Top Ten Star Trek Television Series

The Top Ten
The Next Generation (1987) Star Trek: The Next Generation is an American science fiction television series in the Star Trek franchise created by Gene Roddenberry that ran between 1987 and 1994. Roddenberry, Maurice Hurley, Rick Berman, and Michael Piller served as executive producers at different times throughout its production... read more

I thought TOS was the best, but that was because I was comparing TOS to TNG's Season One. But really, the middle seasons were the best, meaning 2-6. Yes, Season 2 was great, with Q Who and the episode with Data and whether he has rights or not. (forgot name).

My favorite episode would have to be The Inner Light. Beautiful song. "Seize the time, Meribor! Now is the most precious time!" I got that from memory. I'm pretty sure it has an error, though.

So inspirational, such as Data's "It is not the destination that matters, Lal, it is the journey which is most important." Again, probably not exact... It really was the one that shines out.

Star Trek: Generations was a fitting end to the Enterprise D's adventure, really, underrated movie... First Contact, I haven't seen it yet, probably a great film. Insurrection was pretty good but really forgettable. The villain is very weak. Nemesis, I haven't watched it yet.

The Original Series (1966) Star Trek is an American science-fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry that follows the adventures of the starship USS Enterprise.

This series is the most nostalgic series ever. After finishing up TOS, I went and tried TNG, and it just wasn't the same. TOS will forever be my favorite.

Nothing beats the first one, except maybe Star Trek Enterprise.

Should be #1. It's the original classic and it's the best.

Deep Space Nine (1993)

This was more serialized than other Star Treks, which was really a different take. They had to deal with their problems, not just escape them. Also, it was darker, and it showed how even good people can make questionable decisions in time of great need, in this case, war.

It showed PTSD and tackled lots of tough topics, and it really was the overall best Trek series, greatly in part because it had such great characters. The characters do have conflicts, so it is different than TNG, where everybody gets along. This makes for great stories.

It is also set on a station so it has greater diversity and lots of different aliens, with the greatest supporting characters, such as Nog, Rom, and Garak, to name a few. It was serialized with long story arcs about the Dominion and other stuff, including Sisko becoming Emissary.

That along with the fact that the characters grow so much in DS9, for example, Bashir from a young romantic to becoming more mature and serious. There was no unlikable character, Benjamin and Jake have a wonderful and believable relationship. Also, there really were no bad seasons.

Even season 1 had amazing episodes, with the best pilot and Duet. It had great emotional episodes such as The Visitor, and great episodes such as In the Pale Moonlight that makes you question if the main characters are right or not. Overall, really the best Star Trek series.

Enterprise (2001)

I know that everyone hates it and that it has trouble with canon, but just... really? The story arcs raise tough moral and ethical dilemmas that make you think, the idea of humanity's first flight at warp 5, gorgeous CGI... the best Star Trek.

This is a superior perspective of Star Trek. I will always love the original most. However, the series had to be updated. It's not the 1960s.

Voyager (1995)

This series has the perfect balance of drama and comedy, interesting sci-fi scenarios, the best stories in Star Trek, and likable enough characters where none of them hurt to watch on screen.

I think TNG deserves to be #1, but I liked Voyager better than DS9 or the original series. The overarching storyline of being lost in deep space makes this entire series more connected than the others, and Janeway is such a badass! "Coffee, black."

The Animated Series (1973)
Picard (2020)
Discovery (2017)
Strange New Worlds (2022)
Lower Decks (2020)
The Contenders
Short Treks (2018)
Prodigy (2021)
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