calling the president stupid? Wow... And despite the fact that Adolph Hitler is hated everywhere, he was very intelligent and only lost because of his inadequate generals who decided not to completely swarm Paris and not to finish bombing Britain. These were the main reasons why Germany lost in World War II. And they were not the faults of Adolph Hitler.
This girl said she's the living definition of a smart blonde. Need I explain why she's not?
She said the Nelson Mandela made the "I Have A Dream" Speech.
That's enough to make you wonder what her IQ is. "HM? Probably 24"
I'm not dissing blondes. I'm not saying all blondes are dumb, but Paris Hilton is one that I can name.

I personally love Nicki Minaj, but she does have a lot of plastic surgery, other than that she is a really good rapper and she cares about woman being treated the same as men in the indusrties of rapping.
This woman only does songs about sex, hooks,and butts and anyways... There was absoluty no hits that se made that had more likes than dislikes..
Two of the most famous were " Stupid Hoe"
"Look at that butt" here we go, you can clearly see that this woman is a crazy butthole
An ugly clown who's trying to hide the fact that she's as thick as a tree and as ugly as a dead rat.

I hope she get chock on that chip she eating.
The photo just speaks for itself.
I thought only fictional characters could be that dumb. But she is releasing music and saying the N word. That isn't even the start of it.

How did he and his friends manage to leave Aokigahara Forest (Suicide Forest) alive? Legend has it, anybody who steps foot will commit suicide.
Logan *sees a hanged dead body*
Logan hahahahaha isn't it funny guys? Subscribe and give a like for more awesome and hilarious videos!
Some people like the paul brothers and swift are just popular because they dumb... they blind

Sorry, but a stupid person could never brainwash a whole country into allowing and participating in the killing of millions. A stupid person could never get allies from countries whose citizens he'd kill (Italians have skin that is "too dark" and Japanese are Asian).
So, Hitler definitely was not stupid mentally. But he was stupid in the heart. No one in their right heart would kill millions of people and claim it was for God. Even non-Christians can agree that Christianity teaches peace and love for all. No one in their right heart would manipulate their entire country into trying to take over the world.
The only thing I can say that Hitler did which was stupidity from the brain was going after Russia, who was Germany's ally. I mean, that was THE stupidest thing he could possibly do, considering Russia had such a big and strong army.

She is so gorgeous and just so hot, and also dumber than dirt. That's a perfect combination to me. However, you might not want to elect her to Congress!
Literally listening to her talk makes me feel like I am losing brain cells, and I can always count on facepalming whenever she gives a speech. Honestely she is nothing more than an embarrassment and should be much higher on the list
Thinks the world is going to end in 12 years, and thinks that people who dislike her idiocy want to sleep with her.

Ahead of his time? That's the dumbest thing I've ever read! Suger cane east is as dumb as his ugly in laws! As dumb as his ugly wife's big, huge ass! Yes nothing but a big dumbass who's music sucks but is bought by the stupid idiots that don't know what music is. Hrs right up there with that dumbass in the #1 spot right now. In fact they're probably brothers or cousins or some interwoven bull like that! Lol! What a waste. A pure big dumbass waste.
He likes genitals in his ass. Once said he wishes that the devil whites never took his ancestors from Africa and called himself "more valuable to the world" then george Washington, warren buffet, bill gates, and jfk combined. He also said he wants to make love to Justin Bieber.

Already commented about him, but his IQ of 66 is lower than most of the people on the list, who have IQ scores between 90 and 120, and some like Obama have higher IQ scores.
A serial killer who scored 66 on an IQ test, making him one of the dumbest criminals so far.

Scored 61 on an IQ test. No wonder why people call her 'Wendy the Retard'.

He wasn't dumb, he messed up America and created an atmosphere of fear here. He knew how to manipulate people, not a dumb person at all. But dangerous and witha lot of ideology that doesn't fit in the modern world.
Uhhh before 2001 this Guy was a respectful and soft spoken person and interviews, he convinced the world to respect him.
Sounds like a genius to me.
He's bad, but can a dumb person hijack a plane with very little confrontation?