Top 10 Best Marvel Superheroes
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He is not perfect by any means. He has made mistakes and very bad choices. But that is why he deserves to be where he is, at the top of the list. The reason being, Spider-Man makes mistakes, showing human nature and making him a character you can relate with. Even though he makes mistakes, he makes the right choices where it really counts, cementing him in the roster of superheroes and as someone you can look up to.
There are so many examples of heroes who make the right choices as well, but they just are not as relatable as people. Take Superman, for example. He is a perfect superhero but also a person who makes very few mistakes, which is not human nature. Spider-Man by no means is the fastest, strongest, or smartest hero of all time, but he is the most relatable of them all. This makes him the hero that most people want to look up to and compare themselves with - a man who makes wrong choices, goes through the same problems as most people, but does what is right when it really counts.

Okay, I've read all the comments on all the heroes, and I have to say that this is just my opinion. What I love about Iron Man is his personality, which I absolutely adore. He's witty 24/7, always has a comeback for any insult, and can still crack a joke even when he's in dire straits.
His character development is absolutely marvelous. He went from being a self-obsessed, arrogant CEO of a weapons industry to a loving human being willing to save the world at any cost. Sure, he still has his flaws, like sometimes being blinded by his ego, but I love that about him too. I know most comments focus on how strong and powerful Iron Man is, and how he's better than all the other heroes. However, I just want to say that Tony Stark is my favorite character. It's not because of his cool suit, his billions, or his leadership of the Avengers. It's because he's himself.

It's not his superpowers that make him the best. It's his heart. He never gives up, even when the odds are stacked against him. Take the Winter Soldier, for example. Even though he was going against three stinking Helicarriers, knew the Winter Soldier was Bucky, and was facing Hydra, he still wouldn't give up.
Not only that, in Civil War he didn't care what people thought. He did what he thought was right. He's probably the biggest underdog in superhero history, going from being a skimpy soldier denied entry into the military to becoming the strongest soldier alive. He's got heart, kid.

After I became a major fan of Hugh Jackman's irreplaceable Wolverine, I began reading his comics and watching animated series of this character. Now Wolverine is my number one favorite Marvel superhero! He takes it from nobody.
No matter how big, no matter how fast, no matter how strong, no matter how dangerous, no matter how sly, no matter how deadly, Wolverine will always stand to fight for the greater good, even if he doesn't think he is. His powers are so cool. He has a rapid healing factor, retractable claws that can cut through anything, and his low and dark voice is what makes him awesome! Seriously, this character is one of the reasons I like Marvel!

Hulk is the best hero out there - well, anti-hero. He is not only immortal, but he is also cooler than any hero on this list. Captain America is boring, and as Ultron said, "The most powerful metal on earth and they used it to make a frisbee." Hulk just uses himself as a shield.
Iron Man is just a douche. Spider-Man is actually pretty alright in terms of story, character, and powers, but number one? Really? Hulk is overall the best, and anything that tries to take him on will lose. Sorry, people, but you are wrong. This is my opinion.

Personally, I do think Thor could beat Wonder Woman, especially with Stormbreaker, but it would probably be the closest fight in history. Thor definitely cannot beat Superman head-on, but if he surprised him and used his magic lightning (Superman's weakness) enough, then he may have a chance.
He could take Superman head-on with the help of Iron Man, Hulk, and Doctor Strange.
I'm not sure why a "GOD" isn't at the top of this list. I don't care what powers any of the previous six have. Most were man-made. Thor was not given anything nor did he have an accident. He was born a "GOD." Therefore, Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Captain America, along with these silly teenagers who think Spider-Man is the best, should kneel before Odin's son!

Deadpool is the best because his healing factor is superior to any other hero's, considering he can reattach limbs. His fighting skills rival most, and his arsenal could take down many heroes - Spiderman, for instance. Moreover, his wit is unbeatable.
When it comes down to it, he could beat just about anyone by healing from their attacks while continuing to attack them. Eventually, one of his bullets will be deadly.
Deadpool is number 1. I mean, just look at him. Do you know anyone more awesome than him? He is the best. THE BEST. Do you understand? He is immune to psychic attacks, almost immortal, and even has a magic satchel - kind of like Doraemon's 4th-dimensional pocket - in which he can put a tank.
He is awesome. Did I mention that he's awesome? I'm sorry, but he's so awesome that I can't stop saying it. He is the awesomest of the heroes. He is number 1! Thank you.

