Worst Shows On PBS Kids

I know this has nothing to do with Barney, but I just found out that PBS is making a Pinkalicious cartoon that will premiere next year. I mean, it seems so out of place on PBS. I thought PBS stopped doing cartoons based off of books a long time ago. That show seems more fitting on Nick Jr. or Disney Junior. I was never a fan of the Pinkalicious books as a child anyway, they were too gender stereotypical. And since this is PBS, this show has somehow managed to work in an educational curriculum that focuses on visual arts, music, and dance. Okay, now it's obvious that this show is just an Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps wannabe. I thought PBS improved in the mid-to-late 2010s with shows like Odd Squad, Nature Cat, and Ready Jet Go, but no! They go back to making trashy cartoons like Splash and Bubbles, and possibly Pinkalicious & Peterrific, which is what the show is called.
Oh, well. I guess a show that teaches kids about the creative arts is much needed on PBS Kids, since too many shows on PBS Kids focus on science and math. The only shows airing on PBS Kids that don't have a STEM-based curriculum are Super Why, which teaches literacy, Sesame Street, which covers everything, and Arthur, Bob the Builder, Thomas the Train, and Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, which teach social and emotional skills. Besides, there's nothing wrong with teaching kids about the creative arts, and the song that the characters sang in the clip that PBS Kids uploaded was kinda nice. The reason I can't submit it yet is because it hasn't premiered yet.

Caillou is such an annoying and spoiled little brat! His parents give him everything he wants and they don't even teach him how to earn! If nothing goes his way, he whines about it. He may be the most whiny kid on television. I bet that's how my little brothers got to be so whiny. Caillou needs to be grounded and he will probably be a horrible father! This show should've never been put on television in the first place! I am so glad it was canceled in 2010! Everybody hates Caillou! It should definitely be number one!

This show insulted my intelligence and fairy tales. Seeing this piece of crap makes fairy tales look so bad you want to kick disney in the balls for every princess movie they produced. This is an INSULT to the world of imagination and fairy tales. Look PBS, just because you made ONE half decent fantasy show (dragon tales for the win) doesn't mean you'll have ANOTHER hit show. The plots are just lame excuses to butcher some childhood classics, the character designs look like crap, the powers are useless, and I just want to curse every time this show is even MENTIONED. even in front of children. This show... Watch at your own risk

Should definitely be number 1. This show shouldn't have been made in the first place. Seriously, the characters are really creepy and they give me nightmares. I remember my mom was saying do you wanna be 2 years old again? Then watch Teletubbies, It's for 2 year olds. I don't think so. It is plain stupid and creepy for all the children. Also it is pointless. The teletubbies talk in gibberish and baby talk. This way, it will brainwash kids and they will think that that's the appropriate way to talk. And it's not.
MORAL: Never let your kids watch Teletubbies. It will make your children talk like babies and it will give them nightmares with their creepy looks.

I once watched Sid's bday. And he wished that he can eat cake all day. Like what? He'll get fat! I stopped watching when the teacher was talking about nutritions because it was total CRAP! He sings like he's mimicking, and he runs so slow, that my brother who's also in kindergarten is WAY faster than him! May is weird, Gabriella is just dumb, the purple boy is TOO hyper! Thank the LORD this horrendous show got cancelled!
This show is the bottom of the barrel for PBS kids. Just terrible. Just the worst show for me of all time. The voice acting. Oh my God. Is it bad. Nails on a chalkboard. It's not even educational. All it is is. Why does this Banana turn brown N stuff. The intro is stupid. Like the entire intro is about him wanting to know things. The characters are just downright ugly and grotesque. And Jim Henson is supposed to be puppets. This is just not even real science. Dexter's laboratory is not actually real science. But I can get all of the jokes. But for Sid the science kid NOPE. Just garbage. And in my opinion scientists are supposed to be mad. But all Sid does is jump around and ask you the questions. And it's trying to be funny. Like the jokes are unfunny. Like a joke where Sid's dad tells him to ask if he's a car. And says NO. And starts laughing. Am I laughing. And the experience are boring.
Lastly the animation is bad. Even the memes are terrible... Well Dexter's laboratory and Jimmy neutron turned into this Devil forsaken show. DON'T WATCH IT >:(

