Top 10 Best Duckman Quotes

Duckman is possibly one of the most underappreciated shows, featuring a main protagonist who is an unapologetic jerk, well known for his angry rants about modern everyday life.

For this list, we will be looking at the top Duckman quotes. Since many of Duckman's rants tend to be very long and can't fit into a single entry, several quotes from his longer rants will be shortened.
The Top Ten
"You think I'm sick?! Well, the only disease I've got is 'modern life.'"

One of Duckman's many quotes from his rant after being committed to an insane asylum.

This is my motto from now on.

"It's precisely when humor is offensive that we need it the most. Comedy should provoke! It should blast through prejudices, challenge preconceptions!"

One of many quotes from Duckman's rant on comedy in the episode "Joking the Chicken," which argues against censorship.

"What the hell are you staring at!!!"

Duckman's most memorable catchphrase.

"Demand to be challenged, to be offended, to be treated like thinking, reasoning adults, and raise your children to do the same."

Also part of Duckman's rant on comedy and censorship.

"Who you calling jerk, you long-haired, fat-bellied, goofy-tattooed, 60's throwback Village People wannabe biker freak!!!"

While evading the authorities due to failing to pay his taxes, Duckman and Cornfed go on the run. They end up at a bar where Duckman bumps into a biker who calls him a jerk, and Duckman responds with this line.

"Sure, humor can hurt, even alienate, but the risk is better than the alternative - a steady diet of innocuous, childproof, flavorless mush!"
"Eww, refresh me? Middle finger straight up means a left turn in this state!!!"
"She's got a face that would scatter a leper colony."
"Dream on, I never take a test that isn't court-mandated."
"You know the drill - if you make a mess, push it all into a little corner so it looks like you cleaned it up, and don't let the police in without a warrant."
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