Top 10 Good Uses of Bad Video Game Cliches

The Top Ten
1 Time Limits - The Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask
2 Escort Missions - Ico
3 Quick Time Events - No More Heroes
4 Forced Failure - Crisis Core: Final Fantasy
5 Water Levels - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
6 Water Levels - Sonic Colors
7 Escort Missions - Bioshock Infinite
8 Quick Time Events - Kingdom Hearts
9 Silent Protagonists - Bioshock
10 Forced Failure - Megaman X
The Contenders
11 Final Boss Themed Around the Power of Friendship - Undertale

A game around friendship yup final boss with friendship

12 Cloyingly Cutesy Characters - Cave Story
13 Making Fun of Pop Stars - Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
14 Characters With Ludicrously Gigantic Plot Twists Attached To Them - Undertale
15 Haunted House - Resident Evil (and Luigi's Mansion)
16 Escort Missions - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
17 Boss Rushes - Mega Man X5

We've seen this all before, fight every robot master again just like every other Mega Man game before, right?
Well not exactly. Here the bosses all have larger health bars, this raises the stakes and really tests the player.

18 Insanely Evil Villains - Xenoblade Chronicles
19 Final Boss Themed Around the Power of Friendship - Xenoblade Chronicles
20 The complete butchering of the Target Test and Classic modes - Super Smash Bros Brawl & 4
21 Quick Time Events - God of War
22 Regenerating Health - Grand Theft Auto V

It feels like the mechanic is not even there, as you only regain half of your health, and to get it to 100% you have to eat a snack bar or find a health pack.

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