Top Ten Worst Video Games Based on Animated Films

The Top Ten
1 Shrek (Xbox)

Poor level design, simplistic puzzles, awful animation, boring and repetitive objectives, and troublesome camera.

I just voted shriek because somebody once told me the shriek game was bad.

Absolutely Awful

2 Finding Nemo (Xbox, Gamecube, PS2, GBA)

A while back, I played this game with my friend. It was so bad, we vowed never to play it again.

Terrible atrocious game!

3 Wreck-It Ralph (Wii, DS, 3DS)

A game that is based on a movie that is based on a game.

Good thinking people, way to bring in more sales to the fans.

This is my least favorite video game ever, yet Wreck-It Ralph is my most favorite movie ever. Ironic?

*insert stock Fix-It Felix "I can fix it! " sound effect here*

The gameplay looks so tedious and repetitive.

4 Aladdin (SNES)

Too Generic, While The Genesis Verison is Awesome, This One is Boring


I like TMNT, but not this one.

Boring And Dull Gameplay

6 Astro Boy: The Video Game (Wii, DS, PS2)

Bad And Weak controls, lame graphics

7 Cars (DS)

The other versions actually have a story line

8 Megamind: Ultimate Showdown (PS3)

Crappy Fighting game!

9 Madagascar 3: The Video Game (Wii, Xbox 360)

Just Pure Tedious Gameplay

10 Ice Age 2: The Meltdown (GBA, DS)

Very boring licensed Title

The Contenders
11 The Lion King (Snes/Genesis)

No death threats please, and not everyone is going to have the same opinion no matter how much you want to. Let TLK haters like me hate this dumb excuse of a movie/franchise that shouldn't exist. We're not stupid in doing so. Besides, there are BETTER movies and franchises out there than this abomination.

Besides, any TLK game is terrible, and this is just one of them.

Oh Yeah!? , Well What Films/Franchises Are Better Than TLK? , Twilight? , Frozen? , High School Musical? , Because That's What Garbage I Bet You Like, Punk

Stupid TLK Hater, I will Find Him Some day and choke him with my ike sword

12 A Bug's Life (N64)
13 Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue
14 Turbo: Super Stunt Squad (3ds, DS, Wii U, Wii)

Terrible Graphics, And Dull Gameplay Mechanics

15 Frozen: Olaf's Quest (3ds, DS)
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