Best Levels from Spyro the Dragon
The levels in the first Spyro trilogy are known for being extremely interesting and unique, so I decided to begin my rankings on the best of these levels. This is a list for only the first game, nothing else.
Easily the most memorable level in the game, some people remember it for the difficulty, while others remember it for the ridiculous supercharging. It's an extremely fun level that stands out in what is generally agreed to be the worst homeworld.
I both love and hate this level. I will never forget the two game overs I experienced, and the two thieves should really respawn in case you miss them. However, once you know what to do, this level is great and satisfying.

A pretty and expansive level featuring a variety of enemies and mechanics, namely the caged fairies. The balloon gnorcs are also really fun to attack, and it's satisfying to watch them fall into nothingness. The standout of this level is easily the amazing aesthetic, with the pinks and whites on the giant floating castle (where you only spend about 20% of your time).
I love exploring this level and unlocking new places with the fairies. It's also really beautiful. The best level for me.

This level easily has the most infuriating enemies in the game: the fireball turtles. That said, I like the challenge, and the dark and light mechanic is exquisite and terrified me when I was six, thanks to the demonic dogs. The nightmare setting for a dream world is an interesting choice that I'm glad they went with.
I love the light and dark mechanic.

Known mostly for the hidden dragon, this is an interesting level with awesome enemies. It is one of the two levels in the game that use the superflame fairy concept, adding an original feel to the level. The steel doors in the big castles can be broken with a superflame, but it is incredibly fun to supercharge through them and obliterate the giant suits of armor.
I only really like this level for the superflame power-up, especially the hidden fairy that gives you infinite superflame for the level.

A large, complex level with many different paths, Wizard Peak first introduced the concept of stacked supercharging. The highlight of the level is definitely where you can supercharge a group of five ice wizards and watch them run around in panic.
This level was pretty good. I love when you go behind the castle to find secrets.

What I personally consider to be the second most difficult level in the game, Twilight Harbor is full of gnorcs wielding various firearms, from a simple pistol to an assault rifle. The setting is great and feels like an endgame level. The industrial theme is unexpected in the first Spyro game, as every other level has a whimsical atmosphere.
The hardest level in the game for me, and in a good way.

A creative and fun area where you infiltrate a gnorc ship and smash explosives into your armored foes. The water theme was an odd choice to me, as there are no swimming mechanics in this game, meaning they could make normal water a threat instead of having to fill it with piranhas or something equally scary.
I just really love the steel barrels that you can throw back at them.

This is one of the two levels that include the superflame fairies and the first level to have supercharging. To top it off, it's the only level in the game to have the fairies that save you from falling, mainly because a lot of this level involves supercharging off ramps and reaching new areas. Another interesting aspect is the variety of ways to get past the invincible bugs. You can run and never look back, get the superflame and defeat them, go around the back way and avoid them entirely, or use the supercharge.

The first real level of the game is surprisingly fun due to the amount of hidden stuff in it. The level structure consists of a central area with multiple paths leading to different areas. The hidden items are all interesting and provide a great introduction to the game. I also love the giant empty field you can access that wraps around the whole level, as it feels like you're completely breaking the game.
I really like that you can go on the wall and chase a thief there.
The Newcomers

Something about this level really stands out to me in my least favorite homeworld. I love that when you reach the highest point of the area, you can glide to the rooftops. It also contains what I believe to be the best hiding place in the level, behind the wall at the spawn point. Altogether, a great world in a mediocre homeworld.
I love the aesthetics and gliding to the other side of the river after you reach the top of the area.
Possibly my third favorite level in the game.

This is one of my favorite boss levels in the game. I just really adore the enemies, and Dr. Shemp himself is one of the better bosses. I also like some of the secrets.
That's a very dangerous level. It's not a safe place for Spyro the Dragon to be.