Most Popular Assamese Song

The Top Ten
1 Morilong Morilong - Zubeen Garg
2 Sokuntala - Neel Akash

Most popular song of assamese

Amazing song

3 Disco Bihu - Kussum Koilash
4 O Senimai - Babu Baruah
5 Masoloi Goisilung - Neel Akash

Best singer neel akash song because hit song

6 Pokhila Porise - Apurba Jaan
7 Jape Dim Dishangot - Montu Moni Saikia
8 Fati Gole Dusati - Apurba Jaan
9 Washing Powder Nirma - Kussum Koilash
10 Bhari Pisal Khale.. - Zubeen Garg
The Contenders
11 Dusokur Kajole - Vreegu Kashyap
12 Senimai - Neel Akash
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