Top Ten Most Hated People
The people who changed the world with their screwy ways and sick minds or just plain evil.
Disgusting, racist man who killed so many innocent women, men and children just because they were different. He's a coward who killed himself instead of taking the consequences, and I hope he's rotting in hell. My great grandad is dead because of him.
This man was an evil person, he caused the biggest and most unforgettable event in human history, WW2. Unbelievably sick, he murdered people who were "Different", he must've had a crazy mind. People will never forget him, and there will never be anybody like him, not one person. This man had made his mark in history. Responsible for more than 60 million people, A lot of families lost their sons, fathers, cousins & uncles because of this German maniac.

He's a horrible, evil man, but Hitler is worse because of how many people he killed. I watched a video about 9/11, and I cried because I felt so bad for those people who were forced to jump to their deaths.
This is the kind of person I want to see on this list the most. This list should be reserved for terrorists and dictators. It shouldn't be a place for people to bash their least favorite pop stars.
Well, he's dead now, so that's good!

I think it is sad Justin Bieber is even in the list of 10 most hated persons in the world. I have got to admit his music may not always be good music but so what. He made it to the top all thanks to himself. The fact that Adolf Hitler has less votes makes me sick. The guy killed over 50 million people with his stupid war and you guys are voting on a teenager that makes music you think is crappy. Well that right there is pretty sad don't you guys think? Or an other great example, G. W. B., that ass started a war that messed up a whole region killed thousands of innocent civilians and created dozens of radical terrorist groups that.
Even though Mr. Bieber did some stupid things and makes himself look like a fool sometimes you have got to show respect for the kid. You may hate as much as you want, at the end of the day he is on top and your just a jealous nerd behind your computer being jealous at what he has become, is and will be.
Please think twice before you put artists ahead of mass murderers and crazy dictators, for Christ sake.

I'm surprised to see him so low on the list. Perhaps it's because he was considered as one of "our guys" for the most part of the WW2, so no one took a closer look on what he was doing.
Hitler was a bad man, that's true, but Hitler was also delusional and might have genuinely wanted to create a good place to live for his people. Stalin on the other hand never cared for the people of Russia and never even tried to act as he cared. Plus he was absolutely aware of what he was doing and what are the consequences, which makes him bad by desin.

I think that he shouldn't be hated. He should be laughed at and made fun of. Just face it: He and North Korea are no kind of threat to anyone but South Korea. Kim Jong Un say he is going to destroy America, when he doesn't let anyone in or out of his country, and the farthest he could probably fire his so called "WMD" could probably be equivalent to the length of a human pinkie-finger. What's more is that the missile (if it could take off at all) would probably go about as fast, and probably the same distance, as Internet Explorer AT ITS BEST. (very slow and IE can't even load lots of pages, thus making its "range" horrible).

Maybe my history course has biased me more against him than any other really horrible dictators, but really this guy is absolutely disgusting. His policies killed millions of people, either by famine (20 to 40 million under the Great Leap Forward), terror or otherwise. He tried to destroy man as we know it, attempting to turn the entire Chinese people into machines to serve his inflated ego and warped communist ideology. He manipulated people, drawing them in with the successes in the Long March, Civil War and first Five Year Plan, only to enslave them with destructive propaganda and fatal accusations. The Hundred Flowers campaign is a prime example, asking the people for advice, than purging those with the wrong opinions who had done as he asked and offered their opinions. Furthermore, those around him have described him as a monster, his surgeon stating that he "did not care how many he killed". Need I say more? And the fact that he's below the likes of Trump, Bieber and Kardashian is absolutely disgraceful.

Crude, vulgar, loudmouthed, bully. He has no filter whatsoever regarding what he's thinking, letting his misogynistic, racist thoughts spew out of his mouth! He's never been elected to even the most benign political office - not even dogcatcher - so what in God's name makes people think he is qualified to be the leader of the free world?!
He behaves like a spoiled, bratty, unruly 10-year-old who will take his ball and go home if things don't go his way. He randomly throws out supposed "facts" about other people, Hillary in particular, who disagree with him or dare to point out one of his thousands of deficiencies, as though they are facts. In reality, there is absolutely no basis at all for most of the things he says!
Do people realize that during fact-checking after the first presidential debate, it was discovered that 80% of what he said was just plain untrue? Did anyone bother to pay attention to that before voting him to be their next president? Notice I said "their" president, because he will never be mine!
I'm totally embarrassed and humiliated for our country that Americans seemed to "drink the Kool-Aid" when they voted him into office!

