Best Marvel Comics Villains

Loki was weak sauce until the MCU came out. Dr. Doom is the best villain ever. Even Darth Vader was inspired by him. He owns his own country, mastered technology and magic, and became an enemy of the Fantastic Four, the Avengers, Iron Man, Dr. Strange, and everyone in the world. He stole powers from the most powerful beings in the universe like it's nothing.
There is no other villain that deserves the number one spot other than our very own Doctor Doom. He is a timeless favorite that everyone enjoys. Who doesn't like him?

Literally my favorite. I didn't even bother voting for anyone else because he is the only villain I like. He deserves to be number one. Period.
How is he not number one?! Loki is so cool and one of the most loved Marvel hero/villains. He's not only strong, but he's clever and quick-thinking. Also, he's funny. Like with the "Get help!" scene in Thor: Ragnarok, where Thor is holding Loki and saying, "Get help! Get help! My brother is dying! Get help!" And then on the last "get help," he throws Loki onto the guards.
Quick list of Thor's weapons that he likes and dislikes:
Mjolnir (his hammer): DISLIKE
Stormbreaker (his axe in Infinity War): DISLIKE
Lightning powers: DISLIKE
Loki: LIKE

This was really hard for me. I kept going back and forth between Magneto, Green Goblin, and Doctor Doom. Spider-Man is my favorite character of all time, so I was a little biased towards the Goblin. But after thinking about it for a while, Magneto just came out on top.
First of all, he's as powerful as heck. He can move the earth, pull down meteors from the sky, and not to mention he also has an army of mutants to back him up. But he's also relatable. He just wants mutants to have better lives. Sure, he wants to murder people, but he's a supervillain. That's what they do.

He may not be the meanest or the most unpleasant personality-wise, but Thanos is pure evil incarnate. He killed half of everyone in the universe using the Infinity Gauntlet, beat the devil himself into submission, worked as a space pirate, impregnated and abandoned many women, and then returned later to hunt down and murder his numerous children. He has slaughtered millions of his own people, caused a nuclear disaster on his home planet, killed his mother, and has killed more people than every other villain on this list combined.
The Green Goblin may be nasty, and Venom is a cancerous monster, but Thanos stands among all as the physical harbinger of Death, something nobody else can claim. Thanos is number one.

The BEST Marvel Comics villain. I understand why Loki is higher, but Venom definitely deserves his spot at #2.
Venom is only cool because he fights the best Marvel superhero. Otherwise, he is just black goop.
Venom is the coolest villain. He has the same powers as Spider-Man. And Spider-Man is the best superhero.

Several reasons he's number 1 material. First, Harry's father. Second, he killed his first girlfriend. Third, he got his girlfriend pregnant. Fourth, he nearly killed him. Fifth, he's a badass.
Green Goblin should be #2. He killed Spider-Man's first girlfriend, Gwen Stacy.

Best villain for various reasons. First and foremost, because he's an actual villain and not an anti-hero. Additionally, he holds no sentimental attachments but rather a strong, feral mindscape and a philosophy of spreading chaos and brutality. His sheer ferocious behavior, coupled with his psychological warfare, makes him the Joker of the Spider-Man universe.
Furthermore, he's more sinister and cunning than meets the eye. In "Mind Bomb," he portrays how he sees the world, a sight of grisly yet honest reality, which kills the examiner. By far, he is the most powerfully compelling and dramatically captivating villain.
If all that isn't enough, he's got a fundamentally awesome design and fighting maneuvers.

"I had strings, but now I'm free... There are no strings on me..."
I just LOVE Ultron. He's such a cool character, and it's so interesting how he was made to be a peacekeeping program meant to help the Avengers (I literally quoted Ultron there) and then he turned bad. It was AMAZING.
I love how he is so powerful, yet he talks so casually. It is also cool how he half created a living organism. He is so cool but deserves a higher rank, you know?
Let's see here - indestructible, always returns, several near-successful attempts on Earth, created my second favorite hero, has the durability and firepower to annihilate the FF, the Avengers, and the X-Men. Oh man, I love Kang, but Ultron rules.

Did you see what happened when he fought Thanos? Thanos was literally begging for his life! Ugh! Number ten? What a disgrace! He deserves to be number one! Herald of Galactus right here!
Very powerful. The most powerful character in all of comic books.
As far as ability goes, Galactus is the best.

Because he is, technically speaking, the first supervillain in the MCU. Besides, he makes a cameo in Infinity War. What's not to love? Especially considering his roots were based on a real-life bad guy.
Everyone hates this guy: Captain America, the Avengers, Magneto, and even the Joker in a Marvel/DC crossover. He's evil incarnate, even more so than edgy boy Carnage.
Red Skull is the first villain in history and yet is still alive in the present.
The Newcomers

He can at least be top 3 because he can kill Loki, Doom, Venom, and Goblin with illusions.

Doc Ock is fantastic, and the way Alfred Molina played him is the best part of Spider-Man 2.

She was a cool villain to see in both comics and movies. The way she's always switching sides and plays by her own rules is freaking cool.
Mystique is sexy and knows how to get through any situation. I mean, she's got skills like Black Widow of the Avengers.
Why is she not in the top five? At least.

Awesome how he notices that he is a comic book character!
For everyone wondering why Deadpool is on here, he was originally a villain in the first couple of comics he was in.
He copied Slade Wilson from DC, the Deathstroke guy. That's evil.

This guy is great. He can crumple Iron Man like a piece of paper.

Juggernaut is better than Hulk because he can't die!
Juggernaut is stronger than Hulk, enough said.