Top 10 Prettiest and Most Beautiful Female Warrior Cats

This list will showcase the prettiest Warrior Cats!
The Top Ten
Silverstream SIlverstream is a character created by Erin Hunter to the book series named Warrior Cats. Silverstream is a sleek, soft, and thick-furred, slender, silver -and-black tabby she-cat with a finely shaped head, and bright blue eyes. She's the daughter of Crookedstar and Willowbreeze, former mate of Graystripe... read more

I do think that Silverstream is very beautiful, but I have to say, she's very rude and a bit careless. Leopardfur was going through a time as deputy where she was trying to make herself be trusted by her own father, and Silverstream called her "old." Would you enjoy it if you were on a patrol with a much more beautiful cat than you and you were called old by them? Not to mention, she dates Graystripe without the consequences because her father is the leader.

I don't really get how Millie is so far down. They are literally twins, and since they tied for beauty, I think Millie should be first because she won in personality. So, anyhow, if you prefer Silverstream over Millie, I entirely respect that, yet voting for her and not Millie would mean calling Silverstream ugly or Millie beautiful.

Spottedleaf Spottedleaf was a medicine cat under Bluestar's leadership in the forest territories. She was born as Spottedkit to Adderfang and Swiftbreeze alongside her littermates, Redkit and Willowkit. Initially, Spottedpaw was apprenticed to Thrushpelt; however, she decided to become a medicine cat with Featherwhisker... read more

She used to be one of my favorites when I started the series, but she is kind of useless. She is still so pretty, though. Firestar fell for her so hard when he joined the clan.

I think she doesn't get a lot of love from fans, so maybe people could just stop and say, "What a pretty cat!" - even though Spottedleaf is completely useless and boring.

Spottedleaf is so beautiful, inside and out. She always tried to protect others, and that ultimately led to her death. She first died at the hands of Clawface (a ShadowClan warrior) while protecting ThunderClan's kits, whom Clawface was trying to kidnap. Spottedleaf then experienced her spiritual death at the hands of Mapleshade while trying to protect Sandstorm in the Great Battle.

Spottedleaf always put others before herself, and that's what made me love her so much. Also, Fireheart always mentions her "sweet smell" when he dreams of her, showing that Spottedleaf isn't just beautiful, kind, and brave. She smells good too. I love Spottedleaf so much. Rest in peace, our beautiful medicine cat.

Feathertail Feathertail is a fictional character created by Erin Hunter for the book series called Warrior Cats. She's a slender, silver-tabby she-cat with sky-blue eyes and a plump tail. She is the daughter of Silverstream and Graystripe, Stormfur's sister and Crowfeather's first love interest. She used to be... read more

I don't really like her, but her design is beautiful. I just think she was a little annoying on the journey, always getting under other cats' paws. She openly flirted with a cat from another clan who wasn't even into her until, all of a sudden, she died.

I think Feathertail is a Mary Sue. Think about it: she had no flaws whatsoever. She had a very dramatic, sad, life-saving, and sacrificing death. She had a beautiful, "pure silver" coat, eyes that hypnotize you with their "beauty," a tragic backstory, and an amazing personality that every cat dreams of having. Her only flaw is that she fell in love with someone way younger who later cheated on her with somebody else.

Brightheart Brightheart is a character from Warriors by Erin Hunter. She is a white she-cat with ginger patches. As an Apprentice she got attacked by dogs and got half of her face torn off. Her mate is Cloudtail and her kits are Whitewing, Ambermoon, Dewnose, and Snowbush.

Brightheart is amazing. She is always there for her clanmates and is super kind! Even when she lost her face, she kept going and managed to achieve all that she had dreamed of.

Sort of forgot this was about the prettiest cat - Brightheart is super pretty. She has a brilliant pelt and is still beautiful, even with an injured face.

Brightheart is pretty inside and out. No wonder Cloudtail fell for her!

She deserved to be leader. After her accident, she proved her name has purpose, representing her bright heart!