To be honest, I don't understand why people put jesus and muhammad nabi saw on this list? They are good people with kindest heart.
And why people choose to bash these celebrity like Bieber, taylor swift, gaga, kanye west and many more? These celebrity just like the rest of us, all have shortcoming and makes mistake but why people don't instead vote for this evil men?
1. Justin Bieber = he just has a bad attitude, bad singing, suck music
2. Gaga = well her music is bout sex, but she's still a great singer, just creepy enough.
3. Kadarshian = maybe she doesn't has any talent
4. Taylor swift = write songs to disses ex's, arrogant maybe, a bad attitude
5. Kanye west = arrogant, can't sing
6. Rebecca black = annoying voice, stupid song
And etc...
Compare to this evil, sadistic, cruel man
What has he had done I'm sure you guys all know about this
Killing millions Jews, gyspy, and other race who didn't have blued eyed and blonde hair!
This man need to bash, he should go to hell.
To be honest I don't like these celeb too, but compare to him.
They are much better than him.
And why you don't put hirohito on the list?
This evil man killed millions Chinese and southeast Asians.
Evil, cruel, heartless!
I hope you will agree with me, and sorry for my bad grammar.

His big link to al-Qaeda was probably the fact that he gassed a bunch of those who wouldn't accept an eviction notice. Those same people eventually ripped him apart. Greedy, corrupt, morally bankrupt, and above all, ruthless in taking whatever he was after. I guess that's why he isn't in the top ten.
Hussein should be higher on this list too. He ordered men to kill fellow American soldiers, and he's number 12... I don't agree with this placement.
This man was a sadist, and I hope he rots in hell.

George Bush Senior was the definition of a crazy man. Everything he did was to benefit him and his fellow rich companions. His son was the same. He knew that the war was unnecessary and it was not true. Long depressing story short, he wanted to go down in history as a war hero, a Presidential hero, and the face of American hope to others. Instead he killed 100, 000, 000 people, wasted billions of dollars in tax money that we worked hard for, and put the orphan level in the world to an all time high. This is what we get when vote for a unprofessional airhead who thinks that since his father was president that he would automatically have high expectations.
The Newcomers

He always fires people from WWE and he is so stupid! He's not even a nice person

He always gets boos from the fans in WWE!

I don't know if you guys know this, but this man is one of the greatest artists of all time. Sure, he's said some douchy moments, but let's say some rock and roll legend acts like a dick and Kanye does the same thing. It's not like people are actually gonna care about the rock and roll guy, but they're gonna criticize Kanye. Don't act like this isn't the truth. And yeah, if you do hate him, give his music a chance because that's not the reason he should ever get hate. The other reason I can at least understand.
Okay, let's get to the point: Kanye West is arrogant, we all know that. But do people like him and Justin Bieber really deserve to be on the same list as Stalin, bin Laden, Hitler, and Saddam? He has said some stupid things, and I do not support those. But his music is extremely popular and many people relish it. So, before you put two singers who have made music, not destroyed people, and a president who is actually good, and doing the best he can, think about Trump. Think about actual racists. Saddam. Mubarak. Mossilini.

I truly do like her music and I think people should think about their opinion a little more about her because this is how she expresses herself! There are more people who hate her then like her in this world! Why would she go to all this trouble just for people to dislike her? This is her and only her! This is her life and only her life! No one should judge her for being her! I admire her for not caring what people think and just focusing on her career! GO Miley!
You can't be Hannah Montana forever. For the people who hate her, she's just grown up not changed. She is a good singer. I'm not a huge fan, but she is a good person, and if you don't believe it, you've been into the media to much, she cares about homeless and animals. In my books, that is a good person.

Jimmy SoVile, a truly revolting thing. Given the keys to hospitals and children's care homes etc. by the Conservative government of Margaret Thatcher. Those politician enabled him to have access to the most vulnerable people.
PC prevented people from exposing this monster and allowing his evil career to continue.
Johnny Rotten warned us that Jimmy was perverted. Maybe you should've listened...

Okay, I never had the guts to listen to this freak's song, but I did have the displeasure of listening to beauty and a beat and I was barely alive. Nicki might actually be beautiful if she knew the meaning of jacket and jeans and if she didn't make weird faces and if she didn't have pink hair. She has the worst sense of fashion and has no talent whatsoever.
Nicki minaj is the queen of rap right now so I don't understand why someone brought it up. I am a huge fan of nicki minaj and if she sucks and has no talent whatsoever how is she getting all these awards. She must have more awards than you if I've never heard of you.

He totally ruined Cambodia, seen it myself, such an innocent country with lovely people ruined by this idiot, and he died in peace?! He should be in the top 5 at least!
The Cambodian tyrant. He killed over 2,000,000 Cambodians. This communist is the the reason why there are mass graves all over Cambodia. I'm glad Pol Pot is in hell where he belongs, along with Hitler and Stalin.
Why the hell isn't Pol Pot on this list he killed of 1,000,000 Cambodians as a rebel I know Vlad the Implaler did some preposterous things but without him we would all be speaking Ottamanese (Turkish) and we would be slaves!