It's a decent show that teaches kids about dinosaurs, not good or bad. But most of the episodes involve only Buddy, Tiny, and their mom. Shiny and Don had their fair share of moments, but they rarely tag along with the main three when they go to the Dinosaur Train. And I sometimes laugh at the dad's unfunny jokes because of how bad they are. But I like Don.
The animation is creepy, most of the characters are impersonal, and half of the 'Main Four' isn't present in half of the episodes. Let me compare this to the first 'Main Four' from Odd Squad...
Odd Squad's first main characters were Olive, Otto, Oscar, and Oprah. Although the true main characters are Olive and Otto, and Oprah and Oscar are more like deuteragonists, the show can't live without them. Oprah is the main boss who assigns the cases, and Oscar builds the gadgets Olive and Otto use to solve odd problems. Nothing will function right if one of them isn't there.
Now let's see Dinosaur Train. You can automatically get rid of Shiny and Don, because a daily episode has Buddy, Tiny, and their mom go on the train. Heck, you can even get rid of the dad, because all he does is deliver the unfunny jokes.

The repetition doesn't bother me much it's the brainwashing, or indoctrination, or whatever you want to call it that's trying to turn all the kids into little drama queens and kings. saying it's a "biiig problem" and a "reaaally big problem" when it's not, not even for a kid and "totally out! " over every little thing. I see the kids watching this to grow up being the kind of people who turn mole hills into mountains and try to turn every situation into a drama fest. Then there is the whole "teach kids to splash water all over the bathroom" scenes, I just got my grandchildren to stop doing that and you think I'm going to let you teach them that it's ok? No. This is not a good show and not watched in my house.

I have one benefit to this show. But mostly there are Cons about this show.
Benefit: This teaches kids phonics of ending sounds and beginning sounds.
1. The animation is awful and the characters look messed up.
2. Why doesn't dog speak?!
3. The "Build a Word" song is so awful! The singing is so off tune!
4. Duck sounds like a 10 year old going through puberty!
5. You can barely read the words when their built (Like the word swing, it's too clear to read, the word spoon, it's too smooshed.)
This show is annoying and crappy!

I liked the show when I was 8, but I never understood it. I mean I didn't understand what's the meaning in each episode. It's a good and educational show but it's way too comfusing for lil kids. And another thing I never understood is the act that they all are animals, anrhur is probalbly a guinea-pig (I'm not sure but I heard that somewhere) and his pet is a dog...what?
And some of Arthur's friends are actually dogs and they act like humans so why his pet is a dog and acts like a dog? This was really weird...
Anyway, I liked the show and I think it's even enjoyable and educational, but little kids definitely won't understand what's the meaning and the advice.
It's more for preteens than for preschoolers.

