Top 10 Best Cartoon Network Characters
Who's your fave of cartoon network characters? Vote/create their voting space now!Oh yeah! This guy manages to make the stereotype of geniuses actually favorable. The fact that he's so scientific makes a total laugh-out-loud oxymoron with the fact that he's in a cartoon.
I used to watch the show every day!
She is my favorite PPG. Everyone loves Blossom and Bubbles, but nobody loves Buttercup? This is why I feel sorry for her. The writers made Blossom and Bubbles special, but not Buttercup. She does not have a special power. Also, no one cares when someone is mean to Buttercup, but they care when someone is mean to Blossom or Bubbles.
She is my favorite cartoon character because I can relate to her. She is really funny, unique, and entertaining. I like her fighting skills. They are so awesome. Am I the only one who likes her and feels kind of sorry for her?
Bubbles is the best, cutest, and prettiest character ever! A lovely and perfect little girl. I just fell in love with her. She is funny, has big blue eyes and blond hair. She is the symbol of joy, happiness, and everything kind. Her sweet personality helps to get out of the darkness or get rid of it in your soul.
Pity that she doesn't exist in real life. I would definitely put all my money on her.
I don't understand why Bubbles is lower than Buttercup. Buttercup and Blossom are such unattractive characters. Bubbles is the cutest and the best.
Bugs Bunny is not only a pioneer of cartoons, but he is also an unkillable character who can go from one side of the world to the other.
Love his NYC accent. He must be from my old neighborhood.
Who doesn't love the old classic bunny?
He is the best and cutest Cartoon Network character, in my opinion, because of his funny personality and many skills.
Courage is the best because it was a good show that could tell a lot of stories. He is a great hero. His show only lasted from 1999-2002, but I guess the short shows are the best. Only the good die young.
He's just great. He will always make you laugh. When something dangerous happens, he might be scared, but he always toughs it out.
Characters who rely only on random humor to be funny can often get annoying, but somehow Ed's randomness has wit to it, which makes him so much funnier.
It also helps that he's just such a nice person with no hatred or anger towards anyone. It becomes pretty hard not to like him. Unless you're Sarah or Kevin.
In the words of Double D, "Lovable oaf."
I really like how Ed says things that make him sound smart, like Buttered Toast.
Ed is the dumbest, which makes him the funniest, which makes him the best.
Marceline has such a deep and sad story behind her past life, with her family, the Ice King, etc. She is such an amazing character and has a vibe like no other. Marceline is hands down the greatest Cartoon Network character. She should be in the top 3!
Did I spell that right? I mean the Adventure Time vampire.
Now, for the actual description. She's not your average vampire. She has cooler powers, more feeling, and is friends with a dog! She's not your average cartoon character either. Her past is unknown, but she's got plenty of character.
Jack's a samurai.
What? You want me to elaborate? Being a samurai isn't cool enough? Alright.
He's trained all around the world, is well-versed in pretty much every fighting style known to man, has destroyed entire armies with his magic katana, has battled a demon (Aku) on numerous occasions, and is kind and empathetic enough to constantly set aside his mission to help others. (And, though it's embarrassing to say, he's hot without his gi.)
If these reasons aren't enough to convince you that Samurai Jack is one of the best cartoon characters ever, then man, you're a fool.
~Got to get back
Back to the past
Samurai Jack
A 12-year-old in a typical suburban setting with a not-so-typical personality and adventures. He is the most hilarious character Cartoon Network can offer. He can crack you up with "amazing" jokes. He lives in a surreal world with unique characters. By unique, I mean characters that are totally different from each other in terms of personalities and animation styles. The way he interacts with these characters is what makes the show the best. He is the clown, the screw-up, and the miracle worker of their world. He is a good friend to everyone, but he does dumb stuff. He makes mistakes, but he tries hard to make everyone around him better. And don't forget about his Gumballism.