He HATES my country along with the entire western world.
He is extremely homophobic to he point where he persecutes LGBTs.
He supports "president" Assad in Syria, who slaughters his own people with chemical weapons.
He shot down a plane full of civilians and blamed his own allies, the pro Moscow Ukrainian rebels.
His people are living in poverty and for some reason they basically worship him.
He keeps rigging the election so he can always win (which is usually the case when a democratic candidate is in power for more than a decade).
There is no freedom of speech, press or really freedom of anything in Russia anymore because of him.
He took over the Crimea with military force instead of negotiating with the Ukrainian government, which was basically a puppet government of his at the beginning of last year anyways, and than proceeded to criticize the Ukrainian people for whining about it. He sent troops to annex Eastern Ukraine and got them all brainwashed into thinking that Kiev started the war somehow. He will probably try to annex western Ukraine too if he is not stopped. Now he has driven all of Western Europe into chaos and has gotten his own economy in the toilet. He is acting like he wants to re start the Cold War, and if Europe and the USA don't act soon he will succeed.

So if he kills a Jew it doesn't matter?
He is killing innocent Christians!
Should be at one he killed thousands with his islamic agenda of a worldwide caliphate

He led the fight for communism during the Korean war. He made his people think that he was a god and led them into dispare and brokenness. He ruin North Korean when he made North Korean. If we ever end the cease fire I'm going to be on the battle field. Sure, He died in '94 and his son died in 2011, but his grandson isn't any better, which he has already been mentioned on this list. In my opinion, Kim il Sung should be higher on this list, since he is the one who started all of the hate with North Korean, just along with Joseph Stalin and The rest of the communists. I'm Gonna piss on his grave one day. Burn in hell Kim il Sung, you will always be remembered for destroying a country and damning all of its people to hell.

He would rather be on the cover of playboy than sports illustrated. When you have amazing wide receivers it's not that hard to be great.
Only reason he has passing yards is because gronk catches anything within ten yards.
Cheating brat who's shirt best represents his age.

True he's a jerk, but the Westboro Baptist Church has, wait for it- all of 39 members. Big woop.
He is only famous because the media covers every single thing they do with a microscope.
They are a fly speck, just ignore them.
If you don't know who Fred Phelps is, look him up. I guarantee that when you do, you'll want to punch something (preferably Fred Phelps).
Just look at his sign. This guy is just a horrible person. And super irrational! If there is a god, why would he hate gay people?

I'm a Jew and despise Hitler and Stalin, but Hitler was not nearly as sadistic and inhumane as Vlad the Impaler. Vlad took pleasure in impaling men, women and children on spikes going up through the anus and put through the mouth. He'd have them positioned around his diner table so that he'd dine while watching them scream in agonising pain and drip with blood as they slowly died. The deaths would take hours, sometimes even days. Hitler was evil, but WWII would have been far worse if Vlad took Hitler's place.
He's one of the few people I wish efernal suffering for, and I'm often a forgiving person. Death by beheading was too good for him.

Jack the Ripper was the name given to an unidentified serial killer active in the impoverished areas around the Whitechapel district of London. Nobody knew who he was.
Yes, he is one of the biggest mysteries in history. In 1888, in London, he killed five women. The women were Elizabeth Stride, Mary Jane Kelly, Catherine Eddowes, Mary Ann Nichols, and Annie Chapman.
He killed a lot of women brutally, and was never found! he should definitely be on the list

He would do us a favor by dropping dead.

Should be in the top ten. She lies so often too even count. Total hypocrite on women's issues of sexual abuse and pay. Her accomplishments as Secretary of State have led to the greatest humanitarian crises since WWII. (millions of families fleeing their homes to seek asylum) She ignores data security rules and uses a personal private server to handle our government information. She is responsible for labeling data confidential or classified and then says she never saw any data marked classified. She deletes 30000 correspondences without the review of any government official. Her accomplishments are non-existent.

On the start of her career, she performed at an event called the Lollapalooza Festival during 2007 whereby a record label company Interscope found her due to her performance... read more
She wouldn't be as famous as she is if she wasn't all about image, hype, and wearing stupid clothes. She goes on about being proud of who you are, but probably can't leave the house without caked makeup and clothes that look like a unicorn exploded onto her. Sad thing is that she actually has talent and can sing, but her songs are all bull. Music should be purely be about the music itself, with all the outfits, fame and image put second if not at all.
She is actually known as one of the nicest celebrities, she is very kind and generous, and she has a couple good songs. It is mainly her outfits that make people hate her, but now she is actually wearing more appropriate outfits than before.