Okay, where do I begin? First of all, how did this show "get Mister Rogers' approval?! " HE IS DEAD! He would never have allowed this. Good job, PBS! And why does Daniel Tiger wear Mister Rogers' sweater?! Did he murder him or something?! And why doesn't he wear pants. If you are going to put animals in clothes, at least fully dress them! And what does this teach again? This is complete crap compared to the original. Poor Mister Rogers, just let the man rest in peace! Geez Louise!
Remember the show that was Mr Rogers neighbor. That show was amazing. Lets fast forward a few years. Now we have this. This show is just completely stupid with cheesy lessons for kids to learn. Mr Rogers taught us about the dangers of violence and how we can stop it ( He even told everyone that we need a parent to be by our side because the stuff he was talking about might scare us ) He told us about people getting a divorce and other heavy subject matters. Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood taught us cheesy lessons that kids can easily learn from their parents. The songs repeat themselves over and over again and it can get very annoying. The characters are very annoying, Daniel Tigers voice sounds a lot like D.W's voice from Arthur so no wonder why Daniel is annoying. This was made right after Mr Roger died so no wonder this show is bad. If Mr. Rogers saw this, He would be very sad
The Newcomers
When the show first got released on PBS Kids, I never really understood the lessons they were trying to teach. Barely educational, some of the episodes are just Pinkalicious and Peter (her brother) doing stuff without an actual life lesson at the end. That girl has an unhealthy obsession with the color pink...
Way too stereotypical. The show reinforced all the girly stereotypes that others shows (Arthur, Odd Squad, Wild Kratts, etc) are trying so hard to break. All the main characters were dresses, and nobody really has a personality.
Except Pinkalicous. Oy.
Pinkalicous' personality: Basically Caillou's. A spoiled little girl who wants everything, and throws a tantrum if she doesn't. If her bedroom, her clothes, even her NAME, isn't pink, she screams until everyone is forced to give in.
Everyone else's personality: Really dumb, and obey to Pinkalicious' every whim. If you've watched Wordgirl, when Mr. Big mind controls people? Or Odd Squad, when Obbs mind controls the scientists? Or Wild Kratts, when Donita poses beams all the animals/humans in sight. Those were all temporary, but with Pinkalicious, they're permanent.
The one true thing I hate is that when Pinkalicious is the protagonist, and Peter is kicked to the deuteragonist, how come the show is titled "Pinkalicious and Peterrific"? At first, Peter and Pinka (I'll call her that for now) were the icons, like Martin and Chris are for Wild Kratts. Then they remove Peter, and the only way someone who hasn't watched the show knows Peter exists is the name. They sunk to a new low when they did that. Now, with the combination of spoiled Pinka and the logo, and Pinkville, this is no doubt a show that is aimed at girls, and writes boys out of the audience.
The voices are sooo annoying, one of them sounds like they are making a fake Mexican accent. The moon (Luna), is incredibly self centered and does not teach how to interact with people properly. They sing the same song way too much, they look like Ren and Stimpy rejects and it is boring.
This show doesn't even try to make sense. It involves the moon coming out of the sky and going on adventures with badly drawn animals in different countries. I can't stand when anyone starts singing.
Good grief. Another generic "normal kids have a magical friend who shows them cool stuff" show. Also she looks like Ms. Pac Man. There's an episode with elephants whose designs ripped off Raj from Camp Lazlo.

Boring as crap! I just watched some part of an episode on my computer and it is HORRIBLE. All it is are just five colorful furry gumdrops, dolls, testicles, poop, or God knows what that only dance, fart, and fly around. That's all they do. It's just really pointless. And to the guy who said Boohbah and Teletubbies should take an IQ test, I completely agree with you! Teletubbies would for sure win because they actually teach kids something. All Boohbah teaches kids is to be stupid, dance and fart everywhere they go. And the characters are incredibly creepy and weird. Not to mention their squeaking is ANNOYING. They sound like dying mice in the pits of Hell. This is WAY worse than Teletubbies.

It's hard, because I want to punch Barney too. But she is weak! She hardly cares about the monkey, if she were a real superhero she could blast her enemies (OKAY. Killing with powers is too violent for 4 year olds... I'm a kid) POWERPUFFS is better than this. Plus, the villains are weaklings. It takes a feral cats bite, for them to run. Why do I hate wormgirl? (I don't care if you get offended wormgirl. ) 1. She is a LIAR. Every time she saves the day she lies. 2. She gives enemies strength! Dumbest thing to do in a battle: make the opponent stronger. 3. She is mean. She doesn't care about her monkey. She doesn't CARE about her family! Overall wild kratts are best in PBS. (Mainly because I'm an animal lover)
My guess is that whenever one of the kids ask their mother if they can go with 'The Cat in the Hat' to some weird place and meet some kooky character; the only reason why the moms always say "yes" is because they think that the cat is the shared imaginary friend of the two children, and all of their adventures are just them playing make believe.
The Cat in the Hat Knows All About That is an insult to the book! The mom treats the cat like he's an imaginary friend and in the book the mom is not susspose to know about the cat! Why do does the mom let them go with him? This show needs to be cancelled!

