Top 10 Best Paramore Songs

The Top Ten
1 Misery Business

I didn't realize this song was as popular as it is when I first discovered it, so I genuinely fell in love with it. The whole structure of the song captivates me. I love how it starts off with this more lo-fi hip-hop sound, which makes you think the song is going to be all cool and chill.

Then the drums and guitars with distortion come in all at once, and that's when the fun starts. It feels very angsty from the first verse - I just love Hayley's singing style. When it gets to the chorus, when everything becomes more open-sounded and whole, it's almost cathartic. LOVE IT.

2 Ignorance

This song is amazing and very addicting too. It has a great rhythm, an amazing tune, and relatable lyrics that really helped me through tough times. All five members did amazingly on this song. I couldn't pinpoint a favorite Paramore song, but this is definitely one of them.

Did you know the Playing God music video is the sequel to the Ignorance music video? Remember the end of the Ignorance music video, where the guys tied Hayley up to a light bulb? Now think of the beginning of the Playing God music video. The guys are tied up under a light bulb.

3 Decode

This may not just be the best Paramore song ever, but it may be one of the best songs ever! This song and Conspiracy are the very best. This song could probably wake the dead if everyone played it at the same time. Truly divine!

Only Flyleaf's I'm Alive gives me as many chills, or maybe Conspiracy and 1000 Broken Wings do. I'm scared they might be better than Evanescence (oops, did I just say that?).

This song is amazing. Not only is it Paramore's best song, but it is also my favorite song of all time! Well, it's tied with Viva La Vida. The opening riff is so recognizable, it should be called the "Paramore riff."

And when it gets to the break after the first chorus, just try to stop your head from bobbing.

4 Crushcrushcrush

"They taped over your mouth, scribbled out the truth with their lies" - a great, meaningful hook! It's not my absolute favorite, but that's only because it tends to get stuck in my head, which happens often. Still, it's one of my top 10 comfort songs that I always go back to.

This should be in the number one spot. I mean, sure, Misery Business is great, but this is awesome. Once you listen to it, you can't stop. You can't even get the beat out of your head!

I've been listening to this song for a long time, and even my mom fell in love with it. Come on, people! What's wrong with you? This deserves to be in the number one spot!

5 Brick by Boring Brick

It just works, perfectly. The progression is close to perfect, the story is a beautiful one, and the production is amazing.

The vocals are perfect for each part of the song. I just love it because there is nothing quite like it in any of the punk-related scenes, be it emo, emo pop, pop punk, hardcore, post-hardcore, screamo, or anything else.

Sorry, but this song is absolutely better than Crushcrushcrush. Not only does it have a lot more meaning, but the actual music is also a lot more fun to listen to. Brick by Boring Brick has meaning, and people who can't see it tend to not like it as much.

6 That's What You Get

These lyrics resonate with me and it's still one of my favorite songs. It's in my personal top five. I find it hard to pinpoint exactly what makes this song so great, especially when so many elements are also fantastic in their other songs: the catchy yet not overly catchy melody, the lyrics and vocals, the emotion. But I guess that's just Paramore for you!

That's What You Get is my first favorite Paramore song. It has good lyrics, a beautiful melody, and great vocals. This song makes me want to hear it again and again. Everyone who hears this song should feel the same way as I do. PARAMORE NO 1.

7 The Only Exception

This song is the peak of all their works. Hayley Williams nailed it with this one. Although it's a slow song, it's great - a perfect ballad from them. Her voice is unique, the tunes are catchy, and it has deep, meaningful, and powerful lyrics that show one's fear of the worst moments, like the death of loved ones. How is this not number one?

It ranks alongside Drowned World/Substitute for Love by Madonna and Ordinary World by Duran Duran in quality and emotion. It scored a peak in so many sources, gained so many positive reviews, and sold the most. It's been played more than any of her other songs. Truly a one-of-a-kind song.

8 Still Into You

I was introduced to Paramore by this song. I know it is a lot more pop than most of their other stuff, but it is still genuinely good.

Can I say it's a masterpiece of art? Probably not, but it is by far the best song to just scream the lyrics and dance to in your room, and instantly feel better.

It's very relatable, feel-good, and deserves at least a top 10 ranking.

I can't believe this is only number 27! This song is totally awesome! Hayley Williams is an amazing singer.

I love Paramore forever! I thought some of their newer stuff was a bit too pop-like, but this song changed my mind for good. It's my new favorite song! My mom, however, hates it.