The Batman of Marvel, Matt Murdock is one of the greatest superheroes in history. His origin rivals those of Spider-Man and Batman. A tragic past involving his father's death at the hands of gangsters gives Matt Murdock the incentive to take up the mantle as the "Man Without Fear." He is undoubtedly the most human character in Marvel.
It is incredible that he is blind, and his rivalry with Kingpin and Bullseye is one of the greatest of all time. Thanks to Stan Lee and Frank Miller, we have one of the greatest superheroes ever. He is the dark avenger of Hell's Kitchen and is incredibly skilled at fighting. I consider Daredevil and Spider-Man the twins of Marvel because they both debuted around the same time and are both massive fan favorites. I love Daredevil!

He is the coolest superhero! I bet he could even beat Phoenix. Well, actually, you can't because she can come back to life with the power of the Phoenix, but never mind that. He is invincible and should totally be number one on this list for everyone to see the most powerful one first.
He can phase through any villain's attacks, not get hurt by anything, and take someone by the arms and whisk them away at supersonic speed without killing them. Basically, he can beat anyone. Sure, he doesn't have the best team or backstory. Actually, now that I think of it, he doesn't have a team. He's only by himself. Never mind, the point is, he is so cool! Anyway, have a nice day, everyone.

I like how badass Black Widow is and how she embodies girl power. However, I don't like how she is into boys so much. She kisses Captain America, flirts with Tony Stark, and according to the comics, she even has a sex tape with him.
In The Avengers, you feel like she and Hawkeye have something between them. Then, in Age of Ultron, she kisses Bruce and flirts with him!
How is it that the top ten best superheroes in Marvel are all male? Maybe it's just me, but people are kind of being lame about Natasha Romanoff as the only female founding Avenger. She may not possess superpowers, but she's incredibly smart, fast, flexible, and able to adapt in an instant. Come on - she should be at least in the top five.
The Newcomers

I am Groot! This guy is awesome. He can kill the Hulk. However crazy this sounds, it is true!
He can make light, grow, or spread into different forms and loves his friends.
He is a talking tree. He can stick his fingers up hundreds of people's noses and then destroy their brains. So cool. "I am Groot."

This awesome hero should at least be in the top 10! I know he's not as iconic as a lot of heroes before him on this list, but when the character is played by Jon Bernthal in a Netflix series, you're doing something right. Heck, the Punisher replaced Daredevil as a main character, and the show is called DAREDEVIL!
The Punisher should be ranked higher. He literally killed Spider-Man in one comic, no joke! He opts to kill or severely beat criminals rather than sending them to jail, preventing them from returning to wreak havoc.

Hawkeye has no special suit, powers, or super-soldier serum. He has training, skill, intelligence, and the courage to stand up and fight for others, even when he is feeling vulnerable. Look at how he got straight into the Battle of New York just after he'd been recovered from Loki's possession/control.
He stands on a roof alone, with no backup for himself, providing backup for the others during the Battle of New York. He is probably the bravest of all of them.
He's an underrated, down-to-earth guy. Calm and cool in the face of danger, he is a human capable of being a hero like Iron Man or Captain America. Sure, he uses a bow and arrow, but he's also an ex-Carrier and ex-S.H.I.E.L.D agent. He can turn anything into a weapon with his perfect aim.
He serves as a reminder that the Avengers are human under all their masks and powers. He is the connection to humanity and reminds the Avengers what they're fighting for.

Come on, MCU! All this Vibranium and no Black Panther? Cap's shield, Winter Soldier's arm, and Falcon's wings are all made of Vibranium. And Ultron is next? Please. If the Panther doesn't show up soon (in Cap 2), I'm going to feel it's intentional.
That's not very cool, Marvel. You want to be more international? You want to hear a roar or a standing ovation in theaters? Let the Panther show up in Cap 2, or soon. It will make the net explode! Please!
Black Panther is a beast! He is always equipped with Vibranium, making his armor incredibly durable, similar to Iron Man. However, Black Panther's armor is far stronger! He is my favorite Marvel character, and I'd love to meet him.

Rocket is undoubtedly the best Marvel hero of all time. He stars in my favorite movie, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, and he provides many funny moments in both films. He is awesome! I also love Baby Groot, Drax, Yondu, Mantis, and of course, Star-Lord. But Rocket is my all-time favorite.
I think Rocket is underestimated in terms of his abilities. He is just so intelligent but sadly overshadowed by characters like Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, and Peter Parker. He has also been through it all but still gets hate for being selfish and cocky.
How would you be emotionally if you had been through what he had been through?

He is intelligent, skilled, coordinated, loyal, brave, and strong. In my opinion, he is underrated and overshadowed by other powerful characters like Wanda/Scarlet Witch, Carol/Captain Marvel, and Thor Odinson. He has had amazing character development, and the character doesn't deserve the hate surrounding him not being worthy of the role of Sorcerer Supreme.
His fights with Dormammu and Thanos should surely settle the debate about whether or not he is worthy. He has come a long way from being an arrogant (and relatable) neurosurgeon to being a selfless and skilled sorcerer.

