Top 10 Potential Reasons Guys Would Pick Girls in Splatoon

The Top Ten
1 Hairstyle
2 Shorts
3 Design
4 For How "Cute" They Are
5 "Waifu" Reasons
6 Some to Troll

Definitely don't think so.

7 Some are Probably Perverts
8 Some May Be Secretly Gay

Some of these guys may do it to hide their homosexuality, I guess.

9 Don't Realize How Generic Both Genders Are..

It's SOOO much easier to tell Male/Female inklings apart in the first game. It doesn't help that girl and boy inklings both have a type of bun as a hairstyle...

10 "Woomy"
The Contenders
11 Japan Loves to Pick Them


12 Sexist towards Male Fictional Characters in General

I highly doubt it.

13 Because They're Transgender
14 They're Taking Turns with Their Sister
15 Want to Play as Original Octolings
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