Top Ten Best Chillstep Tracks

Chillout and dubstep are normally thought of as two separate entities, but the combination truly works. It's a beautiful and haunting sound when done right, however, it is hard to pick out the really good ones, so, despite everything, I did my best here.
The Top Ten
1 Electus - Fallen

This is by far the chillstep piece which speaks to me the most. The thought-provoking and haunting monologue, along with dark and truly fetching celestial vocals, and that soothing bass which massages your brain from the inside. I will never abandon this simple track which sticks into your mind, because it sticks in for good.

Chillstep is the best genre.

So cool! It is very amazing.

2 Shelter (Owsey Remix) - Birdy

Owsey turned an already good folk song into a sublime chillout drop. Amazingly done.

3 Breathe (Chillstep Mix) - Fred

I found myself another good electronic genre. I thought I would never find any more better electronic genres.

4 Save Me - Electus
5 A World Of Peace - Jacoo

This tells you a horrible truth about the world, but gets your hope through it amazingly.

6 Might Be - Systremo
7 Oh That I Had - Ruby Frost and Mt. Eden
8 Empathy - Klrx & Kaj.
9 Peace of Mind - Electus
10 Black and Blue - LuQus

Playing this as I make this list. What stress?

The Contenders
11 Blackmill - Rain
12 Walking - Chris Roze
13 Blackmill - One
14 Electus - Save Me
15 Lucid Truth - Blackmill
16 Evil Beauty - Blackmill
17 In The Night Of Wilderness - Blackmill
18 Jacoo - Cosmos
19 Electus - Temple of Light
20 Let it Be - Blackmill
21 Metaphysics - Electus
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