Top 10 Best Arrested Development Characters

The Top Ten
G.O.B. Bluth

The eldest son whose botched magic illusions keep us in stitches.


Tobias Fünke

How is Lucille ranked above Tobias? This is an outrage.

The world's first analrapist (analyst and therapist) who never fails to find the wrong words to use.

I'm afraid I just blue myself.

Lucille Bluth

The alcoholic, neglectful mother who never manages to care for her children, especially G.O.B. and Lindsay. Jessica Walter plays her perfectly.

Buster Bluth

The biggest mama's boy ever! Don't let him know about the seal in his room.

And my hand is up to you!

Michael Bluth

The responsible man who's just trying to hold his family together!

Lindsay Bluth Fünke

The irresponsible adopted daughter who married a man she hates.

George Michael Bluth

The only son with a crush on his cousin!

Maeby Fünke

The rebellious daughter. Marry me!

George Bluth Sr.

The world's worst dad who always escapes prison!

Oscar Bluth

"Maybe I'll put it in her brownie." Enough said.

The Newcomers

? Kitty Sanchez
? The Narrator
The Contenders
Franklin Delano Bluth

Funny as hell with the close-ups!

It ain't easy being white.

Barry Zuckerkorn
Bob Loblaw
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