Ivypool Ivypool is a fictional character created by Erin Hunter for the Book series named Warrior Cats. Ivypool is a common silver-and-white tabby. She spied in the Dark Forest and has dark blue eyes. She is the sister of Dovewing and the kit of Whitewing and Birchfall. Her mate is Fernsong, and she is the... read more

I used to hate Ivypool and found Dovewing so much more relatable. But, since then, I have realized that Ivypool is amazing, inside and out. She is mega brave, strong, and loyal, despite originally training for the Dark Forest. I think it's so unfair that Bristlefrost died!

Ivypool's pelt is awesome as well. Her markings are unique and beautiful. She should totally be higher up on the list.

I think that Ivypool is one of the most beautiful cats in Warriors, with her silver pelt and blue eyes.

Even her name sounds amazing, making her my favorite cat in Warriors. She's so kind and brave, and she worked hard to become deputy. She definitely deserves to be higher on the list.

Squirrelflight Squirrelflight is a dark ginger she-cat with forest-green eyes. She has one white paw, short legs, a torn ear tip, glossy fur, and a long, squirrel-like, bushy tail. She has a scar running from her chest to the top of her hind leg along her right flank. She is a cat in the series called Warrior Cats... read more

Squirrelflight is funny, loyal, stubborn, and altogether an amazing character. Her personality just makes her more lovable. She was always there for her sister and did what she thought was right.

Squirrelflight's pelt is super pretty. I always loved the fact that she inherited her parents' beautiful orange fur and green eyes.

Squirrelflight had so many toms chasing her. For starters, ASHFUR, Bramblestar/Claw, and, when she was an apprentice, Shrewpaw.

She and Shrewpaw would've been great mates.

Bluestar Bluestar is a character in the Warrior Cats series. She was one of the leaders of ThunderClan. She broke the code by being mates with Oakheart of RiverClan and having her kits, Stonefur and Mistyfoot, and Mosskit. Stonefur and Mistyfoot live in RiverClan, while Mosskit died of hypothermia. She has a... read more

I LOVE Bluestar! She's absolutely my favorite character in Warriors! I mean, just look at her! Her pelt shines like silver in the dark, and her eyes are so pretty and beautiful. But Bluestar wasn't only gorgeous, she was a very good leader. I mean, she literally devoted her entire life to serve the clan! Bluestar picked even her clan before her kits! She did everything for the clan! I can stand here and write tons of things about Bluestar and her fantastic work!

She may have lived a hard life and many of her family members passed away, but Bluestar didn't give up! She may not have been her best Bluestar towards the end of her life, but it wasn't her fault that Tigerstar betrayed them! After that, she thought that everyone would betray the clan! Bluestar even stopped believing in StarClan.

When Bluestar died, I literally couldn't believe it! How?! If Tigerstar hadn't attracted the dogs to the clan, Bluestar should be in other books too! No one could be a better leader than Bluestar. She had everything a leader needs.

I loved Bluestar and will always love her!

Leafpool Leafpool is a character in the Warrior Cats series. She's the daughter of Firestar and Sandstorm, sister of Squirrelflight, mate of Crowfeather, and mother of Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf

I'm really surprised Squirrelflight is ahead of Leafpool. Leafpool's pelt is literally a golden-brown color, and her eyes are the color of the bright sun. Meanwhile, Squirrelflight is just a dark red cat.

Their personalities are completely different too. Leafpool is calm, sweet, encouraging, and compassionate, while Squirrelflight is rude, demanding, and a snitch. She treats her mate like trash!

But Leafpool literally said she'd give up her life for her mate's kit! Leafpool went through so much and is amazing. I feel so bad for her because Feathertail is still trying to flirt with her mate, Crowfeather. Feathertail is no different than Spottedleaf, except she can't go into dreams.


Sandstorm is strong and graceful at the same time and oh-so-wise too. No wonder she won Firestar's affection over Spottedleaf!

Ok, to get some of the obvious stuff out of the way, Sandstorm is indeed very beautiful. I also think she plays an extremely important role in the series. She is a really great choice of a mate for Firestar.

Sandstorm is headstrong and tough but also vulnerable at times. She is caring, compassionate, honorable, and wise, never afraid to state what she thinks is right. At times, she serves as a great foil to Firestar. Sandstorm sometimes opposes Firestar because it's for the best, causing him to change his thinking and make some important decisions in the story.