Marvel has recently portrayed him more as a hero, or at least an anti-hero. I personally prefer him as a villain, but it's inaccurate to criticize someone for including him on this list. Perhaps they could have specified by mentioning Agent Venom.
Eddie has been more of an antihero for most of his history, whether as Venom, Toxin, or Anti-Venom. Therefore, his inclusion on this list makes total sense.
Why is Spider-Man at the top, but Venom is not? Venom is so much better. He may not be smarter, but he is at least better than Captain America.

Who the hell thinks that Silver Surfer or Punisher (whoever he is) are better than Ghost Rider? I'll track them down like Ghost Rider and then Hulk Smash them. (Just kidding, but seriously, who thinks they're better than him?)
Ghost Rider should have a higher place on this list. I mean, come on! He's a flaming skull-headed biker! Who doesn't think that's cool?
Brilliant character. Completely underrated. Soon enough, I'd like to see him featured in a film, with better casting, etc. Honest to God, every hero in Marvel is scared of him. They know so little about him, and he possesses so much power that he is arguably the most powerful hero in Marvel.
He is an embodiment of vengeance that avenges the innocent. Cool bike, cool name, cool image, and cool catchphrases.

Some people give this amazing guy a bad rap for what happened in Infinity War. But when you think about it, Star-Lord's emotions just exploded when he punched Thanos. It began when his mom died, then he killed his dad.
Then, in the beginning of Infinity War, his whole crew is mentioning how he's fat, which is really hard to hold back on. It seemed like the only person who really cared and loved him was Gamora. But when she got murdered by Thanos, our beloved hero had no one left. This guy deserves better.
Star-Lord is undoubtedly the coolest superhero. Half God, half human, he has the rare ability to hold an Infinity Stone, unlike mere mortals like Iron Man. Additionally, he has the best taste in music of any hero. A ranking of 18 is way too low for this legend.

Ant-Man deserves to be the best Marvel hero. His background as a character is realistic enough, but it still makes him incredibly relatable. He didn't have that "my parents died" cliché, nor did he have a perfectly happy life. Scott Lang lost his family's trust because of his own mistakes and managed to overcome them in the first movie by sacrificing himself for his daughter.
He started out as a loser and became a great superhero. That's what I call great character development.
The 2015 Ant-Man movie is one of the best Marvel movies I have ever seen. It is heartwarming, full of action, and innovative. Besides Iron Man, it's admirable to see another streetwise character. And kudos to Hank Pym for designing the suit.

The best thing about The Thing is that he's not indestructible like the Hulk. He may not have the best attributes of all the team members, but he has the biggest heart and shows more determination than anyone else.
Ben Grimm has a heroic personality and heart to go along with his powers.
He was in the Spider-Man comics as well.

Iron Fist isn't very well-known, but he is still cool. However, if he fought Thanos, I feel like he would not survive. He struggles against drug corporations while the Avengers could easily handle such challenges. But that's his role. The Avengers are there to protect the world from annihilation.
Iron Fist might not be a well-known character, but he is finally getting recognition. He's featured in the Marvel vs. Capcom games, starred in Earth's Mightiest Heroes: Avengers, and played a major role in the New Avengers comic. He is the best fighter in the Marvel universe.

Storm is one of the most spectacular superheroes ever. She has cool powers, but that's not all. It's who she is. She's amazingly complex in a way that has yet to translate well on the big screen.
I love her in her original version. I love her as a punk after meeting Yukio. I love her return to her roots, and I love her as she is now. I love her with powers, and I love her without. I love her as a leader, a warrior, a lover, a queen. She's iconic. She's powerful. She's breathtakingly wonderful. I consider her one of the best superheroes of all time.

Jean Grey and The Wolverine are my two favorite Marvel characters. Jean Grey should be in the top 15, and The Wolverine should be number one. I like Jean Grey because of her telepathic and telekinesis powers. She is kind and nurturing, and her backstory is tragic.
She should switch places with the Silver Surfer. The Silver Surfer isn't really a cool superhero.
Jean Grey killed Cyclops. That is some amazing stuff because Cyclops shoots lasers. However, it's sad because I liked Cyclops. Come on, MARVEL! Cyclops isn't evil.

One "hot" superhero, don't you think? Fire for a superpower is one nice ability. He should at least be number 10. "Flame On!"
I love the Torch. He is also Marvel's first hero. He is too underrated. Top 10 at least.
He can burn Captain America and Iron Man as easily as a piece of cake.