Raven seems clever in both series, but I think she knows more than she says. She is one of the best. Bill Cipher is cool too.
Raven deserves much more! She's the best.
Come on! Raven deserves at least 2nd place. First should be Bill Cipher.
The Newcomers
Awesome! She is the best. Show the love!
He broadcasts anime. What can be more awesome than that?
He's way better than the jerk Jerry.
He is so funny and is very likable in every sense of the word. He looks after his brothers and his other friends. He is a very mysterious character, and that's why I like him.
Oh my gosh, Ice Bear is also one of the best. He can do anything on his own. He's so weird, cute, and funny!
The most chill dude. He speaks four languages and is a killing machine.
The lovable sidekick of Gumball Watterson. He is adorable but dumb, yet he is the one that keeps Gumball from going too far, which is really hard considering the dynamic personality of Gumball. A fish that grew legs! How cool is that?
Darwin should be higher. He is a hilarious and charming character!
He's too nice and cute, and he is Gumball's best friend.
And he is funny too. I wish I had a best friend like him.
Haters are just misunderstood. I think Blossom is prettier than Bubbles. Her hair and her bow are great. Blossom is a great name for a girl too.
She's amazing and shockingly way too low on the list. She's number one in my heart. We love Blossom!
Blossom at 22? She should be in the top 5 at least!
Should be in the top ten, higher than Blossom. I mean, this character literally changed the course of kids' shows. He put a smile on our faces back then. He would have been a legend if the right measures were put in place to maintain the show. Omniverse ruined everything, and now he's totally forgotten.
However, Ben is still a legend and deserves to be more than just in the top 10.
YES, Ben 10 is my favorite, reasons why:
1. He starts as a kid, not as an adult.
2. He has the Omnitrix.
3. He's responsible on his own when needed.
4. Even without the watch, he can still beat most enemies.
5. Awesome cousin.
6. Not super serious like most heroes are, but still serious when needed.
7. My childhood hero.
Starfire from the Teen Titans is awesome! She's kind, passionate, considerate, happy, and very beautiful.
I absolutely love this character. She is so nice and sweet, even to those who treat her wrong.
Pretty and funny. She is so kind and cute.
Mandy is just the most powerful character in CN. One time she got control of all the army forces of KND.
Just amazing.
Come on! Why 118? She deserves more than this!
Rigby is so funny. I'm really excited to see what he can do. He is so iconic and popular.
What's Rigby doing at 34? He should be in the top ten.
I found him one of the more adorable CN characters, especially with his fear of dodgeball. I never really watched the show until now because of a friend. And I thank them for it.
He is so smart and cool. He's the funniest that you'll meet. He always gets into trouble with Ed and Eddy. And I think that Nazz is into him. I hope she is better than Kevin. I mean, the dude only cares about his stupid bike.
Edd is the smartest of the Eds and one of the funniest characters because of his sarcastic attitude.
Bloo's awesome. I like how he is so funny.
What always cracks me up is when he says in the episode "The Bride to Beat" (or something like that), "I can't believe Mac thinks I can't handle this... Well, he's right..." That always cracks me and my brother up.
Why is Uncle Grandpa beating Bloo? Bloo is awesome!
Why the heck is he so low? Bugs Bunny may be more famous, but Daffy is not treated well. They treated him like Squidward Tentacles, in a bad way!
Cheese, the creepy, crazy, funny monster.
He's the kind of character that can be seen anywhere and be hilarious.
You gotta know! Come on, who doesn't like his hair?
Mordecai is the best. He is so funny and popular. Mordecai and Bugs Bunny are the best Cartoon Network characters of all time.
Mordecai is the best character.
1. He's a bird!
2. His O mouth is just awesome.
3. He is always self-conscious about everything that is dangerous.
4. He was a character that I always loved.
Mordecai is my favorite character. He has the best personality, and he knows how to make jokes and enjoy a good time. But I still don't know why he loves CJ rather than Margaret.