Best Sailor Moon Couples
If you've seen the '90s version of Sailor Moon, you know that Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune aren't cousins - they are most likely a couple. I think Uranus is a lesbian, same with Neptune, so I think they would be a cute couple.
It's the couple from the show that the United States chose to block. I like it now because it's kind of forbidden love. I choose to watch the original now, so it makes more sense.
They make a perfect couple, even if they are not a traditional couple. They really do make a perfect pair!
I'm not sure why I voted for this, but here's an okay story time:
Minako's heart was racing as she approached Usagi, the blonde-haired girl. Usagi had recently ended her relationship with Mamoru. "Usagi?" Minako called out. The moon bunny looked up. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Minako asked, and Usagi's eyes lit up as she replied with a single word: "Yes."
Haha, I don't actually ship it, but maybe I kind of do.
I'm a big fan of Darien and Serena. They are my favorite couple in Sailor Moon. I'm glad they end up together, and we know in the future they will get married and have a daughter.
My OTP! These two were made for each other and really balance one another. I'm glad they were able to find each other and that they will rule Crystal Tokyo together and have Rini. Off with the peeps that ship Usagi with Haruka, Demande, or Seiya. Usagi x Mamoru is one of the most romantic couples ever in anime.
I kinda ship them, but I also ship Ami and Zoisite, as well as Minako and Kunzite, because that's what it was in the manga. But these two are really cute together!
These two are cute because Yūichirō (the Japanese name for Chad) was always trying to protect her, and Rei eventually fell for him.
I wish they had more development!
I LOVE these two together. They are SO cute! I absolutely hate the age gap, though.
Such a sad ending... I'm not sure I ship them, but the whole plot is quite moving.
They're so cute but mature. They care for each other no matter what.
The Newcomers
They both have "moon" in their names, so I think this will work out.
This ship is perfect! All you MamoUsa shippers, let me tell you something:
Mamoru and Usagi don't seem like they love each other. Usagi hated Mamoru until she found out that he was Endymion and she was Serenity, and then she liked him all of a sudden. That's not real love. That's following what she (Usagi) feels like is her destiny. To be fair, Usagi did have a "crush" on him when he was in his Tuxedo Mask form, but it seems more like she's just a young teenage girl who thinks some guy is handsome and has a dumb, pointless crush on him. A crush, not love, and a pointless crush at that.
Then, Seiya comes along. Their relationship is amazing! Seiya is obviously in love with her (it's canon) and falls for Usagi - not Sailor Moon, and not Serenity. Usagi. And then Usagi's feelings: she genuinely falls for Seiya because she actually loves her (yes, Seiya is canonically a woman, get over it). Also, in the manga (the original story, which was actually made by the author - please read it, the anime changes it so much), Seiya kisses Usagi on the lips, and guess what Usagi does? Grins and smiles happily. She enjoyed Seiya kissing her!
Mamoru doesn't seem to care much for Usagi (in the manga, he went so far as to call her a spoiled brat), and even if he does, he's a huge ass! He's sexist and homophobic, and just annoying! Also, MamoUsa is a problematic ship. It's wrong. When they start dating, Mamoru is in his very early twenties (about 21, I think), and Usagi is fourteen. How can you ship that?! Just because Usagi and Mamoru were together in their past life doesn't mean they have to be together now. Seiya is actually about Usagi's age (she was in Usagi's classroom)! This ship is adorable and perfect!
They're like opposites toward each other!
Basically the same thing as Usagi and Mamoru, but Tuxedo Mask always comes to save Sailor Moon. It just shows how much he cares about her.
I love them together! I hate how the anime took away their relationship.
Why aren't they a couple in the anime?
I don't know why, but I always love this couple. The story never "highlighted" the Jadeite character like all the other Dark Kingdom generals (Nephrite, Zoisite, and Kunzite have more complex characters), so I don't know why I like Jadeite. I probably love Rei and Jadeite together for unknown reasons.
Just because... Also, I feel sorry for Minako because she doesn't have anyone.
I love this couple because of how they bonded slowly in the anime over time. They had real development, and Helios is so affectionate with Chibiusa. It's adorable.
Can't help but root for them.
I think this one would work out. I see a good connection between the two, and Pegasus was always there for Chibiusa when she needed him in her dreams.
Obviously, they love each other. Did you see how Pegasus was blushing when Chibiusa was changing?