9 Monster

Monster was actually the first Paramore song I heard, and it got me into the band. It's not only my favorite Paramore song but also one of my favorite songs in general.

It's definitely more rock and punk than some of their other songs, but I love that. It was a good song to listen to when I was stressed out or upset.

I highly recommend this song. It's amazing and I can't believe it's only in 8th place.

I only heard this song after hearing all the songs from their albums, and as soon as I heard it, it became my favorite Paramore song and one of my favorite songs ever.

There's something about this song that gets me hyped up. Not only that, but this is the first song Paramore made since the Farros left, and I think this song shows the strength Paramore has.

10 Ain't It Fun

To be honest, I had almost given up on Paramore and their new music. This is coming from someone who practically worshiped them. But when I heard this song, they revived my faith.

This song shows just how much more mature they've become in terms of lyric quality and musical dynamics. It's the perfect song to just dance around to and smile like an idiot. They never cease to amaze me.

I've been a huge fan of Paramore since Riot!, although All We Know Is Falling might be my favorite album. I'm not crazy about this album, but Ain't It Fun is a great song.

The vocals in the chorus and the bass throughout the song are what make it such a great track. It has a great message, too. I'm shocked that there aren't a lot of songs from All We Know Is Falling and Riot! near the top. Those are the best two albums by far.

The Contenders
11 Playing God

I love this song like it's my life! I had a breakup with my boyfriend recently (we dated for four and a half years). Everyone told me he was a jerk, but I refused to believe it. This song helped me get through it, but honestly, it's just become a great song to listen to in general.

This is one of the most inspiring songs I've ever had the pleasure of listening to. It's for those who truly believe in themselves and their power. Absolutely powerful lyrics that will change the way you think.

This has got to be my second favorite song from Paramore. It's a great song! There are not even words to describe this amazing song. My favorite is Ignorance, but this is such an underrated song - it is so good!

12 Careful

I literally only heard this song when I saw it on this very poll and decided to listen to it. I had to delete all my other comments and reload the tab just so I could add it to my vote - it's that good! Go listen to it, guys.

This list says "Best," not "Most Popular." Therefore, "Careful" should be higher than "Misery Business." "Careful" is an amazing song and deserves a higher spot on the list.

It's a shame that most of the songs listed, with the highest ranks, are very popular singles. Usually, the best songs are not the most popular ones.

13 Hard Times

"This is too poppy!"
"I wish they'd just go back to their old style!"

Shut up. This is amazing and you know it. It sounds like Blondie or Bananarama or one of those bands from the '80s. It has cool lyrics and makes you want to dance. What's not to like?

They need to evolve as artists. They can't make teenage emo music forever.

By far their best song. Incredibly catchy, while also showing off their range with a completely different sound that most people aren't used to from them. I absolutely love this song.

I didn't like it the first time I listened to it, but eventually it grew on me. Now, I'm addicted to it and I play this song nonstop all day! Try listening to this song on loop and you'll see. Also, I found out that the lyrics are sad but they make it a happy tune, and that's kind of amazing.

14 Let the Flames Begin

I honestly can't believe how low this song is ranked. 14th place is just ridiculous. This song is, without a doubt, the best non-single Paramore has ever made, and personally, I think it should be in the top three overall.

It features great rhythm and builds up to the chorus beautifully. The guitars and drums are fantastic, and Hayley showcases her incredible vocal range. The lyrics are deep and meaningful. What more could you want from a song?

Simply put, the riff, the bridge, and the outro are amazing. This song is filled with epic moments in every note. It's an absolutely kick-ass song - their best. They'll never write a song better than this one, because that would be impossible for anyone.

For the full effect, listen to it in the car at night.

15 All I Wanted

So intense! I think this is the most powerful song that Paramore has ever created, by far! The reason this song isn't more well-known or popular is that Hayley can't perform it due to the extremely high pitches. If she did, it would risk damaging her voice.

The pure solo in the middle, All I Wanted Was You, shows that Hayley is a true singer who doesn't need editing, overly used beats, or anything to alter her voice.

My favorite band to the end.

The notes Hayley hits in this song are incredible, and the instrumental buildup is awesome. The verses, the chorus - everything is just incredible. It should be ranked higher. If you're not impressed by it, try singing the chorus.

16 Emergency

Lyrics can elevate a good song to something fantastic. This song is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. I've never been a huge fan of the sound on this album. It seems to pander to angsty teens who love Hot Topic. However, it's Paramore. They have the ability to make any song flawless if they put their minds to it, like they did with "Pressure" and "Fake Happy," which faced uphill battles but became instant classics.

