Top 10 Best Adventure Time Episodes

You would probably think that I have favorites. Apparently, I do. I love Marceline. She's so awesome. This episode will also make you cry like her in this episode. This may lack action, but it will certainly touch your heart. Add the great voice of Rebecca Sugar (voice of Marcy). The way she sings there made me cry. The music in this episode is genius.
I think the big kicker for me is how Ice King/Simon reads his own lyrics that he wrote. For a moment, it looks like he's starting to remember, but then he goes right back to drumming and singing all carefree. He is so far gone that he can't even grasp the weight of the situation he's singing about. Without a doubt, he is the best character in the whole show.

I am always "the tough one" in a group, but I can't help but cry in this episode. One would appreciate this more if they watched the series "Cheers." I always liked the fact that the setting of Adventure Time is post-apocalyptic. This episode emphasized its setting. This episode is truly my fave. No wonder why it's an Emmy award nominee.
This episode changed the way I looked at Adventure Time. Although I Remember You is an incredible feat of storytelling on its own, I still thought that Simon & Marcy was so funny, so heartwarming, and so tragic that I cried like a baby the first time I saw it. Adventure Time can only get better.

This episode was such a nice break from all the drama revolving around Season 4. "Card Wars" pretty much symbolizes that Adventure Time doesn't need to be serious to make a good story. The episode is just Finn and Jake playing a simple card game... or so it seems. When Finn's pig eats Jake's cornfield, that's where all hell breaks loose.
The looks on Finn and Jake's faces while they're gloating make the episode worth it. "Face it, man. Cornfields are lame." "CORNFIELDS. ARE. AWESOME!" Then Jake does all sorts of strategies to make Finn lose the game, turning it into a heated competition. Jake acts like a toxic online Pokémon or Smash Bros. player. The game concludes with Jake summoning Archer Dan, the equivalent of 1,000 nukes, to destroy Finn's buildings. Also, BMO acts as a spectator. This episode was just so refreshing to watch, in my opinion.

Adventure Time did great in 2014, and this is one of the best. I wonder if Finn loses the vine arm (first seen in The Comet) and gets a robot arm like in this episode when he is grown up.
Great episode! Finn lived a whole other life in an instance of real time in another dimension. Great storyline and concept. One of my all-time favorite episodes.
The Original Roy. When I first watched that episode of Rick and Morty, I thought of this episode. Definitely one of the best.
I've seen every episode in all 9 seasons of Adventure Time, most of them multiple times, and What Was Missing is still my favorite. The character development was great in just 10 minutes, and the idea was just genius. I still go back and watch this episode every couple of weeks just because I love it so much, and it stuck with me more than any other episode.
This episode is amazing! The music is beautiful. I really love both of the songs, especially "I'm Just Your Problem." The characters really open up, and we get to see a lot out of them (Marceline in this episode was great, as well as Finn). Not to mention that Jake was hilarious with his "jerk in the band" act. This was just an amazing episode.

People hate this episode because they say it ruined Finn. I don't believe this though. It simply showed Finn to be imperfect. Sure, he was a terrible person for what he did, but it was such a good way to show the extreme consequences of your actions. Also, in the seventh season, Finn became much better, especially in the episode where he is forgiven by FP.

Such a great episode. Really shows the relationship between Finn and FP.

The Vault is a great episode, one which truly revealed Bubblegum's character and wrapped up many of the show's strangest mysteries.
Shoko's AWESOME. This episode is so cool, and it raises so many questions. I kinda hope we see more of Shoko in the future (even though that's pretty unlikely, haha).
Really great to watch after the season 6 finale!
This episode got better and better as it went on. It started off with an assumption, and nobody knew it wasn't correct until the last minute when it was too late. For those of you who don't know why this episode is on this list, it had a hooking start, a steady middle, and a great conclusion.
This was really a great episode with amazing content, including a good story, character development, comedy, romance, and even some action as well. It totally deserves to be the most watched episode until this very moment!
Also, FP x Finn forever! (So sad they broke up.)
But hey, anything can happen in AT. They might get together again one day.

