Top 10 Best DC Comics Superheroes
The DC Universe is overflowing with legendary heroes, each with their own unique powers, fascinating backstories, and epic adventures. We're talking icons like the brooding Batman, the Amazonian warrior princess Wonder Woman, and the blazing-fast Flash. But which ones reign supreme?Maybe you're drawn to those with extraordinary abilities, or perhaps it's the complex characters with troubled pasts that you admire most. Maybe you have a soft spot for those lesser-known heroes who truly deserve a moment in the spotlight.

Superman has already grown into the superhero we know and love. There is also a difference between interesting and best. Batman has had a lot more progress and possesses traits and experiences we all have as human beings.
His rogues gallery has helped him learn different lessons and become a better hero.
Not even a competition. Batman is the best hero in DC by a long shot. He doesn't even need powers (although one could argue his strategic genius is a power) to take on anyone who stands in his way, whether that's Joker or someone as powerful as Superman. He can take them all down.

I think Superman should get first place because he's not as egotistical as Batman. He may not be rich, but he has a lot of heart. He sets an example for the American way and is a leader to all. Superman also uses his powers not to kill criminals but to peacefully restrain them.
The pillar by which every other hero has been created. Not only the first superhero but also the most influential and important still to this day. So whether he's your favorite or not, you can't argue he's easily the best of them.

Barry Allen, a.k.a. The Flash, is the best DC superhero! He can run at super speed, throw lightning from the energy he creates when he runs, and he has a team of his own. He leans on others to help him.
But powers aside, he has an incredible heart! He is always trying to convince people that they can do better and be good people. I would say he's a great role model!
The Flash has always been my favorite superhero. It does not matter if it's Barry or Wally, although I do like Barry more. By far the fastest superhero ever created.
I do see comments about Batman saying because he's BATMAN, but I think the best one would be because SPEED FORCE.

Wonder Woman is iconic! She's also an inspiring role model for all females. She is one of my favorite DC heroes. I admire her martial arts skills, her super strength (like Superman), and her wisdom beyond her years.
She is awesome!
She should be third because she is in the Trinity, the three most well-known or most powerful DC superheroes. That alone makes her third, but the fact that she has the power of gods elevates her even further.
She is the best superhero ever. She should be at the top of this list. Her movie was the best.

Green Lantern is the best DC superhero for me. When I started reading a Green Lantern comic, I first chose to read Geoff Johns' run, and oh my God, I just fell in love with the story and how the powers work. Hal Jordan is the character I'm most interested in and the most enjoyable character to read. He is already my favorite superhero of all time.
It's really sad how DC animated movies (with the Justice League in them) treat the Green Lantern character, especially Hal Jordan. They make him look weak, dumb, and childish all the time, which is not true for his character at all. Hal Jordan is not a stupid person. He is clever and a fast thinker. Hal is not weak. He can be really powerful if he wants to be (he has the greatest willpower of all the Green Lanterns, which makes him the most powerful of them all). He may be stubborn and reckless sometimes, but he has his own way of being a hero. It's not that he is irresponsible. He did what he thought was right and was always ready to face the consequences of his actions. He is a funny guy but not goofy, and he can be intimidating when the situation gets serious.
The Green Lantern live-action movie in 2011 just made it worse. Now some people think Green Lantern is a lame and boring hero. I hope someone at DC can do justice to Green Lantern in a major medium, especially Hal Jordan (just because he is my favorite, haha, sorry).

Nightwing has managed to be the leader of the Outsiders, Teen Titans, and for a short time, the Justice League itself. So he definitely deserves to be higher on this list.
Nightwing is the best comic character. I don't know why they are still treating him as a sidekick. He is smart, strong, and cool. He deserves his own separate movie without the Teen Titans or Justice League. Only Nightwing.
Nightwing is confirmed to be the best acrobat in the DC universe. He's smart, skilled, and resourceful, as well as having a great, funny, and optimistic personality to boot!

Aquaman is awesome and should be at the top. Batman's not that interesting. He's only good because of his rogues' gallery. Who gives a crap about Nightwing? Green Arrow is DC's crappier Hawkeye. Wonder Woman is cool, third behind Shazam, who should be second. Green Lantern is boring. Flash would be my fourth. He's okay. Superman is way too perfect and overpowered, so that leaves Aquaman, the badass, super strong guy, played by Jason Momoa, who could probably control Cthulhu if he wanted to.
Seven?! Seriously?!
He is debatably the most qualified to lead the league due to his ability to lead the biggest kingdom in the world. He has super strength, super speed, an impenetrable magic trident, and the ability to command all sea creatures. He commands 70% of the Earth, is one of the smarter league members, kills enemies if completely necessary, and has a kickass wife/girlfriend.
There is no reason he shouldn't be at least in the top five.

Captain Marvel/Shazam has knocked out Superman with one punch. He is a beast and deserves more credit when it comes to superheroes.
Billy Batson looks like a defenseless little kid, but when he says the word, he is as powerful as a god.
Although he is a kid before saying the word Shazam, he has enough skills to defeat Batman.

Wow. So glad I'm not the only one who likes him because of the show.
Now, with the show Arrow, he has become my favorite hero. He can also best Batman at everything (except for saying "I'm Batman").
Love the comics, love the show. Still waiting for a movie though.

My favorite is Batman, but I'm casting my vote for J'onn purely because he deserves to be higher. He has an amazing storyline, abilities, and a great character arc, making him a truly underrated character. He's also kind of important historically since he was in a sense the first non-white superhero.
He is more powerful than Superman and was a member of the Justice League. I don't know why he was removed from the original in the New 52, but that is beside the point. He is awesome and deserves more than ninth place!
He has been my favorite DC character since I started reading comics more than 50 years ago.
The Newcomers

Cyborg needs more love! He is my favorite DC superhero of all time!

Well, she should be right after Batman (Batman may be the symbol of DC). She is very cool, special, and powerful as a demon-human hybrid. Best heroine ever!
She really should be higher up on the list. She's awesome.

Hawkman should be in the top 5. There are countless stories from the Hawks' past at your fingertips, and the brain trust at DC remains clueless, determined to shove more Bats and Supes down our throats. If Jack The King Kirby were still alive, there would be hope!
History, weapons, wings, badass take-no-prisoners attitude, and the sexiest superheroine at his side! What's not to like?!
Unsung hero of DC comics, slowly making a comeback.

Supergirl is number one. Kara can win any fight, plus she's very pretty!
Supergirl is the best among all superheroes. She should be number one.

He is literally the perfect combination of the light of Superman and the dark of Batman.

He should get a standalone movie. Maybe use Ben Kingsley? That could work.

Definitely one of the most underrated superheroes. I mean, he can travel back in time and stop anything before it actually happens. He's my favorite DC superhero, and I think he deserves his own movie.

More like an anti-hero. Does she count as a superhero?

Catwoman has been featured in many media adaptations related to Batman. Actresses Julie Newmar, Lee Meriwether, and Eartha Kitt introduced her to... read more
Catwoman is a badass! She deserves more credit than she gets! Anne Hathaway was an incredible Catwoman.