Top Ten Reasons Why Storming Area 51 Is a Bad Idea

The Top Ten
1 People will probably die

There are always wonders in our U inverse & many are still unknown. We know very little about it & there could possibly be aliens. Now we do know people stating the government could be hiding them & anyone going to Area 51 is shut off. People can be crazy sometimes & if people die, then it’s really our fault. Drama is such a thing nowadays.

The army can shoot anyone who trespasses the lines set around Area 51, they have the right to do it. A man was killed by soldiers a few years ago after he was caught trespassing.

Yeah people are stupid to do it anyways. There's probably just military stuff there anyways that's kept secret so North Korea, Iran, China and Russia don't steal from us

Even if only 1% of the people who signed up actually mean it, that still means 10,000 people will be needlessly killed. DON'T DO THIS, people. I shouldn't even have to say this.

2 Naruto running won't provide any protection

False, Naruto running will work if you're fast enough.

You must be fun at parties

Because this is real life. Naruto only runs faster because he’s in an anime and anime is fictional.

Not in the real world. He’s a fictional anime character & Area 51’s real.

3 The U.S. military is well prepared

The one and only reason outside of there isn't any aliens. Come on this is a military base to you really want to be charging at a military base

The military is 2 million in strength with tanks planes and many other weapons. Naruto running can't save you from a tank

I bet they got tanks, cannons and a bunch of mounted guns on armored trucks, ready to kill everyone who dares enter!

Area 51 might also contain military equipment from other countries such as Canada.

4 A lot of people will get arrested for trespassing

Probably not. Anyone who actually does this will be blown to bits by top-secret superweapons before they ever have the chance to get arrested.

Lol, only one or two dudes got arrested in the end.

Some people could even be sent in prison

5 There probably aren't any aliens

There may not, but there could be secret technology there such as a time machine or a jet pack, but still, storming Area 51 is not worth it.

We never know, because the universe’s filled with many unknown wonders, but the government likes to hide the unknown.

Yes because they aren't real

6 The aliens might be evil

Well we never know & it's the unknown that gets us crazy. The government even likes hiding the unknown.

They might use anal probes on us!

Aliens aren't real

7 They could experiment with you

Depends, as everyone's different & the same would go with aliens.

8 By the time the planned date comes, the meme will die and people will forget about it, meaning only a few people will show up and they could easily just arrest you as there are not really that many people who will show up

They are really that powerful.

9 The U.S. Air Force is ready to defend Area 51

Yes They are and It Will not BE A nice site of all the people that tried to storm it DEAD ALL OF THEM.


10 They can stop us all

The military has enough firepower to kill millions of people.

Yeah, they can, though some aliens could too.

The Contenders
11 It's a very stupid thing to do

Stupid if you go overboard & view it the wrong way. But discovering things is always helping us learn.

12 It only started as a joke and it's creator himself said he doesn't want that to happen

No wonder some are actually taking this seriously.

13 The soldiers probably don't want to have to deal with killing civilians

Imagine a man called Bob. Bob has a daughter and two sons. How do you think his children will feel if their dad dies. How do you think the soldier who was forced to kill Bob will feel after this?

14 The conspiracy theories are most likely false

Some are, but others have hints of the unknown. Like clues to discover new findings. Like Gravity Falls.

15 We won’t find anything in there that is actually worth it
16 That could unleash the third world war

People are so crazy nowadays.

17 If there are aliens in there, maybe they don't want to interact with us

We never truly know, as just like everyone of us is different, everyone of them may be different.

18 The aliens will probably probe you
19 They could kidnap you

How much more insane could civilization get. We're trying to discover new things, but we can't let that turn into a disaster.

20 A nuke inside the base might explode
21 There may be humanoids
22 The aliens might want to eat us
23 The aliens might make us sex slaves

Nice, always wanted to be in an intergalactic gangbang...

24 You could get in trouble
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