Top Ten Avatar Couples and Ships
It's the classic ship, and it works so well! Katara originally hated Zuko, but Aang and Katara always worked. They understood each other and had been through more together than Katara and Zuko (unless you count them battling, but I'm not sure that supports Zutara).
Also, many say that Zutara "visually" works because they're both teenagers, so it's better, Zutara fans state. But let me point out that Katara and Aang only have a one-year age difference, while Zuko and Katara have a three-year age difference.
Last but not least, even the writers supported it! The original creators! They got married and had three kids, so clearly they were always meant to be together.
Especially given that they are a secondary couple and don't get much screen time, their relationship is really well-developed and healthy/mature.
They actually communicate even if it's difficult (e.g., Sokka saying he's not ready to kiss her in Serpent's Pass).
They're very supportive of each other (Suki thinking Sokka's awful sculpture is sweet because the thought counts and enjoying his dumb jokes).
Their personalities balance well. Sokka is the goofy one who helps her enjoy life more. Suki is a bit more grounded and helps him be more grounded/mature, but they also both have fun together.
They're very affectionate with each other without feeling forced, both in big gestures (tent scene, kisses) and smaller ones (Suki holding his hand to reassure him of a decision in Boiling Rock, Sokka's reaction to even hearing her name).
This needs no real explanation. Korrasami's relationship is valid. Even with a bumpy beginning, their relationship developed well in the later books. Such a shame Nickelodeon couldn't show anything more than a handhold.
Only LGBTQ couple in both shows and works really well with Korra's hotheaded nature and responsibilities and Asami's calm, loving nature and her greatness at helping Korra.
Biggest troll ship ever, which is why I love it. Plus, Korra and Asami go well together. They aren't constantly fighting like Korra and Mako were.
These two have so much in common and have such deep and understanding chemistry that it's almost divine. They were written as Twin Flames, two souls that were originally one but split to go on similar journeys and help bring the world into balance. There is a lot of symbolism in their relationship that resembles the Twin Flame connection: Water/Fire, Moon/Sun, Yin/Yang, Cold/Hot, etc.
They both lost their mothers the exact same year. They both felt abandoned by their fathers. However, Zuko's father was around but didn't love him. Katara's father loved her but was never around. Zuko let Katara, his enemy, touch his scar, which was something he let no one do.
There seemed to be a deep level of intimacy and understanding right from the start when they actually had alone time together, just like with Twin Flames. Despite the fact that Katara was the last person to accept Zuko, she grew the closest to him in the shortest amount of time. She grew so close that the two were physically touching each other's arms, shoulders, back, and chest. He saved her from Azula's lightning while his voice showed great despair to keep her safe. When Katara healed Zuko, she cried tears of relief and joy even though she had only forgiven him a few weeks prior.
Zuko and Katara's feelings are pushed aside when they settle for their more comfortable pairing in canon, but the two share a deep understanding like no other and accept each other as equals.
This is better than Zutara. Also, Mai is obviously Izumi's mother.
Sokka and Suki are great, but I feel their relationship is only based on the physical aspect of things. While Yue and Sokka still had their share of romantic kisses, they spent so much more time talking. Sokka and Yue have such a meaningful relationship. My gosh... In my opinion, they are a model couple. Remind me why they're on the bottom?
I feel this is better than Suki and Sokka, but I think it is because they clicked so instantly. There was nothing wrong with the two of them together. Suki is a Mary Sue, and Yue was beautiful. I wished she'd stayed alive, or Sokka definitely would have chosen Yue.
Zhu Lee will be doing the thing until death do them part. People forget that this pairing was the main ship of LoK. Yeah, there was Korrasami at the end, but the show literally ended with the Zhurrick wedding. It may have been the best canon relationship in both shows combined. They really had the audience rooting for their happiness.
While I probably like Zutara and Sukka more, this one is just so cute and underrated. I had to give it my vote.
Even with its ups and downs, this is still one of the cuter ships in LOK.
Why is this at the bottom? They were cute because they were opposites and both attractive. This was canon!
Way better than Korrasami.
For some reason, I can't stop shipping water benders and fire benders.
I wanted it so bad. They kept dropping hints, and it never happened. Or so it seems! LoK dropped massive hints that Sokka and Suki did not work out, and one of the Bei Fong girls is actually Sokka's.
They totally get each other! They are such great teammates and friends. Plus, you already know that Toph likes him. They give hints throughout the series. Tokka forever!
It is so clear that they are meant for each other. Suki and Yue are both so bland. Toph and Sokka are getting together in the Netflix remake, so this is even better.
Bopal is my favorite ship! Dude, they're so cute together!
The Newcomers
Azula blew it. She blew it hard!
Never got the chance it should've gotten. It must've ripped her heart out when she saw "Lee" parading through the streets with the invading Fire Nation force. Seeing her look of horror at the end of Book 2 was heartbreaking.
I really wish Zuko had ended up with Jin. Mai felt kind of empty, and I feel like that was kind of a letdown.
I wish Zuko had not left Jin, because Jin would have cared for him much better than Mai! IMHBO...
They are young. They will be together for a long time. I mean, Jinora is very obedient and serious while Kai was a thief, yet they have so much fun together despite their differences. I really hope they get married!
Favorite ship ever. I literally think they are adorable together.
So awesome. Kai is like a total badass, while Jinora is that quiet girl. It works so well.
Out of all the LGBTQ couples, this one kind of seemed as real as Asami and Korra's relationship in the second series. They seemed to have a deeper relationship than just best friends. They seemed to hit it off pretty well.
This could definitely work, but only if Azula had some serious development and got a redemption arc.
I believe that these two would've had a wonderful relationship since they get along so well, and they seem to balance each other. Ever since their date or hangout, the way Bolin looked at her, he was really in love with her. It's such a shame that she had to choose Mako (an a-hole) over such a great guy like Bolin.
Bros over hoes. Their relationship is so hilarious and somehow sweet/special at the same time. Past the layers of Sokka's big dumb and Zuko's edginess, they are almost the same. It's true friendship and much more.
Though their screen time is limited, just one conversation between them gave us probably the most iconic line of the series: "That's rough, buddy." Sokka is the first to become Zuko's close friend (probably his first ever) when he joins the Gaang in Book 3. Zuko's awkward fluff amazingly complements Sokka's extroverted joking. They're just bros who have an epic romance.
Much more interesting couple than Kataang.
Yin and yang, to be honest! You have Ty Lee, who is all bubbly and optimistic, and then there's Mai, who leans more towards being a pessimist and more dry. So they balance each other out! I don't know, I just think they're cute together. They like each other, and at a minimum, they're great as friends.
I know that this ship doesn't make sense, but it's like... I don't know why, but I ship them. I like this. It makes me happy.
It's just self-indulgent brain food. Their on-screen time together is just cute.
This is the best because, like, total enemies becoming friends then more than friends is so cute! (Especially Aang and Zuko)
I am a strong believer in shipping wholesome people with edgy boys.
The relationship between them seems maternal, but I feel like they foil each other well enough to be ship fodder.
Opposites always make for spicy ships. I love how the talented writers in this fanbase portray this particularly polarized pairing, especially when they make Aang the more dominant one. It's real interesting.
Two total opposites could have been so great together.