She helped Firestar rebuild SkyClan and helped Alderheart on his journey to find SkyClan. Her value is severely underrated. If Firestar had never mated with her, then Leafpool, Squirrelflight, Jayfeather, and a majority of the other main protagonists throughout Warriors would not have been born. Many people don't think about this, but I feel they should to realize just how influential certain characters are.

Sandstorm is amazing and extremely important. She remains one of my favorite and one of the best female cats - no, wait - one of the best cats in Warriors history.


Okay, it's true that she may be pretty with her "lovely" (more or so typical blondie equivalent version for cats) tortoiseshell pelt, however, based on previous votes, I think that it's fair to rely on inside out. Dappletail was shown to be overstubborn, nothing like a Squirrelflight personality though.

She stole Stormtail from Moonflower, developing the personality because of her so-called beauty. He lost all feelings for sweet little Moonflower. There's nothing good about this cranky elder besides being lazy and relying... Why is she up here again?

The Newcomers

? Mosskit Mosskit is a character in the "Warrior Cats" franchise who died of hypothermia. The little kits last words were "Mother, can we go back yet? I'm getting cold."

What?! Why is she so underrated? Okay, let's be serious - Mosskit is prettier than most adult she-cats, to be honest. In fact, why isn't she at least in the top 10?

Mosskit shouldn't have died! She's probably one of the cutest warrior cats and definitely one of the prettiest.

I love Mosskit. So cute, so perfect. I was so sad when she died. She died when Bluefur was trying to give her a better life. So sad.

? Violet Dawn

Oh my gosh! I honestly don't know why she's not in the top 10 when she's really pretty!

She's a minor character, but I think she's really pretty.

The Contenders

Brambleberry is one of the most beautiful characters. I find white cats with unique patterns beautiful, and if you look at fan art of her, her blue eyes are just gorgeous! Though she is very pretty on the outside, she has a great, caring personality on the inside, too.

I think that Brambleberry should be way further up the list, not just at position 7. Leafpool seems like an average cat to me since most cats are brown tabbies, some with white patches and hazel or amber eyes. I think Silverstream is pretty, too, but silver she-cats are so overrated compared to other cats.

Hollyleaf Hollyleaf was one of the rare, strictly loyal cats of ThunderClan.

Her birth broke the warrior code, and she killed Ashfur in fear of him revealing the truth over her family. She lived in the tunnels for a while, before rejoining ThunderClan. Hollyleaf was slain by Hawkfrost and spent her last... read more

I love Hollyleaf so much. She is my absolute favorite character! She is smart, logical, strong, and graceful at the same time. Not to mention brave - she shouldn't have died so soon.

Hollyleaf was always one of my favorite warriors in Warrior Cats! I ship Holly x Fallen, and I think she deserved so MUCH!

1. I think she deserved to have a power and be in the prophecy.
2. She deserved to be a medicine cat!
3. She deserved to be known as Hollystar.

Hollyleaf really has a story, but I suppose this is for beauty. She is really fluffy, and black is a very pretty color. Just think about it! Anyway, she is really fluffy and not fat at all. Her name even sounds pretty. If she's black, she probably uses that to her advantage in fights, making it harder to see her. You can try to see her beauty. She should be higher on the list.

Dovewing Dovewing is a character in the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. She has pale gray fur with green, pr sky-blue, or pale gold eyes. Her first appearance is in the fourth arc, know as Omen of the Stars, in the book The Fourth Apprentice. She was part of the Power of Three, and her power was to hear and... read more

Dovewing is just amazing! A lot of people hate her, but I will always love her forever! I honestly don't care what people say about her. She is so gorgeous and a good character.

Yes, she did betray the warrior code, but I still love her! She knew about the dark forest and was just an amazing warrior cat in the series! I always get sad when I Google something totally random and see these least liked warrior cat Dovewing and others. And mean comments about her, but I disagree. Please stop the hate on her.

I love her soft pale gray fur and her pale gold, pure sky blue, or green eyes. Personally, I think it's a mistake that she has color-changing eyes, but I believe Dovewing with pale gold eyes would be beautiful. I also like Ivypool and Dovewing - they both have good qualities and bad ones.

Y'all don't have to start a war over which sister is better than the other.

