Top Ten Funniest Scenes from DuckTales (2017)

No need to make this overly complicated, vote for scenes and moments from the 2017 DuckTales reboot YOU think are the funniest. (Warning! There will be spoilers ahead.)
The Top Ten
Glomgold Crashing Scrooge's "Funeral" - The 87 Cent Solution!

In possibly the funniest, most ludicrous scene in the entire series, thinking that Scrooge McDuck is finally dead, Flintheart Glomgold, in all his loudmouth, hammy glory, crashes his business rival's fake funeral to the tune of All I Do Is Win by DJ Khaled. He dances through the pews, throws dollar bills in the air, and proceeds to literally twerk over the coffin.

Launchpad Pretending to be Donald Duck - The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck!

While having dinner with his still-very-much-alive, immortal parents, Scrooge tries to prove how much of a good family man he is by having his personal pilot and chauffeur, Launchpad McQuack, dress up as Donald Duck. Somehow, his parents fall for it, but it still leads to some of the funniest dialogue exchanges in the show.

Penumbra's Witnessing Duck Furry Confusion - They Put A Moonlander on The Earth!

While showing the Moonlander warrior Penumbra some Earth fun, Dewey and Webby feed a couple of ducks some popcorn. Keeping in mind that these are completely normal, non-anthropomorphic ducks in a universe full of anthropomorphic dog faces, ducks, and pigs, this leads to Penumbra's quite understandable Earth confusion.

The GlomTales Theme Song - GlomTales!

Similar to the villain theme song takeover from Gravity Falls, for this episode and this episode only, Flintheart Glomgold sings his own interpretation of the very catchy DuckTales theme. Even funnier, as in the original YouTube clip, Glomgold is then arrested for breaking several copyright laws.

The Kelpies Introduction - The Missing Links of Moorshire!

Murderous but ineffectual Scottish Kelpies that look a lot like cutesy ponies, by the way, and that were voiced by Tara Strong and Andrea Libman, two of the main voice actresses from My Little Pony.

Watermelon Mickey - Moonvasion!

In a similar vein to Tom Hanks' Castaway, while Donald Duck is stranded on a desert island, he makes friends with a familiar-looking, mouse-shaped watermelon. Even better, as Donald speaks with his usual Donald Duck voice, as normal in the show, he talks to himself with the melon in Mickey Mouse's voice, which he can somehow imitate perfectly.

Webby Misinterpreting Louie's Signal for Her to "Cut It Out" - Daytrip of Doom!

While at Funso's Fun Zone, Louie quickly signals to Webby a throat-cutting cut it out motion while the manager is getting suspicious of them. This leads Webby to seemingly interpret his signal as attack the manager with a spork. She thankfully doesn't go through with it, but still.

Dewey Realizing He is the Uncle Donald of the Kids - Moonvasion!
Hobo Magica - A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!

After hiding from Scrooge McDuck for six months, the once terrifying sorceress Magica De Spell, haunting the kids in their dreams, is revealed to be nothing more than a disheveled, powerless nobody who now seemingly lives in the woods outside Scrooge's mansion the entire time. This essentially makes her a hobo.

The Security Guard Not Recognizing Darkwing Duck - The Duck Knight Returns!

Funnier in meta, as the security guard was voiced by Tad Stones, the original creator of Darkwing Duck.

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