I absolutely despise this so called "show". The animation is awful. The main characters look like nuclear mutants. I bet toddlers could draw better than these people. And then there are the main characters. Hal won't shut up and makes the lamest jokes. I'm pretty sure he has the mental capability of a rock. In one episode he talks to mud. Squeaks is so obnoxious. She just shouts all of her lines in that grating voice. Then there's Nature Cat who is a huge coward and knows nothing about nature. He has the worst catchphrases ever. Last there's Daisy who caries around an iPad everywhere she goes. I thought the whole point of being outside was having a break from technology. Aside from that I don't think she's as annoying as the rest unless she's singing. The shows is supposed to teach kids about nature. What better way to learn about nature by watching these lame characters on TV than actually going outdoors. Get it off the air now!

I remember this day in 2013 when we were getting a chameleon. My mom, dad, sis, and one of my brothers went to the store to look for supplies. I stayed with my other brother because he was sick (he got his tonsles removed a few days ago). He wanted to watch T.V.. I turned on this show. We saw an episode where this old lady is sick. She was very demanding (for example she said to get a doctor right now) which scared my bro. Then the doctor came looking creepy, and she said "AHHH STRANGER! " and that traumatized my bro for a week or 2. I also couldn't sleep for an entire night because of a sad SpongeBob episode where he loses Gary. My bro heard me wake up and he turned on Martha Speeks. There was a thought of this kid who found a monster in his ice cream. I was disgusted.

I actually watched this show - I thought it would be annoying and I didn't expect it to be watchable. This show has proved me wrong on that. It's not only educational but it's fun! Ready, Jet, Go is amazing for children and parents who love astronomy and our solar system.
Jet's pet is called Sunspot - he's my favorite.
I checked all kinds of astronomy websites - and every thing on Ready, Jet, Go is factual. And there's astronomer Amy Mainzer who is on the live action parts after the episode. Amy tours NASA labs, Hubble telescope, and the like.
I highly recommend this show.

Long ago when I was little, I used to dance, sing, and beg my parents to buy Thomas and friends merchandise. But when the CGI one came out, it REALLY ruined my life. I mean seriously! It was fine the way it was. The faces the trains have are ugly and creepy, but more ugly because I can't even look at their faces. Whoever designed them should been fired. The songs in it are poor, weak, and nonsense. I mean, America shouldn't of bought it. The animation for the train's faces are HORRIBLE! They smile and blink too quickly, it could infect a child's eyesight. They have too much dimples and wrinkles which make them look ugly. Also, the people walk like turtles! Are they trying to waste time?! They even got voices for the trains which is TERRIBLE! They all sound like crud, and whoever thought of this CGI thing should of got arrested or thrown in a volcano. The whole plot and stuff is bad, and this all thanks to Chuggington. If that show hadn't been created, none of this would of happened! They have cancel this show because it's bad, and they should really bring back the old series (which is better) So this that's why I hate this show.

