Best Game of Thrones Villains
This list discusses all of our favorite or least favorite Game of Thrones/ A Song of Ice and Fire Villians
I think everybody hated Joffrey. He was evil and cruel and did not have even one good quality.
Literally the definition of evil he is. He killed Ned Stark, which I absolutely hate him for.

Not the most evil one - far from it. Also, not the biggest threat - Tywin and Littlefinger are smarter, the White Walkers are more dangerous, and Joffrey and Ramsay are more cruel. However, none of the above are nearly as complex as Cersei.
First, she's introduced as smart, cornering the main character and causing the downfall of his family. Then, her children are threatened, and she goes mad while defending them, constantly making stupid decisions. She knows she needs the help of the Tyrells but is too scared of the prophecy and what Margaery's presence might cause for her children.
Cersei's greatest enemy is Cersei.
"When you play the game of thrones, you win, or you die. There is no middle ground."
"Power is power."
"Margaery will dig her claws in, you will dig your claws in, and you'll fight over him like beasts until you rip him apart. I will burn our house to the ground before I let that happen!"
Definitely my favorite character.

I don't understand why Joffrey is above him. I mean, they're both cruel for sure, but Joffrey gives orders and tells others to do those things for him while Ramsay does more on his own.
I think the big difference between them is that Joffrey would just be a little whiny boy if he had no knights or anything like that, and he would run away from any dangerous situation (remember the war). But Ramsay does not need any help with harming, torturing, or killing whoever he wants to.
I think he is the best evil character in Game of Thrones. Of course, Joffrey and Cersei are really good villains, but Joffrey is only a young, crazy kid, and he has never been the real king because of his mother. Cersei is really evil, but we felt really sad (and a bit happy, okay) during the Walk of Shame at the end of the fifth season.
Ramsay is full of madness and evil. He is the most evil person in Westeros!

He may not have been truly evil like Ramsay or Joffrey, but Tywin was responsible for more deaths than anyone else in the show. Plus, he was so charismatic and entertaining to watch.
Charles Dance was the best villain ever.
Tywin was the real king of Westeros. Joffrey spent no time in politics and had no power over Tywin. Tywin is also responsible for sexually assaulting Tyrion and Tysha as children.
Tywin's name comes from the word tyrant.
The only villain that actually has a villain song: The Rains of Castamere. Poor Catelyn Stark knew what was coming...
Best Decades: The '80s

A Machiavellian villain mastermind. He is a megalomaniac who shows traits of manipulation and superficial charm. Although he may act like a good person, he secretly has bad intentions.
"Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder!" Such an awesome villain! Such a great character! Such an incredible actor!
He is an intelligent self-made man. Even though I admit he is not a good person, I actually root for him.

Perhaps he is even more cruel than Joffrey. He is a sadistic, murdering rapist who was awarded knighthood for it.

Maybe Davos put her on this list? Well, you may side with her or you may not, but she has done some very wicked things that have earned her a place on this list.

He took down Viserion, making him the dragon slayer. Plus, he has the largest army the world has ever seen.

I really liked his entrance in the show (I was fine with his Kingsmoot scene), but I'll admit that I thought Book Euron was more intimidating and interesting as a character, and he seemed like more of a badass.
All that said, I'm looking forward to seeing what this guy does in Season 7.
I know he didn't make much of an impression on fans in his Season 6 debut, but I guarantee by the end of Season 7, everyone will have a completely different opinion of him, and he may well be one of the best villains in the show.
Joffrey was a mad king influenced by power.
Littlefinger is the conductor of all chaos.
Ramsay was the monster with no remorse.
And Euron is Satan's witness, the representative of fear and evil.
The Newcomers

The Red Wedding! Enough said. This man is truly despicable.

You little traitor. You murdered Robb Stark, and you broke my heart. I didn't shed a single tear when your sadistic son killed you in the exact same way.
The fans send their regards.
Probably the only person who poses a threat to Littlefinger, and he is able to hide the fact that he's even worse than his bastard.

While some of us may not hate him, we surely can agree that he is a villain to an extent. He's kind of like the Game of Thrones version of Gollum.