Best Scooby Doo Villains

The Top Ten

The Creeper is the greatest Scooby Doo villain!

The episode he appears in is one of my favorites!

The Creeper is the most famous and coolest villain. Not to mention, the episode was just awesome.

Ghost of Captain Cutler

Captain Cutler was one of the most iconic villains from the original show.

With a cool underwater setting, Captain Cutler scared the hell out of me as a kid. Those ghostly moans and his glowing costume define uniqueness.

One of the most unnerving foes from the original series, period.

No wonder he gets to show up time and time again!

Captain Cutler's Ghost has always been my favorite for some reason.

Black Knight

To me, the Black Knight set the standard of Scooby Doo, Where Are You?

The setting in the museum was genius, and the episode as a whole was great. The original is usually considered the best, and the Black Knight as the first Scooby Doo villain is no exception.

I feel like the Black Knight doesn't get enough credit for how great of a villain he is.

He's the first Scooby villain and is just cool. (He's also better than guys who are doctors in ragged clothes)!

The Phantom of Vasquez Castle

I know that the design may be a bit basic for Scooby standards, but don't underestimate this phantom.

From the spine-chilling cackle to the ability to phase through solid walls, Bluestone's phantom of Vasquez Castle always made my hair stand up like Shaggy's. Especially when the phantom closed in on the camera - what a jump-scare!

Phantom Shadows

That laugh mixed with the jingling chains just adds more creepiness to the villains, and it makes them so much more terrifying.

They are the best!

Creeps and Crawls certainly pulled off a convincing charade with the Giggling Green Ghosts.

The chain sound effects, along with the maniacal laugh, never get old. I'm glad that they've appeared in other media for Scooby Doo.

Their creepy laugh and mysteriousness were, "pun intended," the final nail in the coffin for making them my favorite Scooby Doo villains!

Space Kook

As a kid, I only watched the earlier episodes of Season 1 for Where Are You?

But now as an adult, this alien defines the fear factor. When his helmet glows red each time he delivers that menacing laugh, Space Kook definitely would have given me nightmares.

Best Scooby Doo villain, hands down, dawg. The music that plays when he's near is hella spooky, and his laugh - need I say more?

He has a great design, by the way.

The episode with the Space Kook has one of the greatest gags not only in Scooby Doo but in all of cartoons.

Witch Doctor
Ghost Clown

I already don't like clowns thanks to the Joker and Pennywise, but I can't talk about Scooby Doo without mentioning the Ghost Clown.

From his hypnotist gimmick to his terrifying costume, this ghost has every reason to smile, because he successfully scared both the Gang and me.

Pennywise's father!

Pretty creepy guy, honestly, with that psychopathic smile and those malicious black eyes.

Hey! Has anyone seen Crispin Glover's "Clowny Clown Clown" (in case you forgot, Crispin Glover is the father in Back to the Future)? Anyone? Hmm... "Clowny Clown Clown" is such a "great" song. Anyone like it?

The clown in it looks like this one!

Tar Monster

The Newcomers

? Chinese Dragon

A very underrated and forgotten monster, in my opinion!

He appeared in Block Long Hong Kong Terror.

? Genghis Kong
The Contenders
Charlie the Robot

I know that most people don't consider Charlie to be a 'villain,' but this robot is perhaps the most frightening being that the Gang has ever faced.

The abandoned amusement park was a genius setting. But when they added a lightning-quick and super-strong robot, I had to have the light on in my room for a while each time I thought of Charlie.

A lot of people don't consider him an actual villain because he wasn't a bad guy in disguise.

But he was pretty cool with his walk and bright flashing eyes!

To be honest, he looks a lot like Mega Man.

Phantom Virus
10,000 Volt Ghost
Cotton Candy Glob
Snow Ghost

He is in one of my favorite episodes ever!

Ghost of Redbeard
Professor Pericles
Puppet Master

His ability to disappear in an instant is awesome.

The fact that he's an old guy and can move like he did makes him even better. The costume is perfect too.

Miner Forty-Niner

Miner Forty-Niner is pretty cool. His moan from the episode he was in was pretty spooky.

That moan gave me chills, even if it was an animated kids' show.

Masked Figure
Mummy of Anka

I just think it is hysterical how surprised they are to find out that it is the very sinister and mysterious "Dr. Najib!"

The Freak of Crystal Cove

Aka Fred's fake father, the ex-Mayor Jones.

Scrappy Rex
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