Top Ten Bottom (TV Series) Quotes

The Top Ten
1 Someone's giving our knocker a damn good banging! - Eddie
2 Don't be so foul! - Ritchie
3 No, I'm calling you a tosser - Dick Head

Yes, the character is actually called that, and the line came after Ritchie said "Are you calling me a liar?! "

4 Can I drink your juice? - Eddie
5 I don't wanna be in the countryside, there's no birds around! - Eddie

That type of bird.

6 Don't you dare call me overweight young man! - Ritchie

And then the Ferris wheel breaks.

7 Are you on drugs? Can I have some! - Spudgun

After Ritchie has just appeared on his doorstep in a devil costume for trick or treat.

8 I'll have a pint please! - Dave Hedgehog

After he's just been asked what topic he'll have for the bar quiz.

9 Don't be silly, the Queen does not have jugs - Ritchie

After they create some money with the Queen naked.

10 No, I'm not that pervy - Eddie
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