Top Ten Reasons Why Stevie Wonder is Way Better Than Jacob Sartorius

I hate Jacob Sucktorius so much. Stevie Wonder is much better.
The Top Ten
1 Stevie Wonder is famous for his music and perseverance. Jacob Sartorius is just famous for his social media.

(Almost) any singer is better than Jacob.

2 Stevie Wonder can sing. Jacob Sartorius can't.
3 Jacob Sartorius uses so much Autotune.
4 All Jacob Sartorius songs suck.
5 Stevie Wonder can play various musical instruments.
6 Jacob Sartorius hates his fans.

No he doesn't. I'm not a fan of Jacob at all and I agree that Stevie wonder is better, but this isn't true

7 Stevie Wonder has dignity.
8 Stevie Wonder doesn't see nude pictures on social media.
9 Stevie Wonder is mainstream R&B/Soul music. Jacob Sartorius is just mainstream bubblegum pop.
10 Jacob Sartorius doesn't deserve to be a singer.
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