Top Ten Ben 10 Episodes
Ben 10 is a media franchise that began with a 2005 animated television series and was followed by numerous sequel and reboot series. The series centers on a boy who acquires an alien device that lets him transform into numerous aliens with various powers.I love this episode, but it truly should not be number one. It kicks the series off. It was a fun episode to watch.
This is the best episode because this is the episode where Ben gets the Omnitrix.

This is when Ben goes to the future to see his future self. Ben 10,000 has a lot of cool aliens.
This episode was great. I loved how it was a change from the usual episodes.
An interesting glimpse into a future where Ben is at his zenith.
Great episode that was the first good one of Galactic Monsters. It was great to see Kevin again. I liked seeing Gwen, but she did not look good. She had short hair and glasses! I was thrilled to see Darkstar. We hadn't seen him since his debut. Charmcaster was great to see, and we saw her a lot more in Galactic Monsters. The most important part of this episode, though, was Ghostfreak returning to the regular world.
This is a great episode.
1. Everyone loves to see Gwen and Kevin.
2. We loved seeing Darkstar and Charmcaster.
3. Remember that claw that came out of the portal to Legerdomain? That was Ghostfreak!
A pretty good episode, again from Galactic Monsters, which is my favorite Ben 10 series. It was obvious that Charmcaster was tricking Ben, though. Hobble and Charmcaster were great in this episode. Charmcaster was awesome in that rock suit. I would have liked to see Rad in this episode, though. I'm not a big fan of how Charmcaster ended up back in Legerdomain.
This is when Ben teams up with Charmcaster to defeat Zs'Skar. It is funny because Charmcaster is always talking to her purse.
This is when Ben, Gwen, and Kevin meet Eunice and fight Sunder.

Whenever Ben doesn't have his Omnitrix, he has to rely on his resourcefulness. This episode showed that brilliantly. Kevin wasn't bad either.

We haven't seen Zombozo since the very first episode of Omniverse. It is good that he is back.
This is when Ben fights Zombozo. It is funny because Ben is afraid of clowns.
I can't believe Zombozo turned everyone into zombie clowns.

An epic series finale in which Ben takes on every major villain up to that point. The way he defeats the Forever King is completely unexpected.
I can't believe all those villains teamed up to defeat Ben.
The Newcomers

An unknown criminal with Ben's powers is framing him for crimes.

"It's one of the top schools in the country!"
"Yeah, for snobs and posers."
Yes! What a great episode this is.
I like the names Ben 23 has. He has named Shocksquatch Electriciyeti, and he named Spider Monkey Mr. Monkey.
This was a great episode! I wasn't confused at all. I knew what they were talking about and what was going on the whole time, but I can see why someone might be confused. The concept of dimensions can be hard to grasp for a lot of people, but it seemed very easy to me.
I guess it was a good episode, but to me, it was very confusing.
Awesome episode, not so confusing but yet really mysterious and interesting.
I can't believe all those girls wanted Ben. Almost all of them were his enemies before. It was fun watching them fight.
This is when Looma, Ester, and Attea all fight over Ben. Rook builds a device to control Ben's transformations. But the others get the device and they turn Ben into Rath, Four Arms, and Bullfrag. This is a funny episode.
This is when Ben meets Ester. Ester's species wants to make the Earth into a river of lava because they can only live in the heat.

This is when an alien prisoner breaks out of prison. In this episode, you see Ultimate Wildmutt.
I love this episode because the Fusion Aliens are awesome. You get to see Stinkarms, Heat Jaws, and Diamond Matter.