- Willowmoon of ThunderClan

Willowbreeze Willowbreeze is a pale silver-gray tabby she-cat with soft fur and amber eyes.

Willowbreeze was a RiverClan warrior under Hailstar's and Crookedstar's leaderships in the forest territories. Willowkit was born to Fallowtail of RiverClan and Reedfeather of WindClan alongside with her sister, Graykit... read more

Willowbreeze is my favorite RiverClan she-cat. She is just so pretty! Why is Silverstream considered pretty? Because Willowbreeze is! I wish Crookedstar had been happy and strong without losing his family.

Although, I think Rainflower deserved to die for being such a jerk if her own son breaks his jaw. You don't have to change his name! Willowbreeze may have been captured by Twolegs and half WindClan, but she always remains like a full RiverClan cat with the family she raised. I wish she and two of the kits hadn't died.

Cinderpelt A Medicine Cat from the book series Warriors by Erin Hunter, she is a small, fluffy, sleek, and soft-furred she-cat with a smoky dark gray coat and wide blue eyes. Initially, she started out as a Warrior apprentice but was forced to train as a Medicine Cat after a monster broke her leg on the Thunderpath... read more

Personally, Cinderpelt is my favorite she-cat in Warriors. She is beloved for her amazing looks and personality. Her backstory is also very dramatic and inspiring. When she died, I was very sad, but I was glad I got to see her turn into an amazing medicine cat.

And a warrior apprentice, of course, before Tigerclaw set a trap for Bluestar which she fell right into. I was heartbroken when I knew Cinderpelt loved Firestar, but she was a medicine cat. And I honor her for sticking so strictly to the warrior code, even if there were a few slips along the way.

Her mesmerizing ocean-blue eyes are also one of her key features. After her stunning gray-silver pelt and fantastic personality, she definitely deserves to be 1st or at least higher than 15th on the list of most pretty she-cats in Warriors.

Half Moon

Half Moon, Half Moon. Snowy white with sparkling dark green eyes. Oh, so pretty. I wonder if she's related to Rock. I hope so.

Jayfeather is tying with my other favorites, and Half Moon is up there with him. She's prettier than Snowfur, I must admit. Young - check. Snowy-white - check. Sparkling emerald green eyes - check. Kind - check. In love with Jayfeather - check. (JAY'S WING). What more could you want?

She is so cute! I wish she could have been with Jayfeather, and most fan art is just simply mesmerizing. She loved Jayfeather and vice versa. She was so pretty even the grumpy old medicine cat fell for her, which is an achievement.

Mothwing Mothwing is a fictional character created by Erin Hunter for the book series Warrior cats. She is a golden she-cat with amber eyes and darker gold dapples. She's one of the refugees currently living in ShadowClan,... read more

Mothwing is a beautiful cat. I loved her ever since she became RiverClan's medicine cat. She is always nice and happy, and she isn't like Leafpool, the traitor who sneaks out of her Clan to be with her mate she shouldn't even have!

There was just a badger battle, and she, the medicine cat, goes off to be with him, then comes back and breaks up with him, then blamed StarClan for why she's miserable. Nothing and Leafpool are good friends, but I'm glad that Mothwing did not turn out like Leafpool.

Mothwing had such a bad past! I feel for her - her father, her brother, plus a lot more. But oh my gosh, is she beautiful! Her amber eyes and royal golden pelt are perfect.

She's an amazing cat. Though she's made some mistakes, I still love her. I think one day her pelt will glow so much, you'll need sunglasses around her!

Snowfur Snowfur is a fictional character created by Erin Hunter for the book series named Warrior Cats. She's Bluestar's sister, Whitestorm's mother and Thistleclaw's mate (when she was alive) and used to be a Thunderclan Queen before joining Starclan. She's one of the main characters in Bluestar's Prophecy... read more

Snowfur wasn't my favorite she-cat, but I love her color. It was awesome to read Bluestar's Prophecy and learn that Whitestorm is family to Bluestar. Honestly, I don't think Snowfur should have died from a car because it would have been cool to have her there with Firestar too.

I am crying after reading "Bluestar's Prophecy". She shouldn't have died. Also, the part where she says "Bluefur... let her go. I will look after her," it makes me cry. First of all, she shouldn't have died. Second, she should have lived to take care of Whitestorm.


