Top 10 Stephen King Villains

The Top Ten
1 Pennywise the Dancing Clown (It) It (sometimes capitalized as IT), more commonly known as Pennywise the Dancing Clown, is the titular main antagonist of the novel, its 2017 film adaptation and the 1990 TV adaptation. It was portrayed to be a shapeshifting and malevolent entity millions (possibly billions) of years old, and with no exact gender or solid identity; thus why it is called "IT". more.

The new movie was amazing! When I saw the trailer I was thinking is gonna be bad,but it was one of the best book adaptation I ever saw! The book was amazing too!

Hilarious and kind of creepy in the 1990 version but absolutely terrifying in the 2017 version.

2 Randall Flagg (The Stand)
3 Crimson King (The Dark Tower)
4 Jack Torrance (The Shining) John Daniel Edward "Jack" Torrance is the main antagonist of Stephen King's horror novel The Shining.

I've heard and read such praise for this film. I keep meaning to watch it to see if it lives up to the hype and my expectations but I've just never got around to it.

Note to self: Watch this film!

Said one of the most famous quotes in movie history! "HERE'S JOHNNY! "

No one could have played it better than Jack Nicholson. x


5 Blaine the Mono (The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands)
6 Kurt Barlow (Salem's Lot)
7 George Stark (The Dark Half)
8 Raggedy Man (Cell)
9 Annie Wilkes (Misery) Anne Marie Wilkes Dugan, usually known as Annie Wilkes, is a character in the 1987 novel Misery, by Stephen King.

As terrifying in both movie and books thanks to the fact that she perfectly reflect modern fandom, Annie is probably the worst nightmare of every author, and too many people in internet show the same attitude and behaviour (if not even worst) that made her so great and scary, for sake of "defending" their favourite title some fans wouldn't hesitate to act in the same way, or doing some even more atrocious things

I was incredibly confused when I didn't see Annie on this list. How can you forget her? She's terrifyingly crazy.

#11? Annie Wilkes is one scary lady. Surely she deserves to be at least #1?

At least the top 5

10 Gage Creed (Pet Sematary)
The Contenders
11 Leatherheads (Under the Dome)
12 John Rainbird (Firestarter)
13 Cujo (Cujo)
14 Percy Wetmore (The Green Mile)
15 The Overlook Hotel (The Shining)
16 He Who Walks Behind the Rows (Children of the Corn)
17 Robert Rusler (Sometimes They Come Back)
18 Leland Gaunt (Needful Things)
19 Greg Stillson (The Dead Zone)
20 Margaret White (Carrie 1976)

Carrie's crazy, religious fanatic mother. Beats her daughter with a bible, and kills her own daughter at the end of the movie and book! Definitely a villain to me!

21 Tak (Posesion/Desperation)
22 Morgan Sloat (The Talisman)
23 Henry Bowers (It)
24 Carrie White (Carrie)
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