Not much adventure in this episode, but this is to Adventure Time what This is My Jam is to Regular Show. Funny, funny, funny!
This episode shows how I react when I see a classmate out in public.
This episode, for sure, because it's funny and very entertaining!
The Newcomers

Just like listening to someone recount their dream to you. Probably not for everyone, but I absolutely loved it!

One of the best cartoon episodes of all time.
This is a great finale to an awesome show.
Come on guys! This is number 10? Number 5 at least!

Too Young is my favorite episode ever! Laugh out loud, Lemongrab looks mental when he laughs! You can even hear the lemon juice inside his head shaking around when he laughs.
This is the most mature episode in Adventure Time. Instead of trying to earn Princess Bubblegum's love, he waits for her love because he's too young.
The mix of honest yearning and Lemongrab makes this episode unacceptably great. Episodes like this that build the characters are the best.

Hilarious episode! Nice to have a random story like this with no relation to the plot that's still so well done. As a side note, I thought it was fun to see an episode centered around the roughhousing village. Those vikings are so funny!
Although AT blows me away, I often find myself admiring its frequent moments of genius but not forming an especially strong emotional connection with the characters. This episode is a whopping exception. Very poignant, beautiful, and just sublime.
This is what makes Adventure Time so different and awesome from any other show. It can make you love it even if your favorite character is not there. This is heartwarming and life-affirming. It will teach you a lesson. Watch it.
My God, this episode is one of Season 3's best. While I am usually not a big fan of character spin-off episodes, Adventure Time does it in a more fantastic way. Someone send me a box of these flame pups... if they ever existed.
This episode was actually really interesting to watch. It delves into being within a psychological trap and the fear of not being able to escape. The ending was a tad confusing but still interesting!
I find that I watch this one again and again. So sad and frustrating. Makes you think (although about what, I could not tell you). And then finally, relief. With classic Finn-in-a-dungeon vibes, of course!
This is a really cool one! It's so trippy though. That's what I like about it! It was so interesting and mind-boggling.

As much as I love the "Simon & Marcy" episodes and the episodes where Finn and Jake just goof off, this episode is fantastic. It has a dark tone and a scary concept (while still having a satisfying ending). It had a lot of suspense. This plot is good enough to be turned into a movie.
The first time I saw this episode, I spent like two minutes shocked after the episode finished, just looking at the screen. It's the scariest and weirdest episode of the show, and this episode is not for kids! But I loved it. It gives me the creeps... Brr!

It was the first Adventure Time episode I watched when I was 10. I thought it was hilarious.
Best episode by far. Deserves to be in the top ten.
The very best the show has to offer! The animation is incredibly creative and interesting, the characters are all on top form, and the jokes are hilarious, especially in the first half. Also, how great is Peppermint Butler?
I like the way Death is portrayed in this episode, a deer skeleton living in a castle of light.
I like when Jake is the president.
Ridiculously great, like if a nature show was a sitcom. At first blush, it is a lark, but then touches on deeper universal truths. The opening sequence of Finn taking a long walk, with its accompanying 8-bit synth-y sounds, makes me happy in ways I can't explain.
Jake tries to get Lady Rainicorn and Finn better friends, but things get complicated.
Just because I love Tiffany. Laugh out loud.
"Hello, Frank the human... (gasp) how did you almost know my name?"
"Lady, you are SICK!"
This should be in the top ten.
Great to get a little more on Charlie and her witchiness. As always, Card Wars is highly engaging. And, as always, Adventure Time hits again with the universal truths - time passing and growing up, in this case.
How is this episode not even on the list? This is one of the funniest episodes of the series where you get to see one of the funniest characters in action, LSP!
You really feel like you're in Finn's mind as he slowly, and then actually, loses his grip on reality. Trauma episode! Real talk.
But also highly comedic! Jake and PB arguing here is 100 out of 100.