I didn't like Blossomfall at the start, with all the Thornclaw business, so I never took much notice of her. But now, I've realized that age doesn't matter when you truly love one another.

Her blossom-shaped patches must be rare and pretty! And she has long black and white fur, which reminds me of the long-furred Graystripe. She has an elegant posture in my head and small paws. So very pretty.

Featherfrost of SkyClan

I feel sorry for her. Millie (UGH) treated her terribly for no apparent reason.

Blossomfall is a great cat and deserves better than being treated like trash by her very own mother! Can any cat really blame her for training in the Dark Forest when, ugh, I don't even want to say her name, but MILLIE treated her like that?!

Brindleface Brindleface is a pale gray tabby she-cat with darker flecks and green eyes.

Brindleface was a ThunderClan warrior under Sunstar's and Bluestar's leaderships in the forest territories. She was born as Brindlekit to Robinwing and Fuzzypelt, along with her sister, Frostkit. Her mother fostered Whitestorm... read more

It was so depressing the way she died... She was so pretty and such a nice mother! I really wish she didn't die.

Pretty gray tabby she-cat with dazzling green eyes. No wonder Redtail and Whitestorm had kits with her!

It was sad that she was killed by Tigerstar to give the dogs a taste of cat blood. Tigerstar is horrible!


She was such an inspirational cat, dying to save all the Clans. Even when young and in love, she never ceased to surpass her clanmates in skill and was such a beauty. With her beautiful glossy silver-gray fur and strikingly unique blue-green eyes, she was certainly a stunner. Dedicated, skilled, intelligent, and compassionate (and she had a gorgeous name). She deserved a long and happy life with a mate and kits (Rootspring and her kits in her vision).

I totally agree with all you Bristle lovers. She RULES! She saved the Clans. "She had done what she had always wanted to do. From the time she was a tiny kit, she had saved her Clan. And all the Clans." Beautiful inside and out.
Love, A Bristlefrost and Ivypool Lover


She's so overhated. She just wants what's best for her children since their father is absent. Every boy that gets with her treats her like trash! Show her some respect.

She helps mother cats regardless of who they are. She understood that Cloudtail was already in a relationship with Brightheart. You're all really hating on her for that? After she realized Brightheart and Cloudtail were in a relationship, she left them alone, unlike other cats like Spottedleaf, Silverstream, and Feathertail.

Tawnypelt Tawnypelt is a fictional character created by Erin Hunter for the book series Warrior Cats. She is a pale, mottled tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes. She is devoted, sassy, blunt and tough. She belongs in Shadowclan, and has recently stepped down of her position as Deputy to be a Warrior once again... read more

Tawnypelt is a tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with green eyes.

Tortoiseshell-and-white - tortoiseshell-and-white is pretty

Green eyes - green eyes are the best for tortoiseshell cats.

I love her for all the reasons. She's beautiful, strong, thoughtful, everything! I love her coloring, personality, and her decision to transfer to ShadowClan showed that she knew what was best for her and wouldn't let anyone talk her out of it.

She always stuck to her will, and for that, every cat who has a brain should respect her.


Yes, Appledawn is a WindClan warrior and very pretty, but I don't think she should be in the top ten, and I know she isn't.

Mistystar Mistystar is a lithe, pale blue-gray she-cat with thick, sleek fur, a pink nose, a plumpy tail, and wide, ice-blue eyes. Her mother was Bluestar and her father is Oakheart. Her adopted mother was Graypool and her adopted father is Thrushpelt. Her sister is Mosskit and her brother is Stonefur, her adopted... read more

She is independent, beautiful, and has been through so much. Not only did Bluestar leave her, she lost her mate.

I don't think a lot of people know this, but Mistystar's first mate was Blackclaw, a sometimes selfish, standoffish tom. When he found out she was half-clan, he left her. She was devastated, but Reedfeather helped her through it, and she managed to make me love her more.

She gets her pretty blue-colored looks from her mother Bluestar. Mistystar not only had a lot of the same problems as her mother, yet she also followed in her mother's footsteps when it came to deputy and leadership. She's pretty at sight but is also pretty at heart.

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