Top 10 Worst America's Next Top Model Winners
She had one of the worst portfolios in the entire show. The flower picture alone is one of the worst pictures ever taken to this day. If anybody else had taken that picture at any point of the competition, they would have been sent home. She had a good runway walk, but in her portfolio, she had 2 good photos (recyclables, Chinese lions, and dragon). The rest of her photos were either okay, bad, or horrible.
In a season with such amazing models like Lisa, Jenah, Chantal, Heather, Sarah, and Ebony, all of whom have taken some of the best pictures ever, I just do not understand how Saleisha ended up past week 3, overseas, and then the winner of cycle 9.
I love Whitney's personality, and I respect her so much for what she stands for, but she shouldn't have won. She was in the bottom two so many times, she had only one good photo during the whole competition, and all the other girls outshined her completely. I liked the fact Tyra let a plus-sized model win, and I was happy seeing a girl that respects her body and she embraces her uniqueness, but she didn't deserve to win. I think that the winner should have been either Anya or Katarzyna.
I think she actually was fine. But I have to say that, according to me, this season had a whole lot of potential and some of the most successful ANTM models to date! I mean, in the finale, Anya was such an obvious choice! Just as much persona as Whitney, more skills. And if not her, then Katarzyna. I mean, look at her! Or Fatima! Or even Lauren, though I know she probably was more of a photo model. But still, this season had, as said, such an amount of potential, and some of the most successful contestants to date!
This cycle was really boring. Too many generic girls, Krista and Angelea being loud and vulgar. I know being a model is about finding beauty even in what "normal" people find unattractive, but for the sake of God, this Krista girl is ugly! I haven't seen her doing anything significant after ANTM.
I think Tyra was being brainwashed by Andre Leon Talley's biased opinion. Black is beautiful, but damn, why couldn't Aylasia win? She had the It factor.
I didn't like this cycle because the winner was very annoying and partially even ugly, and I don't care what judges said about her look. Naima was awful.
Eva was a total diva the entire season and didn't embody what ANTM was created for and how Tyra explains it.
I'm sorry to say something bad about her, but her smile scared my kids like a crazy clown's smile. To me, she looked like Heath Ledger in the Dark Knight. Anyone else would have been better!
I think we all know that Analeigh should have won that cycle, hands down.
I wouldn't say that she was the WORST winner, but Analeigh should have won.
She should have been #1! She wasn't even a good model. She definitely had more personality than Allison, but her photoshoots, her looks, everything about her is boring. I remember I didn't know her name until the finale. She is not outstanding. Allison should have won that cycle, we all know that.
Most biased decision in the history of the show to name her the winner. Because Tyra assumed she wanted it more? What? Everyone who saw the episode is right: Allison was robbed!
She was one of my favorites, but she was a little bit overrated.
CariDee was annoying as hell, she looked old (even on her SEVENTEEN cover). She's not a model. She's a semi-pretty girl. Melrose's portfolio was much better.
I hated Lisa back in Cycle 5, but I grew to actually like her in Cycle 17. She has improved and she deserved to be in the top 3 or top 4 girls, but not the winner. I think that either Allison or Kayla should have won Cycle 17.
Allison was so much better and improved a lot in both her cycle and Cycle 17. It's a shame she became runner-up twice while she deserved to win twice.
She should be number 1. Allison should have won instead of her 100%.
Now she's just an ex-model and a TV personality. She has given up on modeling entirely. I get she had a rough time, but she just gave up (in my opinion). I think Shannon should have won. She would have done more.
The Newcomers
Like many of the others, there were many other people that season who deserved the win more than Keith did. We all know Will and Lenox were the top two! Keith winning is complete nonsense!
Anybody but Lenox winning would have been the wrong choice. Keith was very middle of the road.
She had a pretty face, took some great photos, and had a high-fashion look. But I still think Mercedes should have won. I just find her more approachable, and her personality is definitely more interesting. Her photos were outstanding, whereas Yoanna's photos were just average good photos.
Her victory was proof of how flawed the voting system was and that adding social media to the show was just stupid.
Definitely did not deserve to win over Leila.
Leila is way more successful now, too.
The winner of the worst cycle ever. Should I say more?