Worst Sam and Cat Episodes

The Top Ten

This was by far the worst episode in not just the series, but in Dan Schneider history! When Dice and Goomer got arrested, Dice tried to explain what the timers were really for, but Goomer kept talking over him, using bad wording to make the situation worse.

Then they escape, and the airport goes into lockdown. After Sam and Cat get tortured by bratty kids the entire time they're there, they can't even get on the plane because the flight attendant didn't call first class to board first. Then the plane leaves with all the other passengers, but not them.

If this episode has a single pro out of all those cons, it's that Coco from Zoey 101 makes a surprise guest appearance at the airport, and we find out what happened to her after Zoey 101. Other than that one scene, somebody needs to find the tape of this episode and burn it!


This episode was worse than #FirstClassProblems because of how badly Cat treated a guy near the ending. She attacked him in the head, thinking his hair was a wig when it was actually his real hair. She even got arrested for that.

This episode is worse than #FirstClassProblems and is the worst of all episodes because of how badly Cat treated a guy, not knowing that his hair was, in fact, real.

This was a horrible way to end the series, and to be honest, it DESERVED such a bad ending. It was a horrible series.


The only good thing about this episode was that Kel Mitchell from All That and Kenan & Kel played Peezy B. Other than that, this episode was bad!


I liked that Jade, Freddie, and Robbie made guest appearances, but Cat was such a moron in this episode. She flirted with Freddie, locked Sam in the closet, tried to jump the tuna for her, and ended up putting Freddie and Robbie in the hospital!

Sam did steal Robbie and kissed him, which is messed up because Tori already did that to her in Victorious when she found out Cat was dating her ex-boyfriend, but Sam did it only for revenge. Cat should have thought twice before she stole Freddie in the first place!


I hated this episode. I'm usually not that sensitive, but the birthday party and the Abraham Lincoln show were just sad. Plus, the part where Sam caught her finger in the door was traumatizing to watch.

This was one of the worst episodes in Sam & Cat. I think Sam & Cat would be better if the show didn't exist, but the ending was pretty funny.

This episode sucks. Everyone is really mean to Cat.


Eh, this episode was pretty funny and unfunny. The guy who was a butthole told them if that word didn't exist, they had to drink his sweat, which is disgusting. I don't know what his deal was.

What was funny was Sam throwing food at the red bot, blaming a kid and a baby. When he said, Hey baby! it sounded like he was excited to see his wife.


To be honest, I know how to do a British accent, and thanks to this episode, I feel ashamed of learning how to do it.

They make all British people look like jerks!


I just hate this one because Cat doesn't get Dice his $100 because she wanted some Bibble. This episode made me hate Cat, and I just feel bad for Dice. Otherwise, this episode was okay.


The Newcomers

? #MommaGoomer
? #BlueDogSoda
The Contenders

While Cat was talking to Dice where she found the shoe, the computer behind her had the Pacific Coast Academy website on it.

This one wasn't too bad. Plus, Stacey Dillsen from Zoey 101 is in this episode! That's definitely a big pro for anyone who liked Zoey 101!


This episode sucks. One, Oscar, a little boy, gets hurt throughout. Two, the ending is super unsatisfactory. Three, the plot stinks. Pretty dull episode.


This sounded horrid. On a worst TV show episode list on DeviantArt, it was number nine.


This episode had a stupid plot. Cat made up a holiday that is basically Christmas, but it's about presents. (The Amazing World of Gumball did this plot better.) She calls it "Yay Day," which is dumb in itself.

A subplot that few people talk about involves a dehydration joke. No one lets Dice have water for 24 hours, and he gets so desperate that he licks a rock. Why? Because Nonna told him to. Dehydration is a serious issue that can cause health problems such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headaches, strokes, kidney failure, urinary tract infections, and heart disease - and it can lead to death. If Dice had gone longer than the duration of the episode without water, he could've ended up in the emergency room, or worse. He's a child, and denying a child basic needs like water is child abuse. A woman once didn't give her child water for four days, and the child died. She went to jail for life. This is not funny. It's cruel, and the joke is unwatchable and sadistic. Who in their right mind could think a child getting severely dehydrated is funny? It is not - it's sad and cruel!


This episode kind of made no sense. But seriously, WHO writes these Sam and Cat episodes?


I like the start more than the ending, 1 million percent!

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