Top Ten Worst Things About Dog With a Blog

The Top Ten
1 It's unoriginal

The talking dog thing has been around for along time, it's not original

2 Cheesy lame jokes
3 It's Disney
4 The actors
5 It probably has three episodes

Seriously, Disney had a marathon on this, and they played the same episode three times!

6 It's not funny
7 The characters
8 It's unrealistic
9 People like it
10 It's still playing
The Contenders
11 It's silly

How is this offensive

12 It's characters are awful
13 Tyler
14 Karl Fink
15 It's targeted towards girls only
16 Very few boys like it
17 It's rated TV-PG when it should be pg-ma
18 The plot of every episode is very thin
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