This show should not air on PBS Kids! This should be on a Saturday Morning block because it does not teach kids anything about Spanish. Maya looks like a 10 year old Dora and Miguel is just uncool. Please take this off PBS Kids!
Not sure if anyone else realizes this, but Maya and Miguel's parents never dole out punishments for the excessive mischief their kids (and Maya in particular) cause.
I like this show, but I am surprised it was on PBS. It's not very educational, just a lot of slapstick, I agree it is more fitting for a Saturday Morning block.
The 1970s show was not too bad, and my Dad liked the show a lot, especially with the "Sneeze scene", but then they ruin it in 2009. They even changed the catchy theme song, into some terrible madhouse. The pranksters are idiots, and it seems like every show even on PBS Kids GO! is just as bad as PBS Kids.
I'm glad I didn't have extremely overprotective parents when I was 10 and was forced to watch this crap, but I'm turning 15 in a few days, and I had to talk Mom out of not letting me watch a show when I ALREADY WATCHED HALF OF THE SERIES!
Its sad to see a terrible show, but its even worse to see a not so bad show return even worse. Remember the 1970s Zoom. Guess what? They made it even worse in the 90s. What's next, a terrible version of the 80s show 3-2-1-Contact!?!
This show ripped of Thomas and Friends because trains with faces to planes with human faces. This show has really bad ratings. I hate this show the most from my childhood besides Barney And Friends. Thank God this show was cancelled in 2005 and taken off PBS kids in 2012.
I remember this going off in 2004 save for a few episodes. I liked the caterpillar episode.
This show is basically Thomas but with planes instead of trains. The plane's faces are nightmare fuel

Oh this show again... I absolutely hate this show! The animators obviously didn't know what CGI was and I'm pretty confident they've never seen a fish in their life... they completely ruined the sunfish, which is one of the most adorable things in the ocean! (In my opinion). And what's up with the angler fish!? I can tell it's a guy, but that doesn't make sense! Why? Because FEMALE angler fish are the only ones with lures. The MALES are absolutely tiny, have no lure, and what else to they have? No purpose in life other than finding a mate. I'm serious. They find a female, and, so that they don't have to both go through the trouble of finding another mate in the midnight zone afterwards, they ATTACH themselves to the female. Google it if you want. But anyways, I just REALLY hate this show...
I loved watching this show in general, except for three little things that scared me when I was a child about the way episodes from seasons 3 and 4 ended:
1. The way Loonette said "And the clown jumped over the moon! " after the credits.
2. The Radical Sheep Productions logo that had a black and blue background, with the first five notes of Mary had a Little Lamb, followed by a sheep bleating. I liked it better with no sound and the new logo where there is a picture of a sheep with wings.
3. The Owl Communications logo, because it was raspberry pink and white, and the big owl was staring at me, which I find very creepy! I liked it better with the Owl Telivision logo, it had a little owl in it, which I found pretty cute. The Owl Telvision logo never scared me as a kid, the owl was sitting inside a black circle, inside a square with orange and blue stripes. The Owl Communications logo was the closing logo that terrified me the most!

Bob The Builder was one of my childhood memories growing up. I've seen it ever since I was 2 1/2. I've always loved the stop-motion series. But now, the reboot version sucks. Why does Bob look so young? Why is Wendy an electrician? Why does Scoop make the most mistakes? (He was known to be mature, responsible, and trustworthy.) And why is Muck a male in the U.S. Version? (The reason why Muck was changed to a female in the U.S. Is due to the lack of not very many female characters in the main cast.) And why is Lofty different than how he was in the original series? And why are Dizzy and Roley supporting characters? (They're just as important.) Also, why is Roley so bossy instead of mellow and musical? And WHY is Dizzy voiced by someone who voiced an MLP character? WHY!?!
Whenever I hear Buster sing that annoying "postcards from you" song, I cringe. It's horrible!

I never understood Sesame Street. It doesn't even look CLOSE to having visuals or plot. The characters personality's don't exist. And I can't stand watching these characters talk with their annoying voices. It's too bad these actors had to talk in these voices in this stupid show. And only when I see disagreements that it's bad,it only proves my point easier how stupid this show is. How long has it aired? Since 1969?!?! Okay, I think that's long enough. Cancel this stupid show.
Why isn't this show getting cancelled?! I hate so much! The puppets are so creepy,Elmo is stupid and annoying,The whole show doesn't make sense at all! Also even worse Elmo's world makes up for Elmo who throws temper tantrums and whines a lot! It got worse when Elmo the Musical came when it was even more annoying than Elmo's World...This Show must be cancelled ASAP! It's been on television since 1969! The frick is wrong with the creators?! Just please end this crap! I want to live in peace!