Best Game of Thrones Episodes

The Top Ten
The Winds of Winter

Although not as shocking as the scene in The Rains of Castamere, the opening scene was the best Game of Thrones has ever put together. The music fits perfectly and creates such a satisfying moment even though you don't particularly like Cersei.

The rest of the episode is also fantastic, and combined with Battle of the Bastards, it completes the best ending to a TV season ever, in my opinion. The death of Tommen and the ending that set up the next season were particularly exciting. I just loved the detail of Tommen stopping his suicide momentarily to put the crown in a safe place! The GOAT episode.

Battle of The Bastards

Might just be the best episode yet. Shows the consequences of not feeding your hounds.

Don't think the final episode will top this.

EDIT: I was wrong. The final episode is even better, though I still like this.

We've been waiting forever for an awesome field battle, and this episode gave it to us. So intense, so spectacular. Kit Harrington as Jon Snow nails it and gave us such a satisfactory ending.

Though I would've liked Ramsay Bolton's death to be a bit more graphic, I wanted to see him actually suffer and die. Never mind.

The Rains of Castamere

Funny how the top three episodes were all ninth episodes of their seasons.

I love how Talisa and Robb talk about their baby, and five minutes later, it gets stabbed.


Best hero moment in the history of television.


I think this was the first time I was really watching with my mouth open. After this one, it's impossible to quit GoT.

A straight-up masterpiece. $8 million well spent!

The Children
The Watchers on the Wall
The Spoils of War

If Ned Stark didn't die, the story wouldn't move in an interesting direction.

The one where Ned Stark gets beheaded.

The Mountain and the Viper

Season 4 was the best, and this was the climax. After the first seven episodes established a main story more focused than any other plotline except for Ned Stark, we got a series of events that flowed seamlessly, finally leading Oberyn to become Tyrion's champion.

At this point, we thought we were going to get a happy ending. Oberyn had literally knocked down the Mountain and was torturing him. But then we got GoT's most shocking twist yet when Oberyn gets killed out of nowhere. The only death that could come close to this one in terms of unexpectedness and poignancy was that of Robb, Catelyn, and Talisa. Amazing.

The Newcomers

? The Long Night

This episode is better than all five seasons of Breaking Bad.

? The Last of the Starks
The Contenders
The Lion and the Rose

I loved every bit of this episode. Watching Joffrey choke to death gave me extreme pleasure.

The Laws of Gods and Men

The trial was the best scene in the entire series. Injustice after injustice...

The Door
And Now His Watch Is Ended
Winter Is Coming

Come on guys, this was the beginning of total epicness. Besides, nothing can be compared to the first episode because first episodes usually indicate whether the series is good or not.

The first Game of Thrones episode.

The Dragon and the Wolf

I loved how the writers convince you about something several times in this episode, but in the end, it is the exact opposite - pure perfection!

The best from this season and one of the most satisfying yet frightening episodes in the entire series.

Beyond the Wall

Beyond the Wall is the best episode so far in the series. The episode changed a lot of fan theories and speculations. And the wight dragon, of course! Although the scene is sad and devastating, it showed us how the Night King can be a real major threat to the Seven Kingdoms.

11/10 for this great episode. And Jon Snow bent the knee (sort of).

The best show in the series by far. The conversations they have as they go to catch a wight are just priceless. Dragons fighting zombies in the snow? And a zombie dragon make this show unbeatable. I watch this episode at least once a week since it aired.

Fire And Blood

The one where the dragons hatch.

Valar Morghulis
The Dance Of Dragons

One of the saddest deaths and most shocking moments of the season and show.

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
Kissed By Fire
The Climb

This episode has the absolute BEST voiceover in the entire show.

The score that plays during Littlefinger's soliloquy to Varys and the transition to Jon still gets me pumped to this day.

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