Top 10 Saddest Cartoon Show Episodes

The Top Ten
Jurassic Bark - Futurama

I thought this was the saddest thing I had ever seen until I read a story about a real-life dog who did the same thing!

I sobbed my heart out during this episode. The worst part is when Fry smashes the machine, saying, "Seymour would have forgotten about me." Then it cuts to flashbacks of Seymour waiting in the same spot every single day for Fry. It makes me cry even more because I'm a dog lover and sensitive to sad dog episodes.

I won't forget this episode. I love Futurama, but this episode is so depressing. No spoilers.

Mother Simpson - The Simpsons

One of the most powerful endings to a show I have ever seen.

They force the sadness way down your throat.

Homer cries about his mother leaving him.

Have You Seen This Snail? - SpongeBob SquarePants

A lot of people say the episode Dumped is sad, but that one just had a plot twist at the end because Gary only wanted a cookie. In this one, Gary actually leaves. There's a sad song, and SpongeBob puts up missing posters literally everywhere!

Before this episode, kids like me were laughing all the time with SpongeBob. But then the creators hit us with this tearjerker. And Gary's song is the saddest song ever used in a cartoon. Period.

I can't watch this episode because I lost a cat in a similar way, and he never came back. I was in a bad mood when I let him out, and I cry every day because of it.

I Remember You - Adventure Time

Total trauma. Marceline is the love of my life, and when she cries, I cry too. She probably lost her human mother during the war, and where was her demon father? In the Nightosphere, maybe? How could he have the guts to forsake such a cutie?! Simon took care of her, but that stupid crown ruined everything.

I've cried many times during animated series and movies, but this episode affected me the most, even physically. I feel bad for two days if someone mentions the lyrics of that song at the end. I'm Italian and watch Adventure Time on Boing (not on Cartoon Network because it's pay-per-view), and the next time this channel airs my trauma, I'll unplug my TV. My lovely, cute, and absolutely important little baby Marcy is in my heart and will always be there. She deserves so much love.

Mother's Day - Rugrats

Not a very good episode for Mother's Day.

Tales of Ba Sing Se - Avatar: The Last Airbender

The scene was incredibly real and relatable.

I cry so much during this show it's unhealthy.

Remembrance of Courage Past - Courage the Cowardly Dog

Although Jurassic Bark and Have You Seen This Snail? are among the saddest episodes, Remembrance of Courage's Past made me cry for four hours straight. It's heartbreaking when Courage's parents, while he was young, are taken away by the vet. Courage tries to save them, but he ends up watching helplessly as his parents are launched into space. Fortunately, Muriel steps in and helps Courage out of his bondage.

Later, Muriel and Eustace are about to be launched into space, but this time, Courage saves them just in time. The vet gets launched instead, and the episode ends with all the dogs he sent away returning tougher and stronger. It even shows Courage's parents still alive, and they beat up the vet. This episode shows that there are both bad and good people in the world - the vet represents the bad, and Muriel represents the good. This episode is in my top three favorites, and Courage the Cowardly Dog is my favorite show. They saved the best episode for the (second to) last.

Game of Tones - Futurama
Life of Brian - Family Guy
Pigeon Man - Hey, Arnold!

I am impressed by this episode.

The Newcomers

? Operation Dad - The Casagrandes
? Requiem - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)
The Contenders
Kenny Dies - South Park

When I was ten, I almost cried when I watched this episode. When Kenny came back at the end of season 6, I was extremely happy. And yes, my parents let me watch the South Park episodes that weren't extremely bad.

Why is this only #11? This should seriously be #1. Whoever didn't cry even a little bit at this episode is heartless, especially considering that Kenny was a real person.

God, this episode is so sad. It made me cry! But at least the ending is pretty funny.

Baby Doll - Batman: The Animated Series

Definitely sadder than Heart of Ice.

How Long Is Forever? - Teen Titans

This is a sad episode that explores what happens when our beloved heroes disband. Robin becomes Nightwing and a badass (as usual), Cyborg is old, weak, and lonely, Beast Boy works at a circus, and Raven goes insane. It's really sad and shows how important each character is to keeping the team together.

This should be ranked higher. It was the first episode of Teen Titans that I watched, and it was a pretty dark episode to start with. When Starfire saw a broken-down, old version of Cyborg, I almost shed a tear. Great episode with a nice message.

Blood Brothers - Maidencartoons
The Luck of The Fryrish - Futurama

Here lies Philip J. Fry, named for his uncle to carry on his spirit.

A Regular Epic Final Battle - Regular Show
Yellowjacket - The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Aftershock - Teen Titans

Really sad. Terra fights against the Titans, and they show her who they really are. Terra eventually turns on Slade and protects her friends, sacrificing herself to save the city. Heartbreaking.

Weirdmageddon Part 3 - Gravity Falls

The ending is breathtaking and tragic, but summer lives on in our hearts. R.I.P. Gravity Falls.

Heart of Ice - Batman: The Animated Series
Pikachu’s Goodbye - Pokémon

Aw, Pikachu, baby... Let me pick you up and shower you with love and attention.

Appa's Lost Days - Avatar: The Last Airbender

Watching everything Appa had to go through to find Aang, and the horrible treatment he received, was really difficult to watch.

Blue Cat Blues - Tom and Jerry

This episode was so depressing. I think I understand suicide now, and people need to learn too.

Tom and Jerry succeed in suicide. And this is a kid's show?

How isn't this in the top 20? It should at least be in the top 5!

Storm in the Room - Steven Universe
So Long Spanky - Arthur

This episode reminds me of how I felt when my dog died from cancer.

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