Emergency excels in its lyrics. The song is about Hayley's parents getting a divorce and how it negatively impacted her life. Many uncreative writers might produce clichéd lines like, "Oh, I'm so sad. I'm going to miss seeing my dad a lot. Life is different now." They might fail to express the genuine emotional turmoil of a divorce. However, with "Emergency," you feel Hayley's pain. To make me feel your angst, you need to explain everything. This song is a fantastic example of how Hayley's life was profoundly affected by her parents' divorce.

"I think we have an emergency."
"If you thought I'd breathe, then you were wrong. Because I won't stop holding on."
"This is an emergency, so are you listening?"
"So you give up every chance you get, just to feel new again."
"You do your best to show me love, but you don't know what love is."
"I've seen love die way too many times when it deserved to be alive."

17 Pressure

I can't believe this song is so low. I like all songs by Paramore, as it is my favorite band, but this song deserves a higher rank. I agree with the ranking, but this song deserves to be a little higher. Just listen to it once. Songs from their first album, All We Know Is Falling, are not voted very much. However, I love this album. Just listen to it. This album has the best lyrics.

I don't know why Josh Farro and his brother left Paramore. They both were my favorites.

I'm super surprised their hit single from the debut album isn't even in the top ten! I love this song to pieces. Not to mention the "pressure flip" in concert that Josh and Jeremy would do!

18 When It Rains

This is my favorite song by Paramore. The guitar work is beautiful and soothing. Hayley's voice is angelic, with so much grace and power. The message of the song is deep and powerful in itself.

One of the best songs and one of the most underrated. A lot of people haven't heard this song unless they're big Riot! fans. It's a shame because it's Paramore's softer side at its finest, and I miss them making songs like this. This should be in the top 10 at least.

This song is about Hayley's friend who committed suicide. It's a pretty sad song if you listen to the lyrics, but it's very beautiful. When It Rains is one of my favorites, if not my absolute favorite song by Paramore.

19 Fences

I had heard many of the other popular songs by this band but never truly loved them until I heard Fences. It opened my eyes, so to speak, to how good this band is. Hayley Williams is an amazingly talented singer, and although I normally dislike female singers, she still became one of my favorites.

Why wasn't this song even listed? I'm both offended and confused, considering that this is one of the only Paramore songs I can tolerate.

I love the lyrics and the energy this song brings - not to mention the killer bassline. It's definitely a strong recommendation for anyone who's never heard this band before. You'll probably enjoy this song.

20 For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic

I can't describe what I feel when I hear this song, but it has helped me a lot. Best band ever, and it's my favorite from the Riot! album.

This song is amazing! The lyrics, bass, rhythm, and name - everything is amazing. Paramore has really helped me through a lot.

20th place? Seriously? Regardless, they're the best!

21 Rose Colored Boy
22 Turn It Off

This song is so underrated. It should be way at the top. It's by far my favorite song (and album. Brand New Eyes is the best), not just by Paramore, but in general. It's such a perfect song and I play it on repeat every day.

Their music is so passionate and Hayley's voice just makes me feel like everything is okay in the world. Not a single trouble anywhere.

This song is musically amazing. It has helped me and so many others through tough times.

It's so sad that people don't notice this song. I've been looking for it, scrolling down to vote, and what do I see? It's in 26th place! What? What has happened to the world?

The bottom line is this is my favorite song from Paramore, and words cannot express my anger about its low ranking. People who don't know this song are missing out.

It's the type of song you can live off of. I don't feel like typing anymore because this has just made me angry.

23 Misguided Ghosts

This song is a slight change from the others on the album, as it's slower and more ballad-like compared to their usual high-energy songs. But I think it's an amazing song that complements the album so well.

It's really emotional, and I can't stop listening to it! Paramore is my favorite band, and I think they're all amazing - I love Hayley!

This is actually my favorite Paramore song. Since most of Paramore's songs are more upbeat, I see why it's ranked at 22, but this song made me listen closer to slow songs that I used to skip. They are usually the ones with the most meaning.

24 Idle Worship
25 Renegade

So underrated! This should be at least in the top 10. Hayley's voice is more magical in this song. I can't believe it's at number 28. Just give it a try. I bet you will love this amazing song.

This song is kind of underrated. I think it should have been ranked higher, considering the wonderful lyrics and awesome melody.

Oh my gods, this needs to move up to the top, like, now. Renegade has so much meaning, and Hayley's vocals and emotion are incredible. Vote for it.

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